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Topic: Did God create evil?
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Fri 03/14/08 03:59 PM

First define evil,

in a society evil is anything that is against the law
in religion evil is anything that is not the God
when there is no society or religion or if one choose not to acknowledge those rules of laws then what is define as being evil is in the mind of the beholder

and if everyone can agree on the definition of evil then define God.

a God is a perfect being because it neither "want" or "need" therefore any being that has a "need" to create lesser creature than itself because it "wants" to be worship is not a God but just more powerful and/or clever than those that consider it to be a God

It assumes there is a creator god and it assumes that god is perfect and it assumes that there is something called "evil." and it makes the assumption that evil is bad. Thats a lot of assumptions.

all beliefs if anything are nothing but assumption or rumor

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Sat 03/15/08 04:57 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 03/15/08 05:00 PM

in a society evil is anything that is against the law

Too general. I committed evil because I do not wear my seat belt and I ran a stop sign? Or does that mean that I am evil?

in religion evil is anything that is not the God

Huh? I don't understand this statement.

when there is no society or religion or if one choose not to acknowledge those rules of laws then what is define as being evil is in the mind of the beholder

Oh. I thought that was "beauty." Silly me.

Jeanniebean asked:
and if everyone can agree on the definition of evil then define God.

a God is a perfect being because it neither "want" or "need"

who told you that? and how would you know that, or why do you think that?

therefore any being that has a "need" to create lesser creature than itself because it "wants" to be worship is not a God but just more powerful and/or clever than those that consider it to be a God

This above statement assumes that the reason for creation of "lesser beings" is that the god wanted to be worshiped. Which egotistical god are you referring to here? Some people think that the creators were aliens who wanted slaves, then decided they wanted to be thought of as gods. There were many gods.

It assumes there is a creator god and it assumes that god is perfect and it assumes that there is something called "evil." and it makes the assumption that evil is bad. Thats a lot of assumptions.

all beliefs if anything are nothing but assumption or rumor

Agreed. Everything is just opinion.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:03 PM

all beliefs if anything are nothing but assumption or rumor

I don't believe that. laugh

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Sat 03/15/08 05:15 PM

all beliefs if anything are nothing but assumption or rumor

I don't believe that. laugh

Why not? Tell me of a belief that is more than an opinion?
Is assumption and rumor different than an opinion in this case?

Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:18 PM
If the bible or books "from" the gods are any guide, they name the evils of the world. Name them supposedly from god. So if they are named by the god who wrote the books, god created evil.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:29 PM

Well, originally I posted that as a joke, but I do believe there is some truth to it.

Why not? Tell me of a belief that is more than an opinion?

I believe that all objects that have a property of mass warp the spacetime around them and there attract other objects that have mass to them.

I believe this to be true and not just opinion because,…

Observations and experience shows that this always occurs in every situation, and not only does it occur, but it occurs with such precision that it can even be described mathematically and it behave precisely according to these laws without fail.

I also believe this to be absolutely true, because no one in all of history (with any credibility) has ever shown evidence to the contrary. And everyone who has any credibility at all is all in perfect consensus that this is what they have also observed to be the case. Moreover, I’ve made observations and have done precise measurements of my own and everything I’ve witnessed thus far is in complete agreement with this “belief”.

Does that mean that the universe will always behave this way? No. But that’s not what I believe. I believe that it has shown a consistent behavior for many eons, (based on astronomical observations) and therefore has at least behaved this way with extreme precision for billions of years.

I would not consider this to be a mere opinion or rumor.

Is assumption and rumor different than an opinion in this case?

Opinions may or may not be based on assumption and rumor. That all depends on the person who is offering the opinion. bigsmile

Dragoness's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:35 PM
Lets name evils, shall we? And origin of the evil named.

