Topic: 911 truth movement | |
This is for you conspiracy crazies who insist the government is resposible for 911. Here is reasoning even a fifth grader can understand. This common sense approach without facts getting in the way since I know conspiracy crazies do not want to hear facts, proves the government is not responsible for 911.
In connection with the above, President Bush was sworn into office in late January, and 9/11 happened in early September. This means that Bush was barely in office for eight months when 9/11 happened. At that point, he still didn't even have his government put together. Therefore, he didn't have the time or people in office to plot and execute something of that magnitude. Additionally, since the government was still in a state of transition, that also meant that too many of Clinton's people had been removed from their positions, thus making it also impossible for Clinton's government to have been responsible. Essentially, America was in between governments at the time, with a mish mash of part Bush, part Clinton and even a number of empty slots, meaning that no one could have been able to execute something like 9/11 due to lack of people in key positions. |
Bush to them is the dumbest, most incompetant President ever, whose government has been the leakest in history, and yet he was able to pull off such an extravagant attack on his own country and no one leaked such to the press.
Common sense says that's the only point needed to explain why the 9/11 conspiracy theory is a joke. |
APRIL 10--Under pressure from the September 11 commission, the White House today declassified and released an intelligence digest given to President George W. Bush weeks before the 2001 terrorist attacks. The confidential President's Daily Brief (PDB) for August 6, 2001 contained a two-page section entitled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US," and refers to possible hijacking attempts by Osama bin Laden disciples and the existence of about 70 FBI investigations into alleged al-Qaeda cells operating within the United States. The August 6 PDB, an excerpt from which you'll find below, was presented to Bush while he vacationed at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. The digest is prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency, an official from which briefs the president on the report's contents. While Bush critics have described the August 6 PDB as a warning of an impending al-Qaeda attack, Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, testified Thursday that the document contained "historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information." (2 pages) |
This is for you conspiracy crazies who insist the government is resposible for 911. Here is reasoning even a fifth grader can understand. This common sense approach without facts getting in the way since I know conspiracy crazies do not want to hear facts, proves the government is not responsible for 911. In connection with the above, President Bush was sworn into office in late January, and 9/11 happened in early September. This means that Bush was barely in office for eight months when 9/11 happened. At that point, he still didn't even have his government put together. Therefore, he didn't have the time or people in office to plot and execute something of that magnitude. Additionally, since the government was still in a state of transition, that also meant that too many of Clinton's people had been removed from their positions, thus making it also impossible for Clinton's government to have been responsible. Essentially, America was in between governments at the time, with a mish mash of part Bush, part Clinton and even a number of empty slots, meaning that no one could have been able to execute something like 9/11 due to lack of people in key positions. U.S. intelligence agencies provided "a modest, but relatively steady stream" of intelligence information that terrorist attacks inside the country were a possibility, a congressional investigator told lawmakers Wednesday. Online NewsHour Report: U.S. War on Terrorism Eleanor Hill, staff director for the joint House-Senate inquiry into alleged intelligence failures ahead of the Sept. 11 attacks, released a 30-page statement Wednesday that found information on possible terrorist strikes continued to filter through the nation's intelligence system in the months directly before the attacks. Some of that information specifically mentioned potential attacks by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida network -- the group the U.S. blames for the Sept. 11 strikes that killed nearly 3,000 people in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. |
This is for you conspiracy crazies who insist the government is resposible for 911. Here is reasoning even a fifth grader can understand. This common sense approach without facts getting in the way since I know conspiracy crazies do not want to hear facts, proves the government is not responsible for 911. In connection with the above, President Bush was sworn into office in late January, and 9/11 happened in early September. This means that Bush was barely in office for eight months when 9/11 happened. At that point, he still didn't even have his government put together. Therefore, he didn't have the time or people in office to plot and execute something of that magnitude. Additionally, since the government was still in a state of transition, that also meant that too many of Clinton's people had been removed from their positions, thus making it also impossible for Clinton's government to have been responsible. Essentially, America was in between governments at the time, with a mish mash of part Bush, part Clinton and even a number of empty slots, meaning that no one could have been able to execute something like 9/11 due to lack of people in key positions. See for yourself. The report lists 36 different summaries of warnings dating back to 1997. Among them: "In September 1998, the [Intelligence Community] obtained information that Bin Laden's next operation might involve flying an explosive-laden aircraft into a U.S. airport and detonating it." "In the fall of 1998, the [Intelligence Community] obtained information concerning a Bin Laden plot involving aircraft in the New York and Washington, D.C. areas." "In March 2000, the [Intelligence Community] obtained information regarding the types of targets that operatives of Bin Laden's network might strike. The Statue of Liberty was specifically mentioned, as were skyscrapers, ports, airports, and nuclear power plans." Maybe the Bush team dismissed warning signals as the discoveries of an overly hyped up Clinton team. But John Dean, a White House counsel under Nixon who has become a guide to deciphering reports on 