Topic: who belives the smoking ban is wrong?
andreajayne's photo
Mon 01/14/08 11:20 PM
i think it's BS how the goverment abuses smokers. first they tax the piss out of them, then the ban them from smoking in public places, next will be our own homes... they will never completely ban them, they are too much tax revenue, but they sure in the hell will make it hard for people who give them their money!

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 04:58 PM
well smokers should have the right to smoke but the government is more concern with those that work in the places that people smoke at..a patron smoker at an establisment that smokes maybe for ten minutes after eating but imagine those that have to work in a smoking enviroment and having to breath smoke in during their entire shift

OSHA ..short for the Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration would have eventually stepped in to protect workers in such a hazardous work enviroment

the bottom line is if smokers want the right to possibly kill theirselves smoking then they shouldn't also have the right to possibly kill others doing it...what's that called when you kill yourself and someone else? a Suicide Homicide

blonde223's photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:24 PM
Banning smoking in public. I am so for it, because i had to work with it. I dont smoke and after work it caused me to have pneimonia five times in one year. Yeah i do know that smokers should have some rights about where to smoke but what about the rest of us. Leaving from different places with that smokey nasty smell that stays in you hair for days. And I was reading about this in the paper that they are starting to fine parents that smoke in front of their children is a form of child abuse. And the children may even be taken away

BigCurt_31's photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:41 PM

It is perfect, all it says is dont bother others with it like children. The fact that they didnt ban them shows you have rights just like the people who have a right to go out and not be bothered by someone elses smoke. Whats so hard about being courteous to others.

I concur with this sentiment! I think the ban on smoking in Restaurant's and Bar's is long-time overdue!

BigCurt_31's photo
Sun 01/20/08 07:43 PM

i think it's BS how the goverment abuses smokers. first they tax the piss out of them, then the ban them from smoking in public places, next will be our own homes... they will never completely ban them, they are too much tax revenue, but they sure in the hell will make it hard for people who give them their money!

LoL! Got to love the idea of banning cigarette smoking in your own home. Doubt that will ever happen there bro. Taking it a little to personal. Personally, I don't smoke and would never subject my son to smoking at any age.

no photo
Sun 01/20/08 08:42 PM
I hate smoking, think it's stupid BUT I love freedom & would defend your right to smoke if you wish. I think each bussiness owner should decide what is right for thier bussiness. If a restaurant is too smoky, I go someplace else. Your $ are your real vote! Smoking in a hospital is really stupid & of course they are banning it!

Creon's photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:06 AM
Edited by Creon on Mon 01/21/08 07:09 AM

Creon's photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:08 AM

My question is the goverment are they just trying to control us? If they really cared about heatlh wouldnt they just ban cigarettes?Yes i am a smoker don't I have any rights left?I will say i have been to a bar since the ban.First of all there weren't too many people there.So now the air is clean,but i noticed we now get to smell B.O! spilt beer all over the place! Also the dude sitting next to me farted and that was far worse then any nonsmoker breathing in cigarette smoke! Does anybody agree with me when i say whats next? I know i will proabably get ripped for posting this but who cares!

I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, but I don't think it's any of my business if someone else does.

I think alcohol is a much bigger problem than smoking -- I never hear any stories about a guy smoking six cigarettes and then plowing his car into a school bus. I find it disturbing when someone smoking a cigarette has to jump through hoops just to avoid "offending" anyone, while an infinite number of drunks are allowed to run around completely unregulated, killing thousands and crippling thousands more.

I don't know what they're planning in the future for smokers -- how much more can they do to them? -- but I'm really glad I never started!

