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Topic: lets vote for ideals, not for popularity...
daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:28 AM
Edited by daniel48706 on Fri 01/11/08 04:30 AM
Ok folks here is your chance to shine. Let's forget about all the candidates running for Presidency right now. As far as I am concerned there is no candidate right now.

What do you want to see happen with the next President of the United States? What do you want him/her to do that other presidents have not done (or maybe they have done and you want it repeated).

The only rule is, you may NOT discuss ANYTHING to do with the Iraq war, even as a side thought. Do not discuss about bringing our troops home. We already know so many people want our troops home no matter what, so lets discuss other issues besides the war in Iraq. I will ask the moderators to erase any comment that does not follow this one rule.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:34 AM
I for one would lke to see a revamp of our military, and of our educational system.

With the military, I would like to see upon graduation of highschool it being mandatory to either continue on into college (and of course maintain a certain gpa) or go into the military for a minimum of four years.
Those that go to the military go straight to school at Uncle Sams expense for two years, in order tog et there associates, and then owe two years actual service to reimburse Uncle Sam for the education.
I have a lot of ideas on this issue, and they dont stop with two years of college. However for right now, I think this is enough to give you the idea of what I am talking about.

I also want to see a reform (proper!!!) in public assistance for those that truly need it.

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:40 AM
I want them to give me my Money back. I want gas prices lower. I want shopping revenue higher. I want to not see us end up in a great depression again. We are heading that way. Bush says are economy is strong. He is full of SH*IT!

copperhugs's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:43 AM
Personaly.. I feel that we need a president who will secure our constitutional rights as an American and that means someone who will not pass laws bias of his/her religious beliefs. There are millions of people who live in america and a dozen other religious groups other than evbangelist christians. No religion practiced by people are perfect. BECAUSE people are not perfect. Can we just let everyone live their lives how they choose? as long as they are not hurting themselves or taking rights away from other people we would all be happier- am I right?

Robm248's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:46 AM
Ok, I have to disagree. Being forced into the military or college is not going to be right for everyone. I was in the navy for eight years... and the military is not right for some people. Also, college, while good for some people, is not right for others. All that what you want would become is: more government control/less freedom/more taxes. I just don't see that system working well...

What I would like to see from our government is indeed reform. However, the reform I desire is a return to serving the best interests of the public! I want the government to stop wasting money, to stop trying to control every aspect of our lives, and to actually remember that it is there to do exactly this: 'To serve and protect'. Well, I guess it still is doing that, but only in terms of our politicians best interests.

As for revamping our education system: YES PLEASE! Let's get rid of this silly, feel good for the slow kid 'no child left behind'. The only thing we are doing with that program is hindering the growth of our brightest young people. Let's make grades based on tests and quizes. No credit for homework! After all, half of the answers for homework are in the back of the textbook! It proves nothing. Also, one area I do want more government spending: pay raises for the teachers. They deserve it! Yet... it has to be publicly accountable... since the last several raises in my state have gone not to the teachers but to school district projects.

Robm248's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:47 AM

I want them to give me my Money back. I want gas prices lower. I want shopping revenue higher. I want to not see us end up in a great depression again. We are heading that way. Bush says are economy is strong. He is full of SH*IT!

No, the economy is strong... they just want to bleed us dry. As for gas prices: It's a greed issue that the gas companies are charging so much. Gas isn't that much more expensive than 8 years ago per barrel. Not even close. They just decided they can make more money.

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:50 AM
Shopping Revenue is down 40% this year. Gas and taxes are higher than they have ever been. The houseing market sucks again. People don't have money. That isn't strong. I have seen negative changes taking place in the economy. Changes that are affecting my life personally.

copperhugs's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:51 AM
I also think it would be better off if we educated our selves on the fact that there is no "bad guy" and that appreciating differences can only make us stronger as idividuals and as a country.

freedom.. of choice, daniel... Our country was founded on this concept

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:51 AM
I also think the Child Support laws suck and are unfair. I believe a man should pay though. If the man gets rich so does his ex wife off child support. That isn't right either.

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:52 AM
Crack Head Spears was paying 27,000 bucks a month for child support. Crazy... LOL

daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:56 AM
Edited by daniel48706 on Fri 01/11/08 05:03 AM
Ok, I have to disagree. Being forced into the military or college is not going to be right for everyone. I was in the navy for eight years... and the military is not right for some people. Also, college, while good for some people, is not right for others. All that what you want would become is: more government control/less freedom/more taxes. I just don't see that system working well...

For those that do not want to go military there is the college option (and yes I understand there are those who are not physically/mentally capable of one or the other if not both.) And I am sorry, but no one can say that college is not right for some people. I am not saying you have to choose a high level degree or anything. You could go in and get an associates degree in general education, or in carpentry, or culinary arts, just to name a few. As long as you get the associates degree.

Now for those few who are not physically/mentally capable of the military, or are not mentally capable of higher education, we find something else to help them out with.

All that what you want would become is: more government control/less freedom/more taxes.

The government would lose more control than it could possibly gain as an educated public is oe of the governments worst nightmares... There would not be less freedom, you would just be required to learn how to serve your country better as an individual (and yes I know some think this means enslavery or less freedom but it isnt; it opens up too many avenues of choice for the individual). And finally, how would there be more taxes, simply because everyone went to colelge or the military? Taxes are a throw-all-in topic. They do not have anything to do with joining the military or college.

copperhugs's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:56 AM
or the judicial system.. how does a man get 8 months for raping a child and a non-violent crime committed get 4 years.. jesus!

daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:58 AM

I also think it would be better off if we educated our selves on the fact that there is no "bad guy" and that appreciating differences can only make us stronger as idividuals and as a country.

freedom.. of choice, daniel... Our country was founded on this concept

You would have the choice: college or military. We are not talking life service to either. We are talking about educating ourselves, protecting our country, and keeping our rich daddies and mommies from making sure their babies dont go off to war.

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 04:59 AM
Well the Justice system has a lot to do with the child support as well.. So we are KIND OF on the same page there.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:01 AM

I also think the Child Support laws suck and are unfair. I believe a man should pay though. If the man gets rich so does his ex wife off child support. That isn't right either.

What about the fact (at least for me) that if my ex had custody, I would be paying a couple hundred dollars a month for two children; yet they give her the lowest possible support order which is 67 dollars a month (for BOTH children, not each) and 30 dollars for medical assistance?

copperhugs's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:03 AM
there are peopl who work low end labor jobs... there are people in our society at the bottom- by choice. our country depends on these people. College is NOT for everyone! The fatc that our country will pay you to go to school if you are at the bottom, and people still choose to manage an IHop or Jack in the Box... that should be your first clue. Choice and freedom go hand in hand.. how is an educated country a bad thing?? That sounds pretty ignorent to me. honestly

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:04 AM
Well... Its unfair either way. Husband or Wife. Why should one get rich off the others earnings? Common Sense tells me that is wrong.

daniel48706's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:04 AM

Well the Justice system has a lot to do with the child support as well.. So we are KIND OF on the same page there.

The justice system has nothing to do with child support. that is governed by child welfare acts and such.

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:04 AM
I agree with you Daniel about the College and the Mil..

thegooddude24's photo
Fri 01/11/08 05:05 AM
The justice system has nothing to do with Divorce? or Child Support? You mean they don't use a judge for that stuff? Where was I during my divorce. haha

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