Murder or killing evil? Not always, death penalty is legal murder Per the bible yes, it is an evil
Adultery evil? Maybe, per the bible, yes
Envy evil? Maybe, per the bible, yes
Sloth evil? Maybe, per the bible yes
Greed evil? Maybe, per the bible yes
Worshiping another god evil? No, per the bible or other religious books, yes
Lust evil? Maybe, per the bible, yes
Homosexual activities evil? No, per the bible yes
Promiscuity evil? No, per the bible and other religious books yes
My mind is moving slowly today so I know I forgot some but you get my drift.

Evil is subjective and most likely is named an evil by a book of god, by god supoosedly, so therefore god made evil, evil.

Without the books of gods to call an evil evil there is not too much that is an "actual" evil. Murderous activities, yes, even the death penalty falls in this catagory, Sexual assault of adults or minors, yes, Assault and battery, yes,

My personal list of sins or evils of man is much longer than the list of none book related evils but that is my personal ethics and morals that I live by.

You see that god created evil, there is no way around it.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 03/15/08 05:40 PM
Murder or killing evil? Not always, death penalty is legal murder Per the bible yes, it is an evil

Even the Bible isn’t consistent. God told many people to murder others, and even slaughter whole civilizations. Clearly it’s ok to murder heathens and stone sinners according to the Bible. The sinners don’t even need to be ‘heathens’.

The biblical story of God sends mixed messages concerning when it’s a sin to kill and when isn’t a sin.

no photo
Sun 03/16/08 05:21 AM

Too general. I committed evil because I do not wear my seat belt and I ran a stop sign? Or does that mean that I am evil?

if you are out there running stop signs then you could kill someone ..society make laws with the intent to keep that soceity in balance so if you ignore or break these laws then you are evil in the eyes of that society

in religion evil is anything that is not the God

Huh? I don't understand this statement.

a God in the eyes of it's believers can do no evil which means that it's followers are capable of evil so that is why the God set forth laws to control their evil ways

Oh. I thought that was "beauty." Silly me.

when part of a society it is the society that dictates what beauty is ..just look in the beauty magazines and what's on television

Jeanniebean asked:
and if everyone can agree on the definition of evil then define God.

a God is a perfect being because it neither "want" or "need"

who told you that? and how would you know that, or why do you think that?

then explain why would a God want or need ..

therefore any being that has a "need" to create lesser creature than itself because it "wants" to be worship is not a God but just more powerful and/or clever than those that consider it to be a God

This above statement assumes that the reason for creation of "lesser beings" is that the god wanted to be worshiped.

then explain why a God would create lesser creatures then itself

Which egotistical god are you referring to here?

well aren't all Gods egotisical ..can you name a God that is not egotisical?

Some people think that the creators were aliens who wanted slaves, then decided they wanted to be thought of as gods.

well isn't that being egotisical

There were many gods.

all I bet every last one of them are egotisical

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Sun 03/16/08 09:40 AM
For funches

If "Gods" are egotistical then they aren't perfect and they aren't real gods. They are fakers, imposter's, etc.

Just because stupid mortals worship false gods, this does not make them gods.

I am not evil because I run a stop sign. (stupid, careless, blind, maybe.) I am a lawbreaker. A breaker of laws made by society does not an evil person make.

I think if you want to define evil it is a person who and intentionally and purposely hurts others for selfish reasons. If you hurt others on accident or from stupidity you are just ignorant.

Thanks funches!

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Sun 03/16/08 12:19 PM
Edited by funches on Sun 03/16/08 12:21 PM

If "Gods" are egotistical then they aren't perfect and they aren't real gods. They are fakers, imposter's, etc.

that's my point ..why would a God have the "need" to claim itself as a God ..why would someone have the "need" to claim they are the son of a God unless it's all about ego and/or deception

Just because stupid mortals worship false gods, this does not make them gods.

what is a false God? and what is a real God?

