Topic: Vista
curios789's photo
Sat 02/02/08 10:37 AM
Who said the "V" word?

I'm a Mac/Linux user. No thank you on the big V.

blue_eyes_biker's photo
Sat 02/09/08 01:42 PM
Not impressed with Vista Ultimate. Lot's of eye candy but lame performance. Sp1 comes out this month but from what I have seen of the RC's there's not much improvement on things like file transfers and boot times, it's a resource hog and a lot of companies still don't have drivers or software written for it, the security stuff can be a pain in the arse to unless you disable a lot of it. I'm running it on a dual core gaming rig that I built and to be honest I would rather run XP Pro. (32 bit or 64 bit) Microsoft rushed this one out way to soon but then support for XP Pro ends next year.

no photo
Sat 02/09/08 01:59 PM
not only that, but M$'s next OS (currently codenamed "Vienna") is supposed to ship in 2009. Makes you sorta wonder why they're doing that, as they've traditionally went the "you're gonna get what we give you" route. Something tells me they're desperately trying to regain some cred after the botched release that was Vista.

Zewi's photo
Sat 02/09/08 02:12 PM
vista will be better when service pack 1 gets here!!!!

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 02/09/08 07:08 PM
Vista makes me cry! My laptop came with it, along with TWO gigs of RAM, 160gig HD and a dual core Intel centrino processor. And it is still S-L-O-W! I had to fight for my printer to work with it, and even then it only works when it wants to. I bought my son a digital camera for Christmas and that does not work on it. I tried downloading something that says it was Microsoft certified and guess what? Yea, it did not except it either. My desk top is only a P4, Windows XP pro, 768gigs of RAM and a 80 gig HDD. And it works a heck of a lot faster then Vista does. I dread when I have to use my laptop just because of Vista.

So to answer your question. I despise Vista.

no photo
Sat 02/09/08 07:16 PM
That's one of the main problems with Vista- to be able to THINK about running it, all your hardware has to be "Vista" certified, from video cards to scanners to something stupid like your mouse. The system requirements are absurdly high to begin with, so having to ditch all your peripherals to be able to use "Pissta" (as I call it) is nothing more than a bad joke.

Of course, instead of making sure their coding is rock-solid and tighter than a drum skin, they added on a bunch of tertiary crap and DRM that has only added MORE code bloat than ever before.

Basically put, Vista is essentially "Windows ME" revisited- instead of coming up with a BETTER OS, they tack crap onto a decent one to make it a crappy one.

And they'll need more than a service pack to get it on the right track. A LOT more.

whispertoascream's photo
Sat 02/09/08 07:23 PM
Microsoft is only after one thing MONEY and LOTS of it. Is is proven with Vista. If they really cared about performance they would of taken more time before releasing this craptacular OS. Maybe if they took the time to make sure it ran smoothly sending it out to the public it would not be so bad. Vista has just made me dislike Microsoft even more.

no photo
Sat 02/09/08 08:03 PM
Yes- M$ is all about the all-mighty dollar. And they're losing a buttload of it with their botched Vista release. In fact, they've even gone so far as to plead with computer users to buy Vista instead of XP, using every excuse and half-baked trick in the book. Of course, they HAVEN'T tried the one thing that would have worked... lowering the price to entice sales.

But this is M$ we're talking about- why should we pay less for the "privilege" of using their product?

DTHRomeo's photo
Sat 02/09/08 10:22 PM
Came with the laptop i got

It's ok i guess

No problems yet

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:05 AM
came with my pc.
its nice.
a lil to user friendly at times...
hard to edit and change files when linking.
did some work with the file options.

it runs pretty nice now.
thats really my only complaint.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:09 AM

i like vista i think it still has some bugs that the need fixen but it runs great and is not to hard to figure out.
yea i agree with what you said.
will you go out with meflowerforyou

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/10/08 05:02 AM

Yes- M$ is all about the all-mighty dollar. And they're losing a buttload of it with their botched Vista release. In fact, they've even gone so far as to plead with computer users to buy Vista instead of XP, using every excuse and half-baked trick in the book. Of course, they HAVEN'T tried the one thing that would have worked... lowering the price to entice sales.

But this is M$ we're talking about- why should we pay less for the "privilege" of using their product?

Apparently almost 10,000,000 copies have been returned so far. So yes I agree, if they did it right the first time they would of made a LOT more.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:24 PM
Not only that, but sales of XP (Home OR Professional) have been remaining steady since Vista's release. This could be because of user dissatisfaction with Vista, as they're "downgrading" for the sake of sanity DESPITE any "security concerns" that might be present with XP.

I can only imagine what kind of mayhem will ensue when M$ terminates support for XP in 2009- it could kill any chance M$ has of regaining any customer support if they're "forcing" users to adopt Vista or Vienna or whatever other OS they dream up.

Linux looks like it will be a VERY viable option in the near future.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:44 PM
I have been tempted to say screw the warrenty on my laptop and down grade to Vista. But part of me is afraid to. A Mac is looking more and more apealing to me with each passing day.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 01:48 PM
Yeah. I just helped a friend set-up a Mac G5 she "inherited" from a friend of hers who's moving to Germany.

What was involved in the set-up? One power cord. And the keyboard/mouse. That's it. Everything's integrated into the LCD flat-panel- DVD-ROM drive, everything.

It was scarily easy.

whispertoascream's photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:06 PM
I have wanted a Mac for a while now. Just have not been able afford one. If I had bought my laptop, I would of bought a Mac instead.

no photo
Sun 02/10/08 02:14 PM
Yeah. I don't dig Steve Jobs' corporate arrogance schtick, but it beats M$ corporate ineptitude with product roll-outs.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 02/11/08 02:27 PM
Tried Vista, lasted a day...definatly not a gaming OS, if your useing your PC for business or professional reasons then it is a good pick if you have the PC with enough steam to keep pushing after it starts. It still has a lot of kinks that need to be worked out on it, I always called it Beta Vista.

no photo
Mon 02/11/08 05:59 PM
Yeah. In order to even come close to be able to use Vista in your gaming rig, you gotta be using the creme-of-the-crop as far as hardware goes. I'm talking just-off-the-presses CPUs, incredibly-quick hard drives, and expensive-as-hell Nvidia Geforce 8800GTXs in SLI configuration in Direct-X 10 mode.

In fact, you gotta have DX10 installed just to be able to use Vista's 3D GUI, too. And that has nothing to do with gaming.

Unfortunately, I don't personally think ANY amount of patching or service-releasing will fix what is essentially a flawed OS. I just hope M$ gets the hint and does a better job with Vienna, their to-be-released OS.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 02/15/08 05:36 AM

vista will be better when service pack 1 gets here!!!!

god i hope so....and i hope they fix the boot up time too. I just timed my laptop, it takes almost 6 minutes to start up and get going.