Topic: who belives the smoking ban is wrong? | |
Smoking affects not only the health of the smoker, but others too, and that's not fair. No one has a right to damage my lungs with their smoke.
Well my issue with this is that just recently... they banned smoking at a local hospital.... what I did not realize that also includes smoking in ur personal vehicle while parked in their parking lot....
I do believe that this is going a bit toooo far..... and the patients are not allowed to have the cigerattes in their possession while a patient at the hospital |
I didnt know that we can't smoke on JSH !!!!
This country is becoming bull****. It's all about the money. Whether we smoke or not, we're losing all kinds of rights that we probably don't even know about yet. I saw a program on MSNBC a few days before christmas about something the gov is trying to pursue. They'll be able to track how you're spending money, WHERE you're spending it, your cell numbers, phone records, what you do on a daily basis. I'm out to oust this country and get the helllll out. I love this country but damn, something has got to give. They already do track all that. Soon we will all have a GPS chip. They want to put one in your drivers license, (national ID card. |
I don't smoke. Personally I think it is stupid, BUT if you want to smoke, you should be able to. I would hope you would be polite about it & sensable, like don't blow your smoke in a baby's face. Each individual bussiness owner should make the rule for his own business, & if you don't like it, don't spend your money there.
I believe this issue has been pushed by insurance lobbists. |
I am glad that they have a smoking ban! Why should I have to breathe in other peoples toxins? I just got over cancer and I have a 80% chance of getting cancer somewhere I prefer not to breathe in smoke. If you want to damage your lungs I think you should smoke in your own home and damage your own lungs.
They say that second hand smoke is actually worse then no thanks, put your cigs out when you are out in public!! Honestly, how hard can it be? Its out of respect for people who have health problems and who doesn't really want to breathe in harmful toxins!! Let us non-smokers have our rights too!! Is it really fair that we might get lung cancer because we sat beside someone that refused to put out their cig?? I say absolutely let us breathe nice fresh air!! ![]() |
That's right, unsure! And I hate it when smokers use the planet as their ashtray. That really pisses me off, because those things are not biodegradeable.
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I just have to say. About time! Nothing like a puff of death hitting me in the face. Thank you brave law makers!
government should not be daddy these laws a insurance company lobby issues if they slow down smoking issues insurance payouts go down (can we say seat belt law) govt impositions of freedoms are going to increase as long as the people continue to not voice their opinions to washington if you do not vote then you should not complain no one worth voting for then wrie in your name if everyone wrote in some one (anyone) then they would get the idea if you do not vote you are saying i am cool with the way thaings are going so if ya do not like the way the govt is then change it or quit yer whining Look, it's freedom. Really, I can complain however much I want afterall I live in the land of the free (persay). Your falling victim to fairytale idea that your vote actually matters, in an age when only a margin of the population votes even persay everyone voted it would not matter who you picked or who I picked because the one with the money would win. It's basic economy, we see ads of one guy saying vote for me in my mind I wouldn't vote for him but just as I may not vote for him there are thousands out there that at the poll would think back on that commercial/billboard/radio ad/newspaper clipping/poster. If you want to break it down statistically Bush shouldn't have won his second term in office, why did he? Simple answer he has the money, long answer: He was born into presidency from his father he also had the backing of his father during elections (both terms he has held) on top of the money that he gained from numerous different companies that his name was "tied" too, he also dug a hole too big for another president to fill therefore the american generalization of what should happen is "he should get us out of it" unfourtanetly he couldn't get himself out of a doorway. Clinton reserved billions of dollars for the american economy which Bush rolled through in only one term as president (too many vacations me thinks). You want to talk politics? I can talk politics any day of the week. Peace |
what's freedom? restrictions on your rights? government imposing the will of others on you? the right of a privately held establishments owner's right to their own customer's wants?
unamerican, the lot of you |
well i hate smelling cig smoke .. i dont want ur ****ty as smoke polluting my lungs but if it was some ganja .. u can smoke all u want !!!!!!!!!
at least it will be worth it !! lmao !!
with the ganja! |
~~~~~~~~~sparks up a butt.................
Edited by
Mon 01/14/08 12:09 PM
I have already posted in here at the beggining, so no sense in my debating anymore but i just want to say that SMOKING SUCKS!!!
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I don t believe we should ban smokin hot woman
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I use to smoke, and even when I did I thought it was disgusting, not sure why anyone would want to cause health risks towards people who have to smell it, i think that in a bar though its a bit harder for those who like to smoke while they drink, but damn that 2nd hand smoke is just as bad as smoking.
The point is, all rules to some effect, alter our freedoms. Meaning that the safety and well being of the greater good is being looked at. Not just the individual. Well let me start by saying I am a smoker and try to be courteous to non-smokers...I tend not to smoke when around a non-smoker and if I do I try to exhale my smoke away from them. Think what this all boils down to is our rights as americans. Yes they need to do something about drinking and driving and drinking in general as it also will kill you and your liver. The government dictates and makes laws on many things that are an infringement on our rights. One that erks me the most is the seat belt law. Now you tell me who I am harming by not wear one. ME MYSELF AND I...not YOU. I am not endangering anyone but myself but they will fine me if I do not wear one. NOW THAT"S UNAMERICAN. I went as far as telling the officer that I felt it was against my rights as an american and he actually agreed but had to give me the ticket anyway. $$$$$$$$$$$$ is all it's about |
My question is the goverment are they just trying to control us? If they really cared about heatlh wouldnt they just ban cigarettes?Yes i am a smoker don't I have any rights left?I will say i have been to a bar since the ban.First of all there weren't too many people there.So now the air is clean,but i noticed we now get to smell B.O! spilt beer all over the place! Also the dude sitting next to me farted and that was far worse then any nonsmoker breathing in cigarette smoke! Does anybody agree with me when i say whats next? I know i will proabably get ripped for posting this but who cares! In Aussie they have had no smoking in pubs and nite clubs for about two years now. It does feel much nicer to go out for a drink and not smell of smoke. i used to be a smoker and quit 6months ago. But the pubs were always hazy and blue and now it feells cleaner. Well the goverment is going to do what they want when they want where ever you live. So you will just have to put up with it or give up is what the gov is saying. and there would be more support for it than against so its ur choice. but all goverments are trying to take away our rights so the only choice is give up or go outside and smoke. its not that hard |
In Aussie they have had no smoking in pubs and nite clubs for about two years now. It does feel much nicer to go out for a drink and not smell of smoke. i used to be a smoker and quit 6months ago. But the pubs were always hazy and blue and now it feells cleaner. Well the goverment is going to do what they want when they want where ever you live. So you will just have to put up with it or give up is what the gov is saying. and there would be more support for it than against so its ur choice. but all goverments are trying to take away our rights so the only choice is give up or go outside and smoke. its not that hard
thing is, this is america. we should have to "put up" with what our government tells us. unless the majority wants it, it shouldn't happen |
Ahh Its ok! Smokers won't be around much longer.
Cancer has them pwned. |