Mon 01/21/08 07:06 AM
Your analogy is somewhat misguided my friend, There are many laws out there about drinking. Drinking in public, Drinking and Driving are just two very well know examples and when caught they will lose something, or have privilages taken away, including money. I haven't seen a smoker get fined for smoking in a non smoking establishment, nor have I seen them get put in jail for that either. The government has a legitimate concern on their hands, but the government has never really been able to do much because of one thing or another. Not smoking in a public establishment should just be common curtesy to those that don't want toxics in their system. I believe in the right to choose, though what choices are we able to make on our own, and what has to be factioned through governmental agencies, is a different story. The FDA makes choices all the time about what is an acceptable drug and what isn't, Does it mean that if we want a drug that isn't accepted by this agency, we go stark raving mad, No it just means we find a different way to get it. Another example is 1920 prohibition. The gov tried and failed misserably, Just because theres a speed limit doesn't mean we all go by it, we take our chances, Americans do what they want when they want it. I believe this whole hartedly, . Take alook at everything that we do in this world, we are free though governed by laws and rules that are and are not made by man, some make sense and some don't. Take a look into your heart and decide what is the best way for you and those that you love/want to love, Thats your guide.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 01/21/08 01:12 PM
First off all this "I had to work in it"; you didn't HAVE to work in it, you chose to work in it and did so with full knowledge of what you were dealing with (or so I would hope). If the government was concerned with it's citizens, why don't they put more tax dollars towards stopping drunk driving? Or even enact stricter penalties for doing so? Instead they spend taxes on a war that not many people are behind, and more money on stupid drug laws that are rarily if ever enforced. It comes down to choice, we have it in this country, don't like an establishment because it gets to smokey then leave the establishment...don't like the job for the same reason, find another job...wanna smoke in public, get a fine.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 01/21/08 02:13 PM

children annoy me, lets ban them from a privately owned place


sure they do. they cause me hearing damage when they aren't silenced. they cause heart issues because of random screaming. they offend me because of random foul odors

look Moby ,smoking smells,kills and is a gross filthy habit.I am all for banning anyplace food is served because I dont want to smell your cigarette while I'm eating my meal or trying to breath in a bar.And don't even get me started on the f@#$king ciggarette butts thrown from car windows and on the sidewalks where a kid could eat them or touch them.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Mon 01/21/08 02:15 PM

First off all this "I had to work in it"; you didn't HAVE to work in it, you chose to work in it and did so with full knowledge of what you were dealing with (or so I would hope). If the government was concerned with it's citizens, why don't they put more tax dollars towards stopping drunk driving? Or even enact stricter penalties for doing so? Instead they spend taxes on a war that not many people are behind, and more money on stupid drug laws that are rarily if ever enforced. It comes down to choice, we have it in this country, don't like an establishment because it gets to smokey then leave the establishment...don't like the job for the same reason, find another job...wanna smoke in public, get a fine.

why should we quit a good job because of your addiction or leave a good restaurant because of your addiction..

toastedoranges's photo
Mon 01/21/08 02:23 PM
why should we quit a good job because of your addiction or leave a good restaurant because of your addiction..

privately owned establishments should not be under government jurisdiction in such a way, it's an abuse of government power

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 02:46 PM

Your analogy is somewhat misguided my friend,


"Analogy: an inference that if things agree in some respects they probably agree in others"

"Analogy: drawing a comparison in order to show a similarity in some respect; 'the operation of a computer presents and interesting analogy to the working of the brain'; 'the models show by analogy how matter is built up'"

"Analogy: A comparison of two or more similar objects, suggesting that if they are alike in certain respects, they will probably be like in other ways, too."

Uh, no. I'm making an observation to the effect that these two things -- cigarettes and alcohol -- are NOT really similar. Just my own personal opinion.

There are many laws out there about drinking. Drinking in public, Drinking and Driving are just two very well know examples and when caught they will lose something, or have privilages taken away, including money.

No dispute there. That doesn't stop it from happening, though. You may catch a handful of drunk drivers here and there, but the problem is so prevalent and massive that all the arrests and revoked licenses are merely a drop in the bucket.

