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Topic: quotes..i expect feedback..
Fri 02/08/08 09:01 AM
To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
From 'The Importance of Being Earnest' 1895.

"I can resist everything except temptation."
From 'Lady Windemere's Fan' 1892.

"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."
From 'Lady Windemere's Fan' 1892.

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
From 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' 1891.

"It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But... it is better to be good than to be ugly."
From 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' 1891.

"Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people."
From 'Sebastian Melmoth' 1891.

"The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable."
From 'A Woman of No Importance' 1893.

"I have nothing to declare except my genuis."

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."

Joni321's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:06 AM
I'm not sure what your looking for, I have a quote that my sister who is now passed away use to say about the men who broke our hearts.

F**k him we know he's no good. Or F**k him and the horse he rode in on. Dawna R. From years of experience.

Fri 02/08/08 09:07 AM

I'm not sure what your looking for, I have a quote that my sister who is now passed away use to say about the men who broke our hearts.

F**k him we know he's no good. Or F**k him and the horse he rode in on. Dawna R. From years of experience.

thanks..for the quote...i am now add it to my quotes list..and so like it..have a nice day:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:13 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Joni321's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:14 AM
Thanks! My sis was a very wise woman and the matriarch of our family. The oldest and wisest of 11 kids. You have a great day yourself sweetie.

bad_girl's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:14 AM
laugh laugh

I'm not sure what your looking for, I have a quote that my sister who is now passed away use to say about the men who broke our hearts.

F**k him we know he's no good. Or F**k him and the horse he rode in on. Dawna R. From years of experience.

kfab's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:15 AM
If at first you don't scucced try try again not sure who said it though

no photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:18 AM
A woman drove me to drink and I never got to thank her for it!!!! I always carry a whiskey flask in case of snake bite... thats also why I carry a snake!!! W.C. Fields

polaritybear's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:23 AM
Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart. Anne Frank

CharlieBrawJR's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:23 AM
"Being grown up, isn't half as fun as growing up" - The Ataris

no photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:27 AM
"Professor, you are an expert in something you have never done". Florida state senator Smith to a univeristy of florida professor who was testifing on his experience with theoretical models.

Fri 02/08/08 09:27 AM

A woman drove me to drink and I never got to thank her for it!!!! I always carry a whiskey flask in case of snake bite... thats also why I carry a snake!!! W.C. Fields

laugh laugh laugh

lynn83's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:39 AM
I was talking to a friend, about her newly ex at the time, when she said to me (about him) "He's like a roller coster, fun to ride but makes you wanna throw up when you get off." I've always liked it.

Wiccancowboy's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:41 AM
"Fear not Death for it is the only thing guarenteed in life"


Just_Say_When's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:46 AM

To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
From 'The Importance of Being Earnest' 1895.
If you lost them at the mall! grumble

"I can resist everything except temptation."
From 'Lady Windemere's Fan' 1892.
huh ANYTHING you would have to resist would be a temptation.

"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."
From 'Lady Windemere's Fan' 1892.
laugh I have A LOT of experience!laugh

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
From 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' 1891.
...if you're vain...

"It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But... it is better to be good than to be ugly."
From 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' 1891.
laugh This is just funny!laugh

"Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people."
From 'Sebastian Melmoth' 1891.
indifferent 1891 huh? I think we are experiencing this at this very momentgrumble

"The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable."
From 'A Woman of No Importance' 1893.
Sounds like someone with male/female issues!laugh

"I have nothing to declare except my genuis."
I think this is MY quote! happy

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."
Hell yeah! Happy Friday! flowerforyou

Just_Say_When's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:49 AM

If at first you don't scucced try try again not sure who said it though

"If at first you don't succeed, try not to suck next time." happy By: Me happy

KeepingTheFaith's photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:50 AM
A few of my favorites.....

"If 'A' is a success in life, then A = x + y + z. Work is x; y is play, and z is keeping your mouth shut." (Albert Einstein, 1879-1955, Bavarian-Jewish-born Swiss-American Physicist and seminal thinker about the universe, in one of his lighter moments.)

"I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles overcome while trying to succeed." (Booker T Washington, 1856-1915, American Educator and African-American spokesman

"It's not the critic who counts, not the one who points out how the strong man stumbled or how the doer of deeds might have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred with the sweat and dust and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes up short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends himself in a worthy cause and who, at best knows the triumph of high achievement and who at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." (Theodore Roosevelt, 1858-1919, 26th US President and 1906 Nobel Peace Prize-winner.)


"When I'm good I'm very, very good, but when I'm bad, I'm better. "
Mae West devil

no photo
Fri 02/08/08 09:55 AM

To lose one parent may be regarded as a misfortune; to lose both looks like carelessness."
From 'The Importance of Being Earnest' 1895.

"I can resist everything except temptation."
From 'Lady Windemere's Fan' 1892.

"Experience is the name every one gives to their mistakes."
From 'Lady Windemere's Fan' 1892.

"There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about."
From 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' 1891.

"It is better to be beautiful than to be good. But... it is better to be good than to be ugly."
From 'The Picture of Dorian Gray' 1891.

"Democracy means simply the bludgeoning of the people by the people for the people."
From 'Sebastian Melmoth' 1891.

"The English country gentleman galloping after a fox - The unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable."
From 'A Woman of No Importance' 1893.

"I have nothing to declare except my genuis."

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes."

Oscar Wilde was the master of the pithy quote.

Fri 02/08/08 10:02 AM

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 02/08/08 10:14 AM
sure you can talk to me, but where will i hide the barf? <--happy bunny

Some people are like slinkys... not really good for anything but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs. <-- Chris Nolan

i LOVE these lol

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