Topic: Please Help me with my Homework
Scinn's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:10 PM

I think it is great how much you can put into wordshappy

How do you determine right from wrong? The dictums of a religion or another source?

#5: Well, firstly I decide is ______ against the law or in accord with the law? Then I decide if it is something that I could tell my grandmother without shame (if I were to tell her, would I have to change bits and pieces here and there in order to prevent her from being ashamed of me?) Thirdly, I figure out if it is something that I would want my children to do. Morals and ethics play a large part in it, but it isn't so much a religious based decision as it is socially and then by my own personal morals and ethics. And grandma's. lol If grandma would frown and be disappointed and ashamed to claim me as her granddaughter to rethink whatever it is I was wanting to do.

KennethP5206's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:12 PM

Thanks for the extra thought Scinnflowerforyou

#3. What do you think it means to be a follower of _________? (Fill in the blank with either your particular religion or atheist or agnostic)

I think Catholicism is basically believing in Jesus and also believing in the original founding of Christianity.

I think Christianity also means to be a follower of Jesus and pick up where he left off, and reach as many lost souls as we can.

no photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:14 PM
Organized religion is like the Mafia .. you need to practice blind obediance. Both worship the almighty dollar.

A person is defined by their actions and deeds, not conforming to a rigid set of rules and routines. One only need follow the golden rule.

Religious documents, such as the bible and koran, provide a historical background, albiet somewhat fictional.

Man is but a microscopic dot in the universe. To beleive that we are the only intelligent being is the ultimate vanity. Why did "God" only select earth for inhabitants? To beleive this is the untimate tunnel vision.

Think's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:15 PM
Ya know Ken I used to think OK I believe in Jesus he died for my sins so great I will be more faithful before I die. Now I will party.
Well what happened was I naturally grew up and a lot of the rotten stuff I did ,that I know I am forgiven for ,I NOW feel emabarassed and bad about.
ie:Before I didn't care what my older kids wittnessed and now I see how they have paid in a way by not having the best upbringing. What I am sayin is that when I planned to get away with my sins I didn't account for the fact that my very essence is being transformed and my point of view feelings and opinion have changed.

Think's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:15 PM
Edited by Think on Fri 01/25/08 08:22 PM

Think's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:19 PM
Great Answer!
BTW does Grandma have a religion?

) Do you believe life has a purpose? What is it?

Yes I believe life has a purpose. What is it? Life is a journey into our own very soul. It is a time to uncover who we are and modify this entity of our spiritual existence

My #5 Answer
When I want to do right I believe I should do everything out of love and kindness. I also believe that whatever is done without faith is sin. I know that sounds a little drastic. However, when I question my motives for doing something and find I am motivated out of fear I usually will stop myself from doing something I ultimately believe is wrong.

KennethP5206's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:20 PM

Ya know Ken I used to think OK I believe in Jesus he died for my sins so great I will be more faithful before I die. Now I will party.
Well what happened was I naturally grew up and a lot of the rotten stuff I did ,that I know I am forgiven for ,I NOW feel emabarassed and bad about.
ie:Before I didn't care what my older kids wittnessed and now I see how they have paid in a way by not having the best upbringing. What I am sayin is that when I planned to get away with my sins I didn't account for the fact that my very essence is being transformed and my point of view feelings and opinion have changed.

I know that

Scinn's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:22 PM

Great Answer!
BTW does Grandma have a religion?

) Do you believe life has a purpose? What is it?

Yes I believe life has a purpose. What is it? Life is a journey into our own very soul. It is a time to uncover who we are and modify this entity of our spiritual existence

My #5 Answer
When I want to do right I believe I should do everything out of love and kindness. I also believe that whatever is done without faith is sin. I know that sounds a little drastic. However, when I question my motives for doing something and find I am motivated out of fear I usually will stop myself from doing something I ultimately believe is wrong.

Grandma didn't have a religion that I know of, but she died when I was 11 so...kinda young. (yes I know it sounds odd to speak of her in my previous answer as if she was still alive to approve or disapprove of's just something I've always done as a child and it stuck.)

#6. Erm...not reaaally. But I say that loosely. Basically, I just believe we should live life to the fullest and do our best to be as respectful to each other and the planet as possible. Again, one of those things that's hard to put into words, but in a nutshell there it is laugh

Scinn's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:24 PM

Organized religion is like the Mafia .. you need to practice blind obediance. Both worship the almighty dollar.

