Topic: Simple Abortion Question | |
Basically, I am stating that I don't feel it is right to force how I feel about something on other people. Especially if I am not in their shoes. And there is no way a man can be in those shoes, so that goes double for them. I'm with you on this one. |
By the way, for those who reply to my last three comments and I know all too well there will be many, I've had my say. I'm off to bed and there is no way I check tomorrow because I do not want to be bound to this forum all day saying the same thing over and over, in many different words, and looking at the clock and saying oh crap, I just wasted a whole day getting looping the same discussion over and over again. That's one of the reason women have abortions. A man starts something, then runs away so he doesn't have to deal with the aftermath. Hmmmmmmmm Excellent observation. |
How's that for 'logic' and contradiction? Add to that, most pro-lifers will make absolutely no allowances for the health of the mother or for rape cases. -Kerry O. Health of mother is the ONLY time you got me on the pro-choice, and on the rape thing I am really iffy, though I'd say leaning more towards choice. When was the last time you got raped and found you were pregnant? Will you ever suffer from eclampsia or toxemia? Face the possibility of dying in childbirth (it still happens, even in the so-called first world)? Do you think abortions are painless? Have you ever talked to a woman who had one? Don't you think it's a gut-wrenching decision, one often made out of desperation? See, all these questions are so easy for you, because it's all just a thought experiment for you with no binding consequences either way. Given that, I think it behooves you to listen a little more closely before you pass Old Testament judgement. And remember that it wasn't too long ago that similar arguments were made to stop the use of contraceptives. -Kerry O. |
Pro-Abortion and Pro-Choice are the same exact thing, by the way. You can't be Anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice and you can't be Pro-Abortion and Anti-Choice. The only thing you can be is Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion. One can be pro-choice and yet hold strong moral values against abortion. If you are against abortion its simple, don't have one, but dont think that you have the right to impose your moral values upon someone else. Anti-choice (AKA pro-life) use the excuse of protecting the life of an unborn fetus as a means to limit a woman's autonomy. They care very little for quality of life of children since the movement does nothing on behalf of children after they are born. I have yet to see "Pro-life" lobby for more money for welfare, healthcare, school lunches, etc... When I see bills passed and laws inacted thanks to the "Pro-life" movement that assures no child goes hungry, homeless, neglected or abused, then I'll be the first in line to sign up for that side. In the mean time no child should be an unwanted child... |
I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all. She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus. I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?" She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic. Once again as just mentioned..........There are no PRO-ABORTION people out there..........But PRO-CHOICE. If a woman decides to kkep her baby, and for some reason end up being killed, murdered, then yes it is double murder.......She chose to have the baby........Pro Choice people will make the decision to abort the fetus way before it is deemed viable....... But who gets to say whats viable. Playing God is not a womans right. Only God has that right. Not everyone belives in god. |
Edited by
Mon 01/21/08 04:55 AM
It was just an honest question! I keep hearing in the news about that marine who killed that woman who was pregnant and how he will be charged with double murder. Scott Peterson got it as well. Logic doesn't add up. There is no logic here????...........Lacy Peterson was about to have the baby, Connor was his name....would have lived outside of his mother's womb.........That is why it was double murder... The truth behind peterson and this new marine getting duoble murder is that the military does not allow abortions among the ranks ( at least while I was in they didnt), unless it is proven to be medically neccesarry for the mothers survival. |
Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice. Explain to me what the differance is please? |
Edited by
Mon 01/21/08 04:44 AM
that is not up to the court to decide, it is up to the woman. period. Amen Sister!!!!!!!!! Playing God is not a woman's right...Who said we are "playing" We are choosing...... Seriously, only a man could make that type of comment....... And only certain women would say that it is right for a woman to deny a man the right to be a father, simply because she does not (for whatever reason) want to be a mother |
I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all. She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus. I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?" She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic. Once again as just mentioned..........There are no PRO-ABORTION people out there..........But PRO-CHOICE. If a woman decides to kkep her baby, and for some reason end up being killed, murdered, then yes it is double murder.......She chose to have the baby........Pro Choice people will make the decision to abort the fetus way before it is deemed viable....... that's not necessarily true. my brother-in-law, for example...truly believes that all women that make less than 50K should be FORCED to have an abortion, and no one should be allowed to have more than two. he decided to fill me in on this...while i was seven months pregnant with his niece. |
Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice. Explain to me what the differance is please? |
