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Topic: Should we call Ron Paul out?
kojack's photo
Fri 02/01/08 08:43 AM
HEY everyone I think I need to step in with a commercial break.

Politics is very opinionated but we all must RESPECT each other at all times. Please keep this in mind when posting. Thank You !


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SkepticalBrian's photo
Fri 02/01/08 08:52 AM
Edited by SkepticalBrian on Fri 02/01/08 09:00 AM
Ron Paul never had a chance. I have no idea why libertarians like him so much, he's not a libertarian, he's a paleoconservative. The reason I used to hope he would win is because he talked about ending the war on drugs and that his first act as president would be to release all non violent drug offenders, including Canadian marijuana activist Marc Emery who the DEA pulled out of Canada, clearly getting involved in another nation's affairs which it has no business in (well, not yet, the extradition hearing is still going on but his own lawyer has said it's next to impossible for him to win after the extradition act of canada was passed.) However, some of his other positions are just too much.


smo's photo
Fri 02/01/08 09:23 AM
My opinion is that there is only about a half dozen people in our congress that are 100% in favor of the Constitution, and I think all the rest should be replaced very soon with people who do represent WE THE PEOPLE.(Constitution) Now as for those secret organizations that have been mentioned on this site, I think that all SECRET ORGANIZATIONS are NO GOOD!!! What are they HIDING? That in my opinion is exactly why they are secret , they are bad!!! That Bilderburger bunch supposedly has Non JEWS in the top ranks also.

Also that is why secret Ballots are bad also, made room for cheating, everybody should sign their ballots.

Get Ron Paul to help us get our Constitution back in full power. And get all Bilderburgers out of our govt , Secret people are not good for us ,You can BE SURE of that!! Did I hear some one mention Kissinger, yes, get him out too, and anyone connected with the Bilderburgers, is not one of WE THE PEOPLE!!

Chazster's photo
Fri 02/01/08 12:40 PM

Ron Paul never had a chance. I have no idea why libertarians like him so much, he's not a libertarian, he's a paleoconservative. The reason I used to hope he would win is because he talked about ending the war on drugs and that his first act as president would be to release all non violent drug offenders, including Canadian marijuana activist Marc Emery who the DEA pulled out of Canada, clearly getting involved in another nation's affairs which it has no business in (well, not yet, the extradition hearing is still going on but his own lawyer has said it's next to impossible for him to win after the extradition act of canada was passed.) However, some of his other positions are just too much.


That looks like propaganda to me. You have to take all that stuff with a grain of salt. Either way, his views for the country and his personal views are different which is one thing I like about him. (example, he is pro life but wants individual states to decide abortion laws) Also the president can't just do what he wants, if any president wanted to do something that might be considered radical he would still have to have approval from the other branches of government.

Like I said though that just looks like propaganda to me.

no photo
Sat 02/02/08 05:05 AM
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