A person is defined by their actions and deeds, not conforming to a rigid set of rules and routines. One only need follow the golden rule.

Religious documents, such as the bible and koran, provide a historical background, albiet somewhat fictional.

Man is but a microscopic dot in the universe. To beleive that we are the only intelligent being is the ultimate vanity. Why did "God" only select earth for inhabitants? To beleive this is the untimate tunnel vision.

Kind of my way of thinking as well...although a very summed up partial version.

Think's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:26 PM
Scinn I am sure she wants you to think of her like thatflowerforyou

#7 Last Question
4) What is your concept of god?

I believe God is here. I believe God is more real than this laptop I am typing on. I believe God is Love and Wisdom and Grace and he is as close as we are to ourselves

KennethP5206's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:27 PM
Well in the end wether you believe or not, every knee will bow every tounge will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

Scinn's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:29 PM

Scinn I am sure she wants you to think of her like thatflowerforyou

#7 Last Question
4) What is your concept of god?

I believe God is here. I believe God is more real than this laptop I am typing on. I believe God is Love and Wisdom and Grace and he is as close as we are to ourselves

#7. Uhm. Honestly, I'm not sure. I think if there is a god he's seriously disappointed, but at this juncture in my life I still havn't put a name to the "Something" that I think is there or anything really, beyond "something...". Sorry, bout the best I can do on that one ohwell

Scinn's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:31 PM

Well in the end wether you believe or not, every knee will bow every tounge will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord

While I appreciate and respect your viewpoint and opinion, I really didn't come to this thread to be preached to. I just wanted to help out Think with my viewpoints and such, while at the same time remaining respectful that not everyone shares that viewpoint.

Moondark's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:31 PM
Yes, Paganism.

Why, because I was raised Christian, read a lot of myths and legends when in grade school and jr. high. Started reading archeology, anthropology, and sociology stuff in high school. All on my own, not school related. Started reading about many religions when in College.

Came to the conclusion that the forms of religions are very much a product of the cultures and geography of the area and that it was a combination of man's attempt at describing similar spiritual truths while also trying to control populations. So I go with my own Spiritual understanding using a Pagan structure.

Think's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:36 PM
Scinn you are the bestflowerforyou

You seem to be a beautiful person. I am sure Grandma is proud of you.
Thanks again!
You know I am realizing now that this was much more than just an assignment.
Take Care

Scinn's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:37 PM

Scinn you are the bestflowerforyou

You seem to be a beautiful person. I am sure Grandma is proud of you.
Thanks again!
You know I am realizing now that this was much more than just an assignment.
Take Care

You're welcome :D Glad I could help!!

Moondark's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:38 PM
I think I answered 2 as part of one.

As for 3 and 4.

It means to be in balance. I means honoring myself and others and the world around me. It uses a different sort of prayer structure and so on. But it comes down to connection to things on a spiritual level and valuing things more. Example, to many Christians say it doesn't matter what happens to animals because they don't have souls. I totally disagree. Animals do not have less value because they lack souls. I think they have souls, but they depend on us and therefore they have high values.

Because the umbrella of Paganism is varied, this question would have many different answers.

As for the most important thing about it. It allows me to honor my God, or Goddess, in a way that feels right, natural, and honest.

Moondark's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:40 PM
Right from wrong is in some case, cultural determinations. But many things are universal. When it comes down to it, Is it honorable? Does an action show that you value the person or thing involved. Does it help with personal growth or spiritual growth? Does it reflect what you believe, or are you following a herd and have a herd mentality?

Moondark's photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:44 PM
6 Purpose of life.

To learn and grow and become a better person. To have a positive impact on the world around you.

7. What is God.

An all encompassing spiritual entity that people have expressed in different ways. Ultimately, all gods are aspects of God. All goddesses are aspects of Goddess, both are two aspects of the spiritual, creative process that is superimposed over this world.

no photo
Fri 01/25/08 08:49 PM
1. Do you practice religion? No

If so, which one?

a. Why or why not?

After many years of studying religion, including reading the bible cover-to-cover seven times, I came to the conclusion that there was simply nothing to any of it -- I believe it's all mythology and fairy tales designed to manipulate the hearts, minds, behaviors, and wallets of people who are searching for answers.