I haven't seen a smoker get fined for smoking in a non smoking establishment, nor have I seen them get put in jail for that either. The government has a legitimate concern on their hands, but the government has never really been able to do much because of one thing or another. Not smoking in a public establishment should just be common curtesy to those that don't want toxics in their system.

OK, I agree with you there. One might raise the point that common courtesy could likewise be extended to those of us who would prefer not to be killed or maimed by a drunk driver. I'm not aware of anyone smoking a few cigarettes and then being completely unable to control a vehicle.

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:16 PM
the government can't regulate everything people use to get drunk or high on because they would have to make everything illegal from vanilla extract to prescription drugs and that is why it you kill or maim someone while under a control substance then you may have to take responsibilty for it even jail time

if someone has an addiction to cigarettes and can't control themselves from sticking them in their mouth then don't make your problem everyone's else problem ...since you have the right to smoke then go smoke where there are no people it's that simple have the right to bear arms it doesn't mean you can go shoot the gun around people that why the government has to step in sometimes is more of the people's fault not using common sense

Clariceannn's photo
Mon 01/21/08 07:54 PM
It is like probition in the thirties. It did not work then it will not work now.Also, if smoking was banned all togeather the states would loose a lot of tax money.Also the lowering of the blood alcohol level is just another money maker for the government. If it was just for our health, then why not let the public vote on the issue?

no photo
Tue 01/22/08 10:19 AM
don't you guys see what is actually happenning...The Tabacco industry actually wants the ban to take place..because if O.S.H.A. the Occupational Safety and Health Adminstration steps in and deem cigarette smoke harzardous then that would involve the insurance companies refusing to insure clients that smoke or child protection agencies banning smoking in the home and in cars and giving cigarettes the same taboo as marijuana and if that happens then the tobacco companies would then lose all type of revenue in the USA ...

the tabacco companies strategy is just because it is ban in public places that will not stop the addicts from smoking or buying their product and also accepting the ban will keep the product from being label harzardous ...besides they are getting new smokers oversea like in Japan where they can cater to billions of potential smokers and future smokers and where advertising smoking is not banned

Dawn7007's photo
Tue 01/22/08 10:46 AM
I think it should be up to the establishment to ban the cig smoking. Having a seperate room for the smookers would work for me. I use to smoke and now I don't. Been clean for over 3 years. Noticed that my clothes don't smell like smoke all the time & my mouth (going to the dentist) is a whole lot better. Meaning that my gum tissue is healthier, that I haven't lost any bone or mobility around my teeth, and breath is fresher not smelling os stale smoke. Ya everyone has the right to choose but we also have the right to live.

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 01/22/08 12:07 PM

First off all this "I had to work in it"; you didn't HAVE to work in it, you chose to work in it and did so with full knowledge of what you were dealing with (or so I would hope). If the government was concerned with it's citizens, why don't they put more tax dollars towards stopping drunk driving? Or even enact stricter penalties for doing so? Instead they spend taxes on a war that not many people are behind, and more money on stupid drug laws that are rarily if ever enforced. It comes down to choice, we have it in this country, don't like an establishment because it gets to smokey then leave the establishment...don't like the job for the same reason, find another job...wanna smoke in public, get a fine.

why should we quit a good job because of your addiction or leave a good restaurant because of your addiction..

Why should we stop smokeing so you can have a better workplace? Should we also stop cussing in public so you can feel more at home at these establishments? Perhaps we shouldn't wear the t-shirt we're wearing, because it's possibly offensive to some? I probably shouldn't put up my spikes because that seems more offensive to some then my smokeing habit. See where this is all leading?

HippieNick's photo
Tue 01/22/08 08:13 PM
if our government is so concerned with our health, tell burger king to stop selling ****ing burgers at 6 am

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 01/22/08 08:47 PM

if our government is so concerned with our health, tell burger king to stop selling ****ing burgers at 6 am

i thought they had breakfast stuff then?

dunno, i don't eat the stuff