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Topic: Did God create evil?
GuideHenri's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:50 AM


So God has the same choices?
Certainly the old testament god did some pretty nasty stuff, but does anyone believe in that sort of god anymore?

marianp's photo
Thu 03/06/08 09:49 AM
I was taught that evil came after GOd created man and God favored man over the angels which was when LUCIFER devil got jealous and declares the HE was equal to GOD and then ebsued a battle between the angels who were good and those who followed LUCIFER. St. Micheall the Archangel defeated him and caste him and his legions out of heaven.thus the dicotomy of good and evil was formed... later after Lucifer tempts the woman to eat of the tree of knowledge and they learn by eating of the tree that there is evil as well as good in the world until then they did not and this is evidenced by then coverign them selve in GOds presence when before they walk with him in the garden and were not ashamed of their nakedness. Upon obtaining the knowledge of good and evil man had a choice and the free will to choose GOOD or EVIL.

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 10:53 AM
I am amazed at this one question. Did God create evil? Look how many people actually claim to know the answer. How certain you are!

We are talking about God. Perhaps these wise scholars wanted to challenge the Roman Empire at the time to find a different solution on a peaceful life away from slavery and imperialism.

Now let us look at the Bible. If you read it, there are many passages of evil. It mentions killing, war, and destruction. If there is a God who is trying to give us a message on how to live then why would such acts even exist and don't tell me a fallen angel became evil and that is why. Although perhaps you are right, but I would like to hear other perspectives that could be possible.

Now we look at history. What if the Egyptians at the time did manage to eliminate the Jews. Afterall weren't they one of the oldest civilizations that even existed before Roman Empire and lasted with the Romans also. Would Christianity exist today? Would a Bible be available or even the book the Jews read?
I would go in more detail why Egyptians wanted to destroy the Jews at the time, but it would take many pages. Look it up if you are interested. You will be amazed.

Perhaps these wise and educated scholars studied various religions that have existed before the Jews and intergrated them to create Christianity? If so then shouldn't we trace those religions to find answers such as if there is a God at all.

We also must remember that there was a Pharoah who ordered all of his people to worship one God. The God of Ra and when his reign ended the future Pharoahs ordered everyone to construct buildings and statues to worship the many Gods as the people are accustomed to at the time. By saying this Egyptians were the first to worship one God.

Well I am certain this will give many people to think about. I certainly do not have the answers and will continue to see everyones determination on explaining their beliefs and philosophies.

In the long run whatever you say can be absolutely correct and perhaps you are wrong. Now would that be so bad if you were wrong? Could you accept that? I believe in the long run it will remain a great mystery in our lives. Perhaps it was meant to be a mystery for God's amusement. That is if there is a God or many Gods!

Cheers and may you find happiness and I hope I didn't offend anyone for it was not my intention.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 03/06/08 12:40 PM
Perhaps it was meant to be a mystery to give us something to discuss. laugh

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:18 PM

So simple

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:40 PM


Maybe you are right maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am right and you are wrong. It remains a mystery for everyone.

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 03/06/08 02:41 PM


No mystery here......


Maybe you are right maybe I am wrong. Maybe I am right and you are wrong. It remains a mystery for everyone.

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:03 PM
No mystery for you because you are very convinced of what the Bible tells you. I am happy for you if that is what makes you feel good then continue to believe in it. If you believe God is all holy and great then more power to you.

All the best.

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:04 PM
Edited by BOYD22 on Thu 03/06/08 03:06 PM
How about this. After God created man and Lucifer saw that the Lord gave us so much attention he started a rebellion against the Lord because he thought the Lord favored man over his Angels. So God cast Lucifer into the pits of Hell and war still rages to this day for human souls. So the best way to describe it all is "FREE WILL".

feralcatlady's photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:07 PM

No mystery for you because you are very convinced of what the Bible tells you. I am happy for you if that is what makes you feel good then continue to believe in it. If you believe God is all holy and great then more power to you.

