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Topic: Dating White girls
lilrayrayman's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:46 PM
Edited by lilrayrayman on Wed 01/16/08 09:49 PM
I Am very attracted to girl outside my race ,Caucasian women In particular and my parent's think that that i should Be more open to the types of girls that would make a potential date.. I have seen a few mixed girls which I thought had attractive features. I just don't seem to be attracted to a black woman's body (big hips) and personality. (too talkative/parent kike.

I do like

Asian girls
some latinas
Some Bi-racial

My parents tell me what white girls personalities change and that they will get you in trouble so I have to be more cautious if I persue these kinds of girls. I just like the way most white girls act. I mean theyre quiet like I am. Seem to share more things more in common eith me and such. I have never gotten to a girl enough to be more than freinds which I think is inhibiting me to find girls that I can have a solid connection with. I am almost 19 and I thought I'd at least meat someone who would say "yes" but it has not happened.

I am not an outgoing person I am too shy for that..

The reason why my parents tell me I need to like other kinds of girls besides white girls is that my father got accused of attemted rape 17 years ago,got out and had sex with a 14 year old white gil. and My cousin's got a white girlfreind and got her pregnant and she used to have an attitude problem and wouldnt let the mother of the cousin see th e baby. the girl changed for the better and started acting right.

Wonderbread's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:48 PM
It'll pass, just think you can do it and it'll happen. And stop looking, it'll happen faster when your just enjoying your life and not worrying about it.

isaac_dede's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:49 PM
what century are you in? dude, don't be so focused on race it shouldn't matter what color they are...whether your parents find it right or not. If you like a girl go for it. Period. JMHO

Nickinolosers's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:51 PM
try it you'll like it

Lover_of_Laughter's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:55 PM
I have a mixed view. My mother married a black guy the second time around and they have two kids and a great life -- but there are struggles, and her family didn't always support their union. So when it comes to me, my moms is all for whatever I want.

My dad however, if not so understanding and probably wouldn't speak to me again if I dated a black man.

It is hard -- but I think in the end it is your happiness not theirs that will matter. Besides...not all white girls are crazy, just like all black guys aren't drug dealers.

Do what's right for you!

alonenotlonely's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:58 PM
Dude,man, what courage to voice this on a predominantly older and much more ignorant audience.
Hats off to you, man.

I'm gonna watch this post with interest.
Thank you.

shutterbug63's photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:58 PM
I have also dated outside my race. You have to go for what you find to be attractive, no matter what anyone says. Life is too short to spend it with a woman of your same race if you're more attracted to women of another race. It should not matter what color she is, or what someone else thinks.

no photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:58 PM
noway laugh noway

no photo
Wed 01/16/08 09:59 PM

no photo
Thu 01/17/08 07:47 AM
I think you're paying way too much attention to stereotypes and generalizations, and not enough to individuals -- not all black girls have big hips, and not all white girls will get you in trouble. The point is, if you like somebody, and they like you, the pigmentation really shouldn't be an issue. Let everybody be who they are, and not a "Race: Check One" on a census form.

chuck366's photo
Thu 01/17/08 07:48 AM
love has no boundries, never mind color boundry, follow your heart not your eyes

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 01/17/08 08:10 AM
All I can say is don't let anothers past pave your future. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 01/17/08 01:20 PM
Its just a color brother.

jtitol's photo
Thu 01/17/08 02:36 PM
im spanish and its hard to date outside my race but its possible

no photo
Fri 01/18/08 08:28 PM

Race: Check One" on a census form.

I write in Human LOL irks them as it does not compute....go figure
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fade2Black's photo
Fri 01/18/08 08:47 PM

what century are you in? dude, don't be so focused on race it shouldn't matter what color they are...whether your parents find it right or not. If you like a girl go for it. Period. JMHO

drinker drinker drinker

yic17's photo
Fri 01/18/08 09:14 PM
hehe ... yeah ... definitely too much "stereotypes and generalizations"

seriously, every girl's different. there are white girls who got "big hip" and are "too talkative" also. and I'm sure there are black girls that don't have big hip and are less talkative. there are billions of people in this world man.

I mean ... you can't say all white girls are "quiet like I am. Seem to share more things more in common eith me and such." right? I don't think you're anything like Britney Spears or Paris Hilton ... or maybe you are ... I don't know laugh

tinabelle's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:22 PM

i'm mixed and that sort of thing has been a problem for me in the past.

to white guys i was still a lil too colored,

gammalight6000's photo
Fri 01/18/08 11:25 PM
i like all colorsdrinker

stevex86's photo
Sat 01/19/08 01:22 AM
IM equal oppertunity, well not exactly. I only date women I find intelligent and attractive. Life is way to short to date dumb women.

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