Pro-Abortion and Pro-Choice are the same exact thing, by the way. You can't be Anti-Abortion and Pro-Choice and you can't be Pro-Abortion and Anti-Choice. The only thing you can be is Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion. Abortion is not a choice for me but I don't tell other women what decisions to make about their body..So yes I am ant -abortion as it pertains to me but pro choice for my sistas !! |
Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice. I don't support the murder of babys, but I support the right of mothers to murder their babys. Any way you slice it, if you support the right to abortion, you are supporting the right of a person in a position of power to murder someone in a position of dependance. Societies should protect the weak, not make laws justifying their murder. |
Besides, I don't think people are pro-abortion, they are pro-choice. I don't support the murder of babys, but I support the right of mothers to murder their babys. Any way you slice it, if you support the right to abortion, you are supporting the right of a person in a position of power to murder someone in a position of dependance. Societies should protect the weak, not make laws justifying their murder. Aren't you the poster who defended the right of the Israelites to commit virtual genocide of the Midianites? Because they were 'On a mission form God' if I recall your justification for it in the religious forums. You had no problem with boy babies being slaughtered and the girls being enslaved. -Kerry "wait for it.... 'But that was different'" O. |
Oh, BTW, a question for all the people who claim a human being is born at conception: Why can embyros in the earliest state of development be frozen indefinitely, while no human being outside of the womb has ever survived the same process?
-Kerry O. |
Natures way when it comes to sexual Reproduction SEXual INTERcourse=Babies arriving. Is it really that "fetus' fault you forgot to use a condom? No He/She was concieved for a purposs and its not our job as humans to decide whether or not He/She gets to progress with He?SHes' life. There is a purposs for everything and its not our job as Humans to decide what that is!
Now those who are pro-abortion say human life does not begin until birth. Okay, make that point, but then how can you justify our court system giving double murder to those who kill a pregnant woman? I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all. She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus. I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?" She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic. I think the legistics to this discussion is only if the unborn could have lived outside the woman's body at the time of the murder can it be a double murder. Which means that she would have had to have been 6-7 months pregnant. No abortions are allowed at this point in a pregnancy. So get the facts right first and then discuss. A woman should have the choice of what to do with her body until the child is born and becomes an entity unto itself. I have already said this to all pro-lifers and I will say it again if it bothers you so badly go to the abortion clinic catch the girl before she enters and offer her $100,000 or so not to have the abortion and keep the baby, if she takes the money and raises the kid you have then saved a life, but if you are not willing to do that then stay out of other peoples business. |
Edited by
Mon 01/21/08 07:19 PM
Now those who are pro-abortion say human life does not begin until birth. Okay, make that point, but then how can you justify our court system giving double murder to those who kill a pregnant woman? I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all. She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus. I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?" She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic. I think the legistics to this discussion is only if the unborn could have lived outside the woman's body at the time of the murder can it be a double murder. Which means that she would have had to have been 6-7 months pregnant. No abortions are allowed at this point in a pregnancy. So get the facts right first and then discuss. A woman should have the choice of what to do with her body until the child is born and becomes an entity unto itself. I have already said this to all pro-lifers and I will say it again if it bothers you so badly go to the abortion clinic catch the girl before she enters and offer her $100,000 or so not to have the abortion and keep the baby, if she takes the money and raises the kid you have then saved a life, but if you are not willing to do that then stay out of other peoples business. That is wrong, like I pointed out in another post. A man was charged when the fetus was only 3 months. And, it is a COULD, not a 100% definite. But yeah, you just admitted in your own post that you believe a woman should have a choice to murder her own entity inside her, that pesky parasite. We aren't the ones who lack responsibility, you are the ones who want to maintain a 'baby' scoiety where there is no such thing as personal responsibility for your choices. When someone goes wrong you simply don't kill it, you grow with it, live, and adapt to the new environment. Plus, you want us to buy her off for her own choices and pay her $100,000 to keep the baby? Socialism 101, baby the part of the society that doesn't want to grow up and can't take the responsibility of their lives in their own hands. And you say capital murder is cruel. Not granting the life of a new human that could save millions with cures, discover a new technology, or maybe become a mass murderer. However, what a foolish game to play executioner of a life growing inside you. How childish, how selfish. |
Socialists don't like individualism and yet they will bow down before a 'me me me' idea of aborting a fetus to prevent from responsibility. Wouldn't it be in the interest of socialists to not allow a woman to abort a fetus, especially if she is poor, so you can then use them both as a victim for your own sick and twisted big brother government society?