All the best.

No mystery for me because of my experiences with God...Things that happen directly to me....In my life and what The Lord & Savior showed me....So have your doubts believe whatever gets you through your day.....But don't claim to even have a clue of why and how I know what I do.

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 03:31 PM
Look lady I wasn't attacking you and if you feel this way then sorry for you.

I actually praised you for believing in something that helps you get through the day.

You say: But don't claim to even have a clue of why and how I know what I do.

Answer: I don't want to. It would be wasting my time.

May you find peace within yourself and those around you, for I have for a long time.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:15 PM
glasses glasses glasses
Actually God is not a mystery, a religion or a belief to me nor to many others, even though he is considered to be that by some... he is real truth to me and to countless others.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

no photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:18 PM
:smile: If that is your calling and it works best for you then it is a good thing. Everyone has different believes and understandings. The main thing is you can wake up in the morning happy and enjoy your life.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Thu 03/06/08 06:23 PM

:smile: If that is your calling and it works best for you then it is a good thing. Everyone has different believes and understandings. The main thing is you can wake up in the morning happy and enjoy your life.


GuideHenri's photo
Wed 03/12/08 01:22 PM

Well after a while we escaped the long long entries which were sometimes interesting, but let's be frank sometimes a long way away from the original question.

It does seem a number of people here put the blame on Lucifer or man,
BUT if God created one, the other, or both, and s/he is all-knowing, doesn't this just mean that God did create evil, even if at one remove?

no photo
Wed 03/12/08 02:06 PM
Mr. GuideHenri,

Many believe in God and many don't. Many believe in fairies, demons, hell, and heaven.

In the long run it will be you who will have to be comfortable with your beliefs, conclusions, and theories.

There are some who believe in the Big Bang Theory as of others who worship a white cow as holy. Some believe in many Gods such as the Egyptians and Hindus did and do.

It could be that evil is just something that humans picked up after they learned to use a simple branch as a weapon or discovered how to make fire.

There are some who believe that we were genetically created through DNA by aliens and that one side represented evil and the other good.

Of course there are religious fanatics who believe in the Koran as of others the stories of the Bible and claim with all their heart that this is the ultimate answer.

In the long run it will be truly a mystery if you are honest with yourself. No one truly knows the answer no matter how convinced they are from books that were previously written, hyoglephics, clay tablets, or what other method civilizations have used to make sure we believe in something beyond our knowledge.

This question you pose: "Did God create Evil or not".

You will have to decide for yourself what works best for you.

All the best,


Dragoness's photo
Wed 03/12/08 02:09 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh This thread is still going...lol

I thought we all concurred that since god created everything in 7 days he created evil. How else is he supposed to decide who are the chosen ones and who aren't if he doesn't throw a wrench in the mix?

no photo
Wed 03/12/08 02:25 PM

OK Two recent threads by CreativeSoul skirt around this, and raise the topic in many ways, but let's ask this specific question straight out.

Did God create evil, and if not, who did?

a God is supposely a perfect being but once the God creates something lesser than itself it at that point in time creates evil ...lesser than a God can only result in imperfection and imperfect beings have no choice but to commit sin and sin in the eyes of a God is supposely evil ....so any God that creates lesser creatures than itself creates imperfections and therefore creates evil

no photo
Wed 03/12/08 02:30 PM

I think this horse has been beat to death enough and back again.
First define evil, and if everyone can agree on the definition of evil then define God. Until then the question assumes to much.

It assumes there is a creator god and it assumes that god is perfect and it assumes that there is something called "evil." and it makes the assumption that evil is bad. Thats a lot of assumptions.

But by all means keep beating this poor horse.

GuideHenri's photo
Wed 03/12/08 02:35 PM

Mr. GuideHenri,
Some believe in many Gods such as the ... Hindus did and do.

I think you'll find modern Hindus see the various Gods as different aspects of a single sublime being.
But I am doing what I accused others of and going down a side path.

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