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Topic: Wana see it?
sweetjeep's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:53 PM
what was the question again?huh

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:53 PM

Ethics is not politics or civics or even accords! drinker

Hey, it's all semantics....

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:55 PM
laugh laugh laugh

s1owhand's photo
Thu 01/24/08 12:57 PM

what was the question again?

well the original question was: want to see it? and then I asked if anyone wanted to complete the sentence:

"Ethics is _____________."


longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/24/08 01:01 PM
I've watched ethics get thrown out windows, smoked in crackpipes, drank in a bar, gotten moldy in a refridgerator and shoved in a phalsh tube up richard gere's ass. Oh wait, that was a shaved, greased gerbil that suffocated, died, and had to be extracted at the hospital. That was ethics of the hypocratic oath! Oooohhh look at all the pretty colors!

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/24/08 01:05 PM
Whoops I said a bad word. I said hypocratic. I'm sorry. Hope I didn't offend noone.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 01:07 PM

Whoops I said a bad word. I said hypocratic. I'm sorry. Hope I didn't offend noone.

If Hippocrates was still alive, you'd probably get a letter from his whatever-the-Greek-word-for-lawyer-is.

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/24/08 01:09 PM
Brittney spears has like 10 prescriptions for ethics. One for every one of her mood swings and multiple personalities!

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 01/24/08 01:12 PM
Oh yeah I'd be loved.

no photo
Thu 01/24/08 01:13 PM

Brittney spears has like 10 prescriptions for ethics. One for every one of her mood swings and multiple personalities!

"Side effects: May cause driving with children on lap. May result in ill-advised award show performances and missing court dates."

Somebody at the FDA is asleep at the wheel....

KennethP5206's photo
Thu 01/24/08 02:16 PM
Wow you guy's are bored

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