Topic: WTF!?
kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:13 PM

Then say "eating establishment" instead of "Bar"

Keep your smoke outside!

And to say drunk moron, your profiling good people you dont know who just worked their asses off 50 hours that week and want to get out and have a good time with their friends and enjoy a football game with their hard earned money....tread lightly

As far as learing anything? I am always learning, as well as you my friend..It appears you still have a ways to go happy

No because the bar in an eatting esablishment is where you see these morons aside from real bars where I do not flock to. Come on 50 hours? Thats not work. So when I get done working a 78 hour work week I am not entitled to a nice quite meal where I can smoke? I take 50 hour work weeks in stride. Why should I tred lightly? Because I may offend someone or worse piss someone off? I started this off as a question as to who here also does not enjoy sports and more finely pointed out, football and nascar. Not to have people come in and make an attempt at making these sports rational. A simply yes or no with a bit of explanation would have done the trick. Though it is just like people to get all defensive when something as stupid as football and the oh so lovely "sport" of nascar is not liked by an american. "What, he doesnt like football, or nascar, hes a terrorist and not american". Football is stupid, nascar is stupid, wrestling is stupid, boxing is stupid. AH my older little children, how much you have to learn.

Eternal you're a bit self-righteous and indignant which is stupid... I think you're forgetting where we live and that everyone has a choice.. If you don't like football fine so be it... No reason to attack those that do and be undignified about it....

YESSSSSSS,,,MISS ANSWER LADY..the kindness that resides in you does have tha ability to metamorphisise.itself into an all out go fot the throat,..a lady of quality ..with claws..gotta : love her:smile:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:13 PM

yeh and imagination lollaugh laugh

I'd say it's more interestingn that slamming peoples choice of sport and thinking you know everything... I much prefer talking about judging willy's and sexual preferences than reading some child tell us we're freaking morons b/c we choose to like something...

winnie410's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:14 PM

yeh and imagination lollaugh laugh

I'd say it's more interestingn that slamming peoples choice of sport and thinking you know everything... I much prefer talking about judging willy's and sexual preferences than reading some child tell us we're freaking morons b/c we choose to like something...

i agree! i've got my tape measure! laugh laugh

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:14 PM

yeh and imagination lollaugh laugh

I'd say it's more interestingn that slamming peoples choice of sport and thinking you know everything... I much prefer talking about judging willy's and sexual preferences than reading some child tell us we're freaking morons b/c we choose to like something...

i agree! i've got my tape measure! laugh laugh

Ok so we have 2 judges.. Deb you in????

Jim519's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:15 PM

Then say "eating establishment" instead of "Bar"

Keep your smoke outside!

And to say drunk moron, your profiling good people you dont know who just worked their asses off 50 hours that week and want to get out and have a good time with their friends and enjoy a football game with their hard earned money....tread lightly

As far as learing anything? I am always learning, as well as you my friend..It appears you still have a ways to go happy

No because the bar in an eatting esablishment is where you see these morons aside from real bars where I do not flock to. Come on 50 hours? Thats not work. So when I get done working a 78 hour work week I am not entitled to a nice quite meal where I can smoke? I take 50 hour work weeks in stride. Why should I tred lightly? Because I may offend someone or worse piss someone off? I started this off as a question as to who here also does not enjoy sports and more finely pointed out, football and nascar. Not to have people come in and make an attempt at making these sports rational. A simple yes or no with a bit of explanation would have done the trick. Though it is just like people to get all defensive when something as stupid as football and the oh so lovely "sport" of nascar is not liked by an american. "What, he doesnt like football, or nascar, hes a terrorist and not american". Football is stupid, nascar is stupid, wrestling is stupid, boxing is stupid. AH my older little children, how much you have to learn.

Your contradicting yourself. You didnt open with a simple question. You attacked people who enjoy what your against? Simply by saying these morons? I am a professional, work very hard, am a single parent...On my off time I enjoy getting together with my friends and enjoy a game, with a beer. Yes I have a good time and enjoy doing so. Being the educated man that I am, how does that classify me as a moron?

Do your thing, go places that accomodate your needs and simply dont attack the one's that enjoy what your explaining. I have yet to see a thread on here attacking somoene who enjoy's watching the Discovery Channel, dont like smoking in bar's and call them all washed up?

bad_girl's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:15 PM

I knew this was going to go this way.. ohwell
laugh laugh laugh yep


DebbieJT's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:15 PM

yeh and imagination lollaugh laugh

I'd say it's more interestingn that slamming peoples choice of sport and thinking you know everything... I much prefer talking about judging willy's and sexual preferences than reading some child tell us we're freaking morons b/c we choose to like something...
im with you on that hun..let the judging commence lol

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:16 PM
Ok whip em out boys!!!!laugh

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:16 PM
got my rular ...good for spanking with as well lol :tongue:

Jim519's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:17 PM

Ok whip em out boys!!!!laugh

Im in!!!

(Need a thread killer)..this would be a good one

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:17 PM

got my rular ...good for spanking with as well lol :tongue:

I guess we scared them off... We probably shouldn't have mentioned the rulers...

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:17 PM
ok i start this round with...........10 and a quarter inches...i am italian after all

eternalsun's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:17 PM

Then say "eating establishment" instead of "Bar"

Keep your smoke outside!

