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Topic: Looking for a lady, but no dice so far
brianb8's photo
Mon 01/21/08 01:19 PM
Does he know that?

madamx7316's photo
Mon 01/21/08 01:22 PM
keep rollin them dice darlin..it will come up in your favor!

TexianaLady's photo
Mon 01/21/08 01:23 PM
That he isn't the one? Well... I saw him last weekend... All we did was argue all weekend because he constantly told me every little thing that he thinks is wrong with me... He loves to argue... I hate it... I like peace and calm. ha... So yeah... surely he knows....

CaRisLOVE's photo
Mon 01/21/08 01:31 PM
so far im kinda talkin to a sweet lady
but she not truly local

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 08:47 PM
Hey I am new here when you all say local where is that? I am in Lawrence,Ks And I too have dated a guy who is 6'5" and I am just 5'3" so I know the looks you all are talking about.

brianb8's photo
Mon 01/21/08 09:40 PM
I'm in Orange county, Ca

kolhauszer's photo
Tue 01/22/08 09:21 AM

Man, you try to start a convo with a local, and they show no love!!! Maybe it's because I'm 6'6, and 290lbs...( But not a fatty, I hold it well!!!) I joined this site to hopefully meet someone, but nobody shows interest. Any advice? (Besides the a@#hole kind)

my best advice is to listen to the answer lady bro...she knows..

when i joined the sight,i went right away to the forums and started having chats with everyone..this is how i met nicole..

great woman,ar 45 she's not only taking care of her 2 kids at home..but she works at a public school ..and now gone back to collage to take courses in corrections...phenominal woman..
we have been talking now on a regular basis for more then a week,and..i know that in the very near future i will be with her in california...of course this means that i will have to sell my home and property up north..but we are both willing to take that chance...oh yes..the answer lady i was reffering to is miss princess..not myself..just to be clear...

TheShadow's photo
Tue 01/22/08 09:32 AM

Man, you try to start a convo with a local, and they show no love!!! Maybe it's because I'm 6'6, and 290lbs...( But not a fatty, I hold it well!!!) I joined this site to hopefully meet someone, but nobody shows interest. Any advice? (Besides the a@#hole kind)
This is a start. It all takes time, it's just knowing are you willing to wait?

iluv2dance's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:37 PM
I think that sometimes the waiting game is frustrating too, but in the end I suppose it will be worth it if you find a great match. I'm new at all this too, but here checking things out as well. Good to you Brian. (and good luck to me...lol)

joshyfox's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:57 PM

Man, you try to start a convo with a local, and they show no love!!! Maybe it's because I'm 6'6, and 290lbs...( But not a fatty, I hold it well!!!) I joined this site to hopefully meet someone, but nobody shows interest. Any advice? (Besides the a@#hole kind)

The insecurity, the Doubt, I feel your pain man! I've met a few lovely ladies from here but it has never been serious. It took quite a while for me to meet someone here, just keep posting around, have fun and be yourself, interest will come when people get to know you better. Also don't be afraid to talk to them first, I do... a lot! Oh, and most importantly, don't give up!

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