Topic: have u ever hooked up with someone u met online
SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:19 PM
I tried, everything all but buying them myself...He had a lot more money
than me and I thought if he couldn't go out and buy his own...well you


no photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:22 PM
"So you mean to tell me guys, if you were with a woman that wore
something distasteful to you that you wouldn't be turned off by it?


After confering with my attorney, I have been advised to invoke my fifth
ammendment right to remain silent and not answer this question in fear
it might incriminate me...-=x

SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:27 PM
Metal, we got you're number...fat women in Spandex right!! (grins)

Just so you know I'm not a total heartless biatch..I didn't let on it
was about the shoes....


no photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:30 PM
"Just so you know I'm not a total heartless biatch..I didn't let on it
was about the shoes....


Hmm...This makes me wonder if a woman has ever broken up with me
secretly because of my love of dark clothing? Well, hells bells! -=x

cookieie's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:30 PM
Wait a minute, so you left him clueless????? And we wonder why guys are
so dull sometimes. Lack of information. Your bringing tears to my eyes
with this one.

SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:38 PM
I was seeing him for close to six months...I finally said I didn't think
things were working...I just felt that it was best we went our separate
ways...that's it. He came around after that once in a while, but the
spark was gone at that point. You know, he really was a nice guy and
was cute and sweet, but too me, he was lacking class pure and simple.
If he was poor and couldn't afford shoes, that's one thing, but to have
money and present yourself like that without giving it a second thought


no photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:47 PM
it's just funny that's all jane, i'm not judging anyone. to answer your
question i really wouldn't care and it's not because i don't have class
but because i don't feel that it is a reflection on me. i'd laugh at her
too(and i have). it's just funny because you are on a dating site
looking for a man and you said you threw a good one away because he
refused to wear a good pair of shoes. lmao

SalvationJane's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:50 PM
I know, I know I have "issues" KB...but somewhere out there is a
handsome guy in a great pair of shoes and I'm going to find him!!



no photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:52 PM
sleep well jane, i hope you have sweet dreams of good looking men with
tasteful shoes lol

unsure's photo
Mon 09/25/06 07:58 PM
You know there are women out there that if you don't have nice
shoes...they are totally turned off. So its not really that
uncommon--hard to believe eh?
I don't judge anyone by what they wear, and I hope that no one judges me
by what I wear. I wear what I like..I don't dress to impress anyone!! I
must say though, my shoes are in one piece and they don't flip or

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 08:02 PM
I dont know why if you were so interested you didnt surprise him with
anew pair and coo to his ego...whats up witht that? Support so he doesnt
embarase himself, and sure you as well, but support, where was
it???????????? I just here me me me in the shoe story, sorry

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 08:03 PM
Sure I think he should know to most women shoes are important features
to the overall package...what was he thinking?

cookieie's photo
Mon 09/25/06 08:05 PM
As if there isnt enough pressure when it comes to dating, now I am going
to be overly concerned about my shoes. And going back to the subject of
this thread, The last couple of guys I did meet from online, I was
actually barefoot when I met them. So I guess I solved the shoe issue
for myself.

no photo
Mon 09/25/06 08:23 PM
" The last couple of guys I did meet from online, I was
actually barefoot when I met them. So I guess I solved the shoe issue
for myself."

HA! Well, that probably would work well for women, as they tend to have
small feet. Now if I went to meet someone with my big size 15's
shoeless, that probably wouldn't go over well. -=x

cookieie's photo
Mon 09/25/06 08:28 PM
I spent 27 years in California and only 2 years in cold country so far,
so shoes are still foreign to me.
Personally on a guy I like dirty workboots. Tells me he actually WORKS.

SalvationJane's photo
Tue 09/26/06 05:24 PM
Cookie, I can go for work long as their souls are all

I'm sure I made myself out to look very shallow, but it was a little
more complicated than all of that. There's a time and a place for
certain attire ya know? Even barefoot is good, but don't take me to a
Red Lobster or out for a night of drinks an dancing looking like a
hobo..That was all I was saying.

Remember the old saying - it's not the clothing that makes the man -
it's the man that makes the clothing? Think about it.


cookieie's photo
Wed 09/27/06 04:08 AM
I had a really nice pair of workboots walk into my place yesterday. I've
known this pair of boots for some time now and thinking back I have
never had an issue with his shoes. So there are some guys who DO think
about how they present themselves, even if he's just coming to drop
something off.

unsure's photo
Wed 09/27/06 05:57 AM
FULLMETAL...I think if you went barefooted and you have a size 15
foot...hell some girl just might marry your arse!! haha sorry I had to
say that :)

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 09:32 PM
No, in all honesty "I" never have.

no photo
Thu 09/28/06 10:23 PM
I have met quite a few ladies in person after meeting online . what can
i say some were terriffic some were nightmares but they were all
exciting in thier own ways.and i must say i look forward to meeting
other ladies , who knows maybe mrs.right is out there .....if ya think
you might like to meet the man your mama warned ya about just say hi