And to say drunk moron, your profiling good people you dont know who just worked their asses off 50 hours that week and want to get out and have a good time with their friends and enjoy a football game with their hard earned money....tread lightly

As far as learing anything? I am always learning, as well as you my friend..It appears you still have a ways to go happy

No because the bar in an eatting esablishment is where you see these morons aside from real bars where I do not flock to. Come on 50 hours? Thats not work. So when I get done working a 78 hour work week I am not entitled to a nice quite meal where I can smoke? I take 50 hour work weeks in stride. Why should I tred lightly? Because I may offend someone or worse piss someone off? I started this off as a question as to who here also does not enjoy sports and more finely pointed out, football and nascar. Not to have people come in and make an attempt at making these sports rational. A simply yes or no with a bit of explanation would have done the trick. Though it is just like people to get all defensive when something as stupid as football and the oh so lovely "sport" of nascar is not liked by an american. "What, he doesnt like football, or nascar, hes a terrorist and not american". Football is stupid, nascar is stupid, wrestling is stupid, boxing is stupid. AH my older little children, how much you have to learn.

Eternal you're a bit self-righteous and indignant which is stupid... I think you're forgetting where we live and that everyone has a choice.. If you don't like football fine so be it... No reason to attack those that do and be undignified about it....

Hey, not to point finger at anyone because that is childish but I for one am not the one who started the bashing. I made a post about how I dislike football and nascar and called the "DRUNK" people who watch them in the bars are nothing more than drunk morons. That is not bashing a sport, it is bashing the idiotic people who act like, well, idiots in public, morons. I am not being undignified about anything nor am I attacking anyone. Everyone does have a choice, youre right. That is what made this country so great but being able to do something and actually doing it are two differant issues. I can go out and rob a bank. Do I, no. Just because one has the ability to act like an idiot in public does not mean one should. You will never see me being hauled away from a bar because I got into a fight because my "team" lost and your "team" won. That my dear is what make me, more rational, more dignified than youre average sunday night football watcher. Im done. tata

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:19 PM

Then say "eating establishment" instead of "Bar"

Keep your smoke outside!

And to say drunk moron, your profiling good people you dont know who just worked their asses off 50 hours that week and want to get out and have a good time with their friends and enjoy a football game with their hard earned money....tread lightly

As far as learing anything? I am always learning, as well as you my friend..It appears you still have a ways to go happy

No because the bar in an eatting esablishment is where you see these morons aside from real bars where I do not flock to. Come on 50 hours? Thats not work. So when I get done working a 78 hour work week I am not entitled to a nice quite meal where I can smoke? I take 50 hour work weeks in stride. Why should I tred lightly? Because I may offend someone or worse piss someone off? I started this off as a question as to who here also does not enjoy sports and more finely pointed out, football and nascar. Not to have people come in and make an attempt at making these sports rational. A simply yes or no with a bit of explanation would have done the trick. Though it is just like people to get all defensive when something as stupid as football and the oh so lovely "sport" of nascar is not liked by an american. "What, he doesnt like football, or nascar, hes a terrorist and not american". Football is stupid, nascar is stupid, wrestling is stupid, boxing is stupid. AH my older little children, how much you have to learn.

Eternal you're a bit self-righteous and indignant which is stupid... I think you're forgetting where we live and that everyone has a choice.. If you don't like football fine so be it... No reason to attack those that do and be undignified about it....

Hey, not to point finger at anyone because that is childish but I for one am not the one who started the bashing. I made a post about how I dislike football and nascar and called the "DRUNK" people who watch them in the bars are nothing more than drunk morons. That is not bashing a sport, it is bashing the idiotic people who act like, well, idiots in public, morons. I am not being undignified about anything nor am I attacking anyone. Everyone does have a choice, youre right. That is what made this country so great but being able to do something and actually doing it are two differant issues. I can go out and rob a bank. Do I, no. Just because one has the ability to act like an idiot in public does not mean one should. You will never see me being hauled away from a bar because I got into a fight because my "team" lost and your "team" won. That my dear is what make me, more rational, more dignified than youre average sunday night football watcher. Im done. tata

yes but what about the size of your wang though

DebbieJT's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:19 PM

ok i start this round with...........10 and a quarter inches...i am italian after all

i ll be the judge of that ...wheres my rularlaugh :wink:

hunter870's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:21 PM
laugh laugh :wink: laugh I hope you braught your microscope and twezzers if your going to judge minelaugh laugh happy

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:21 PM

Ok whip em out boys!!!!laugh

Im in!!!

(Need a thread killer)..this would be a good one

lmao I don't think so darlin'.. Seems Kol um well Deb will tell us..

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:21 PM

ok i start this round with...........10 and a quarter inches...i am italian after all

i ll be the judge of that ...wheres my rularlaugh :wink:

ohhhhhh..we have a non believer?...OK..GET OUT THE WEBCAMlaugh

Jim519's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:22 PM

Ok whip em out boys!!!!laugh

Im in!!!

(Need a thread killer)..this would be a good one

lmao I don't think so darlin'.. Seems Kol um well Deb will tell us..

Youy dont think what? happy

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/27/08 12:22 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Sun 01/27/08 12:23 PM

Ok whip em out boys!!!!laugh

Im in!!!

(Need a thread killer)..this would be a good one

lmao I don't think so darlin'.. Seems Kol um well Deb will tell us..