I think I dislike the idea of abortion mostly for two reasons alone.
#1. What if that aborted fetus would have been the next Mozart, Gandhi, or a great scientist who would have cured cancer or found a new source of energy that would have set us so far in technological advancement? #2. The never gonna grow up society that lacks any personal responsibility and finds it alright, or enjoys in the fact that they believe the big friendly government will always watch out and take care of them. |
Now those who are pro-abortion say human life does not begin until birth. Okay, make that point, but then how can you justify our court system giving double murder to those who kill a pregnant woman? I even heard a pro-abortionist person saying that someone who murders a pregnant woman should be tried for both murders. WHAT? That makes absolutely no sense at all. She went on to say it is different because the woman wanted to keep the fetus. I asked her "How can you murder a 'human' that you don't consider a living human being?" She then went on to argue again and again that it is different because the pregnant woman wanted to keep the fetus. What screwy logic. I think the legistics to this discussion is only if the unborn could have lived outside the woman's body at the time of the murder can it be a double murder. Which means that she would have had to have been 6-7 months pregnant. No abortions are allowed at this point in a pregnancy. So get the facts right first and then discuss. A woman should have the choice of what to do with her body until the child is born and becomes an entity unto itself. I have already said this to all pro-lifers and I will say it again if it bothers you so badly go to the abortion clinic catch the girl before she enters and offer her $100,000 or so not to have the abortion and keep the baby, if she takes the money and raises the kid you have then saved a life, but if you are not willing to do that then stay out of other peoples business. That is wrong, like I pointed out in another post. A man was charged when the fetus was only 3 months. And, it is a COULD, not a 100% definite. But yeah, you just admitted in your own post that you believe a woman should have a choice to murder her own entity inside her, that pesky parasite. We aren't the ones who lack responsibility, you are the ones who want to maintain a 'baby' scoiety where there is no such thing as personal responsibility for your choices. When someone goes wrong you simply don't kill it, you grow with it, live, and adapt to the new environment. Plus, you want us to buy her off for her own choices and pay her $100,000 to keep the baby? Socialism 101, baby the part of the society that doesn't want to grow up and can't take the responsibility of their lives in their own hands. And you say capital murder is cruel. Not granting the life of a new human that could save millions with cures, discover a new technology, or maybe become a mass murderer. However, what a foolish game to play executioner of a life growing inside you. How childish, how selfish. Hey go out and adopt all those unwanted children in the world and then tell me about an abortion, okay? And it is the woman's choice, it is her body, if you pay her she may keep the baby and you are the savior, right?? Since you want to save them all save them all. Pay her what it is going to cost her to raise the child about 100 grnad or so and then you are the great savior. Do it, action speaks louder than sad words. Until all the unwanted children in the world are cared for and there is a shortage of unwanted children, I personally don't want to hear a pitiful word about abortion. Do you know how many men walk out on a pregnant woman, abandoning her and the children?? I bet not. So keep it, really. Go to the abortion clinics and support the children 100% and then preach to me okay? |