I am not evil because I run a stop sign. (stupid, careless, blind, maybe.) I am a lawbreaker. A breaker of laws made by society does not an evil person make.

you ask to define what evil was ...and evil in a society are the Lawbreakers and that is why there are jails to keep the evil doers out of the society and as a deterrant to keep people from breaking the law and committing evil

I think if you want to define evil it is a person who and intentionally and purposely hurts others for selfish reasons.

and society has laws to protect citizens against these type of assaults.. and those that committ these crimes against society are breaking the law ..aka "law breakers" ..evil doers

If you hurt others on accident or from stupidity you are just ignorant.

if the intent was not to do harm or the act done without malice then the act and/or the person may not be considered by the society as being evil but yet consequences in the form of punishment may occur

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 03/16/08 12:45 PM
and society has laws to protect citizens against these type of assaults.. and those that committ these crimes against society are breaking the law ..aka "law breakers" ..evil doers

This has always been my understanding of “evil” and/or “sin”.

To “sin” is to willfully disobey the law or will of God. All sin is evil. And all ‘evil’ is necessarily sin.

This is why natural disasters are not considered to be either ‘sin’ or ‘evil’. A natural disaster isn’t the willful disobedience of God, on the contrary they are usually referred to as an act of God. It’s impossible for God to disobey his own will since anything he willfully does is clearly his will. laugh

And God is in a win-win situation and can never do any wrong because of the very fact the it is the one who decides what’s right or wrong.

So based on that definition, one could extrapolate that to manmade laws claiming that it’s a manmade ‘sin’ to break a law, or that breaking a law represents ‘evil’ in that context. Although, most people would disagree. They reserve the words ‘sin’ and ‘evil’ to only refer to breaking the laws of a supreme being. I tend to agree with that terminology. I don’t consider it a ‘sin’ to not wear a seatbelt. Although many religious people may, because they may also hold the belief that God commanded us to also obey the laws of men. Therefore if we disobey the laws of man we are breaking the laws of both man and God.

I don’t believe in a law-making God, and therefore I don’t believe in sin or evil. I do believe that there are undesirable things that happen in this world. I just don’t think of them as being ‘evil’.

Consider this, for a religious person, if a gunman goes into a nursery school and blows away all the little children we believe that to be an extremely evil sin. However, if a tornado hit that same nursery school killing all the same children we wouldn’t consider that to be either evil or a sin.

Well, this is the way I look at everything. It doesn’t matter to me whether a man intentionally causes havoc or whether the havoc is caused by a natural disaster. Either way it still undesirable but in neither case do I view it as having be evil. Evil only exists in the minds of men in terms of judgments there is no such thing as absolute evil. It’s all a matter of finger-pointing blame. That’s really all that evil amounts to. Pointing fingers proclaiming willful disobedience.

Does that mean that I condone murders who blow children away with machine guns? Of course not!!!

I don’t condone tornados blowing them away either!!!

Just because I don’t view something as being evil doesn’t mean that I condone it!

There are undesirable things in this world, but that doesn’t automatically make them evil.

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Sun 03/16/08 04:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 03/16/08 04:06 PM
Yes I think that "evil" and "sin" are all related to religion. Laws change all the time. In fact, there are so many laws, it is impossible to obey all the laws and not break some of them. A law is a thing that society has put into place. "Evil" has to do with religious convictions and the belief in a God.

George Bush should not be going after "evil doers." He is not God. He is foolish if he thinks he can get away with that kind of nonsense. (And I am being kind here.) He will get his karma just like everyone else.

no photo
Sun 03/16/08 04:48 PM

OK Two recent threads by CreativeSoul skirt around this, and raise the topic in many ways, but let's ask this specific question straight out.

Did God create evil, and if not, who did?
God created satan with a free will who is responsible for the rebellion that was initially the evil you speak of. so in other words God created free will, which is the ability to choose sin over obedience, hence indirectly he did create evil

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Sun 03/16/08 08:13 PM
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." by Albert Einstein

Try to have a great day everyoneflowerforyou

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Sun 03/16/08 08:42 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 03/16/08 08:43 PM

OK Two recent threads by CreativeSoul skirt around this, and raise the topic in many ways, but let's ask this specific question straight out.

Did God create evil, and if not, who did?
muntjack states:

God created satan with a free will who is responsible for the rebellion that was initially the evil you speak of. so in other words God created free will, which is the ability to choose sin over obedience, hence indirectly he did create evil

That is poppycock.

