Topic: Someone is trying to IM me, but it won't fully load!
Tue 12/05/06 05:35 PM
Identify yourself, or e-mail me!

bogie's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:42 PM
its not me but i'll say hello anyway

lookin4usug's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:42 PM
hi georgeous im rick

poisonflightledr's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:42 PM
hey kat,

i'd like to say it's me, but it's not...give it time to load

Dreamer2122's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:43 PM
yeah some people where trying to im me to and it wont let me connact its
taking forever to do it!

Kevin3824's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:44 PM
Could not have been me I jsut got here and have never had a sucessful IM
on here yet anyhow.

poisonflightledr's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:45 PM
ppl ppl it's happening to ur on dial up right....if so just
leave it alone it will load

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:45 PM
wasn't me--

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:47 PM
Ya need to check your firewall and your pop up blockers they will stop
the IM from loading most of the time its the pop up blocker.

Sluggo's photo
Tue 12/05/06 05:52 PM
Or when You hear the Click (from the pop up) push the "ctrl" then click
yes to accept it.....that temporaily over rides the pop up blocker

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 06:29 PM
I want someone to fuck me so hard

bogie's photo
Tue 12/05/06 06:38 PM
she is popping up everwhere

ShagnaC's photo
Tue 12/05/06 06:57 PM
I wish it would tell us who it is that is trying to IM us. So we know if
we want to accept it.

Tue 12/05/06 07:04 PM
Hey Ya'll ~

Yes, Rick, I'm on dial-up...but that isn't it. I've gotten other
IMS...this one just gets to 72% loaded and freezes. It may be a glitch
when I signed in. Whoever it is, doesn't bother to check the boards so
I don't know them anyway...

Hey to all you men I haven't met yet! I was on here a while, and just
recently ended a relationship. I'll be on and off, so feel free to say

Hey, Girl! I need to keep up with your posts...

Oh, and that person in yellow? I think it's a man...LOL!

no photo
Tue 12/05/06 07:08 PM