Topic: accidental bonding
no photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:45 AM
A man and a woman were involved in a terrible car accident and both cars were totaled. They climbed from the wreckage and the woman stood in awe. "Our cars are demolished, yet we walk unharmed. This must be a sign from God that we are to be best friends for the rest of our lives," she spoke wisely.
"I agree completely, ma'am," the man replied.

The woman stepped closer to examine the damage and noticed something shiny within her car. Reaching in, she pulled out an unbroken bottle. "This bottle of wine wasn't even cracked. I think this is another sign that we are to drink a toast to our new friendship."

"That's a great idea, miss," the man answered taking the bottle from her. He popped the cork and drank his share.

"I'm sorry. How rude of me. Would you like some?"

"No, thanks," came the reply. "I'll just wait for the cops to get here."

davidben1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:55 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

jay8807's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:55 AM
laugh laugh smokin drinker

davidben1's photo
Fri 02/08/08 12:56 AM
sorry, was away, very funny girl...good one

jimd_mp's photo
Fri 02/08/08 05:17 AM
laugh laugh laugh LMAO drinker drinker drinker

franshade's photo
Fri 02/08/08 06:01 AM
laugh laugh laugh

GuideHenri's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:34 AM
Brilliant laugh laugh laugh

MariJane63's photo
Fri 02/08/08 07:37 AM
laugh laugh laugh