Topic: football
unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:18 AM
I am wholesome?? HAHA you should talk to some of my friends..they would
beg to differ!! I am very far from wholesome, just some subjects I don't
talk about.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:18 AM
who are you rootin for on the 30?

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:20 AM
see it's always the quiet ones with all that anger and hate just below
the surface...i'm just kidding i'm done

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:20 AM
OMG thats with Purdue...well my son isn't there yet, but I am going to
kind of see who he is going to root for. I am going to be quiet on that
game! I know my little one will be yelling for Notre Dame but not so
sure about the older one!!

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:23 AM
he'll be up next year then huh.. what position does he play or is he
just going to school

unsure's photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:27 AM
honestly..I don't have any anger and I am not bitter!!
My son is just going to school, but he is a bigger boy and he would have
been a great football player if he would have just done it. The coach
tried to get him to play but he didn't want any part of it. He is going
to Purdue because they have an excellent computer program there. He has
been taking Microsoft during his junior and senior years and so he is
getting certified in that already...they offered those college classes
for the kids and he jumped on that.

no photo
Thu 08/31/06 10:31 AM
that's pretty good purdue is a good school

lionsbrew's photo
Sat 09/02/06 06:15 AM
how bout some nfl talk im diggin on the eagles d the look mean and fast
you know offence is gotten better too with the addition of a real
reciever but i have to say the eagles probobly have the deepest d in the
nfc i cant wait to watch this season i think they have a good shot a
going 11 and 5 even tho the second half of their season looks tough but
well see how healthy everyone stays

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 10:41 PM
isn't kearse in philly now? you're right , the defense looks pretty
good and i think they signed lelie so if they ever get westbrook to last
the season they might be able to make things interesting.

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 10:43 PM
hey unsure, i just heard that nd took gt apart and michigan blew out
vandy but then again, it's vandy.

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 11:50 PM

Poor Vandy never gets respect. Ya know that college has alot of pre med
don't cha. It is odd to find people with brains and strength, LOL.

I was at the horse show(more on that in another thread coming soon). As
I was getting out of the car to make my rounds about the stables they
were tossing the coin for the UT game. UT was beating Cal the last I
heard 35 to 18(from my tired mind). I do not have cable and can not put
up an antanea where I rent so I am unable to watch but the radio works,

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 11:55 PM
vandy doesn't but that jay cutler in denver looks like he'll earn some
here real quick if he keeps playin like that. tenneesee looked good but
they always look good but i'm really lookin at auburn this year(cause
michigan don't get the repect nationally either)

no photo
Sat 09/02/06 11:57 PM
good luck to everybody's team(except when they play michigan)

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 09/03/06 07:19 AM
yeah we got kearse had him for about three yrs now also got trotter and
the bestt secondary in football today not to mention bdawkins hardest
hittin player in the nfl

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 07:24 AM
yeah, sounds like they have a pretty good team. i was kinda looking at
carolina and miami this year but dallas doesn't look to bad either. i'm
a lions fan so i don't think i have to worry bout the super bowl for
awhile but hopefully those new coaches are gonna turn it around and give
michigan another team to be proud of

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 09/03/06 09:45 AM
yeah i always liked the lions myself it was a shame barry retired so

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 09:56 AM
can't be mad at him you know, don't know why he left but he decided to
retire..i do know though that the lions didn't have half the line that
them other running backs did and if he would have stayed another 2 or 3
seasons emmitt would have never touched that record and no one else
would have either.
it's amazing and what if?

unsure's photo
Sun 09/03/06 03:28 PM
You know King Notre Dame did beat Georgia Tech...but I swear that game
was not a good game! There was no real action at all, it was a very
boring game...but we still won 14-10

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 09/03/06 03:31 PM
i always thought barry bowed out cause he didnt beat walters record in
the same number games

no photo
Sun 09/03/06 03:37 PM
nobody actually knows why he left because i don't think he has ever
said.. that summer he didn't show up to camp but he never did til it was
mandatory because he had such a rigorous work out on his own and always
came in in top shape. then they said that he decided to retire and that
was just around the first preseason game i think