Will (free will) is the innate indwelling will of God that affords the self direction of each free soul (individual) who chooses to be responsible for their thoughts, actions or creations.

It is NOT a choice between Obedience or sin under the thumb of some dogmatic religious doctrine. Sin is owned and used by religions, particularly Christian faiths. The word "Sin" has no meaning to a free soul or to a pantheist. It is meaningless outside religious dogma. Same goes for "evil."


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Sun 03/16/08 09:06 PM
Do you know the names of the three wise monkeys?

They are: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil).

I will take the advice of monkeys! lol

Human IMAGINATION can be very dangerous as it can create evil beyond ones expectations. Be careful for what you wish for some say.


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Sun 03/16/08 09:10 PM

"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." by Albert Einstein

Try to have a great day everyoneflowerforyou

Agreed, Smiless.

See that is EXACTLY what religion and arts and science do ....it's man' way of reaching UP and reaching OUT....or ASPIRING TOWARDS God.

So..here we have.....Man Reaching UP.

BUT what is God ?
God is SPIRIT, not Intellect!!!

Now..listen to this ......

GOD is Reaching Down to Man Thru SPIRIT.....

and Man is Reaching UP to God Thru INTELLECT !!!

Hey.....do you think the two will ever meet that way?

Cause once again, Man Has to be BORN AGAIN in his SPIRIT, to Understand the NATURE of God.
And All Things Are Understood and at log last, become Clear about the things of God.

Hey..God is INFINITE and Dwells in ETERNITY.
Man is FINITE and Dwells in TIME.

Two different dimensions.

Now, try intellectally explaining Eternity with your limited finite mind.
Impossible to do...right?

Same with trying to explain .... or Meet Spirt with Intellect.
The Twain Shall Never Meet.

Al that will result is what we have already going on in the world...religious differences and arguments.

ONLY when Man's Spirit Is Born again ......Will Man

GBY All..and Thank You for allowing me to share .

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Sun 03/16/08 09:22 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 03/16/08 09:26 PM
Man is FINITE and Dwells in TIME.

I disagree. You define "mankind" or "man" as the body. But man is more than the body. Man is also spirit. Spirit is infinite.

We are spiritual beings having a human physical experience. It is only temporary. We are infinite, not finite. It is when man realizes that he is spirit that he realizes what he truly is. Then his spirit reaches out to God and he leaves the body and the three dimensional reality behind.

I can see this idea meaning the same thing as "being born of spirit." Only difference is that I believe that we have always been spirit and always will be infinite spirits.


Abracadabra's photo
Sun 03/16/08 09:48 PM
and Man is Reaching UP to God Thru INTELLECT !!!

Actually that’s precisely what he’s doing when he worships manmade dogma that’s full of intellectual ideas of what God is supposed to be like.

I was just thinking about this from ideas sparked in another thread.

Many people fear death because they believe that they came into being when they were born and they view death as an unknown out there in front of them.

That’s an intellectual idea that is taught by dogma.

I have never felt a fear of death, and I realize now that the reason I don’t fear death is because innately I know that it means going home. When I die I’ll just go back from whence I came.

To me, this has always been an innate spiritual knowledge. Not something that I arrived at intellectually by believing in some ancient dogma.

From my point of view, to put faith in ancient dogma is the intellectual approach to God. If you need a book it necessarily has to be an intellectual approach. It’s extremely unlikely that you would come up with that scenario on your own if you were raised in isolation from it. It’s an intellectual idea that people are brainwashed to believe from a very early age. Even if their immediate family isn’t doing the brainwashing. It’s an extremely popular idea that is intellectually taught via all sorts of media.

This is why I always say to toss the books and seek God from within. Move from the intellectual approach (dogma) to the spiritual approach (inner-self) based on direct feelings of the Holy Spirit.

I think it's funny how different people can use the same premise and arrive at entirely opposite conclusions. flowerforyou

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