9/11, says this is unlikely. Condi Rice, Bush’s national security adviser, "stated in a May 16, 2002, press briefing that, on August 6, 2001, the President Daily Brief (PDB) included information about Bin Laden's methods of operation from a historical perspective dating back to 1997." Rice also said at this briefing that the PDB pointed out that Bin Laden might hijack an airline and take hostages to gain release of one of their operatives. She said the warning was "generalized"—no date, place, or method. As Dean notes, how could Rice, having known all this, say that the administration had no idea "these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, take another one and slam it into the Pentagon"? "In sum, the 9-11 Report of the Congressional Inquiry indicates that the intelligence community was very aware that Bin Laden might fly an airplane into an American skyscraper," says Dean. "Given the fact that there had already been an attempt to bring down the twin towers of the World Trade Center with a bomb, how could Rice say what she did?" We don't know because Bush has invoked executive privilege to withhold from Congress this key briefing on August 6, 2001. We do know that despite years of warnings from the intelligence community, the government apparently had taken no steps to protect the eastern seaboard or any other American border from attack. There were no fighter aircraft ready to respond immediately to a threat. The government undertook no measures to increase airport security. This entire affair has been forced into a discussion of what the CIA knew or didn’t know, and what it told or didn't tell the White House. But the questioning needs to focus on what Bush knew or didn't know. And what he did or didn't do in response to what his intelligence advisers told him.,mondo4,45990,6.html |
APRIL 10--Under pressure from the September 11 commission, the White House today declassified and released an intelligence digest given to President George W. Bush weeks before the 2001 terrorist attacks. The confidential President's Daily Brief (PDB) for August 6, 2001 contained a two-page section entitled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US," and refers to possible hijacking attempts by Osama bin Laden disciples and the existence of about 70 FBI investigations into alleged al-Qaeda cells operating within the United States. The August 6 PDB, an excerpt from which you'll find below, was presented to Bush while he vacationed at his ranch in Crawford, Texas. The digest is prepared by the Central Intelligence Agency, an official from which briefs the president on the report's contents. While Bush critics have described the August 6 PDB as a warning of an impending al-Qaeda attack, Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, testified Thursday that the document contained "historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information." (2 pages) And? Everyday the President gets threat assessments like this, Clinton got such info about the targetting of military assets overseas and the USS Cole then it was hit. Keep on reaching, well you don't have to, your comrades are doing your work for you. |
This is for you conspiracy crazies who insist the government is resposible for 911. Here is reasoning even a fifth grader can understand. This common sense approach without facts getting in the way since I know conspiracy crazies do not want to hear facts, proves the government is not responsible for 911. In connection with the above, President Bush was sworn into office in late January, and 9/11 happened in early September. This means that Bush was barely in office for eight months when 9/11 happened. At that point, he still didn't even have his government put together. Therefore, he didn't have the time or people in office to plot and execute something of that magnitude. Additionally, since the government was still in a state of transition, that also meant that too many of Clinton's people had been removed from their positions, thus making it also impossible for Clinton's government to have been responsible. Essentially, America was in between governments at the time, with a mish mash of part Bush, part Clinton and even a number of empty slots, meaning that no one could have been able to execute something like 9/11 due to lack of people in key positions. |
madisonman ......
what the ![]() you are laughable ![]() where do you get your ideas ![]() |
madisonman ...... what the ![]() you are laughable ![]() where do you get your ideas ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
madisonman ...... what the ![]() you are laughable ![]() where do you get your ideas ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, testified Thursday that the document contained "historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information." Love the dramatic music thematics of the, I can see why you buy the crap from tiny clips, it's all in the thematic musical presentation of it. |
Bush Administration warned of Al Quaeda attack by George Tenet and Richard Clarke.,11209,1188902,00.html I do not believe, however that this is 'proof' that the Bush Administration planned 9/11. I do think it is a huge intelligence failure on the part of the Bush Administration. They should have taken the warnings seriously, but they didn't and 9/11 happened. This was but the first of huge policy blunders by the Bush Administration. |
Bush Administration warned of Al Quaeda attack by George Tenet and Richard Clarke.,11209,1188902,00.html I do not believe, however that this is 'proof' that the Bush Administration planned 9/11. I do think it is a huge intelligence failure on the part of the Bush Administration. They should have taken the warnings seriously, but they didn't and 9/11 happened. This was but the first of huge policy blunders by the Bush Administration. The second was not putting you, madisonman, Dragon lady, and smo in the FEMA Prison Camps that are still hidden by the government because now you are able to be here on a internet dating site forum spreading all this damning truth about them. ![]() |
Bush Administration warned of Al Quaeda attack by George Tenet and Richard Clarke.,11209,1188902,00.html I do not believe, however that this is 'proof' that the Bush Administration planned 9/11. I do think it is a huge intelligence failure on the part of the Bush Administration. They should have taken the warnings seriously, but they didn't and 9/11 happened. This was but the first of huge policy blunders by the Bush Administration. The second was not putting you, madisonman, Dragon lady, and smo in the FEMA Prison Camps that are still hidden by the government because now you are able to be here on a internet dating site forum spreading all this damning truth about them. ![]() You sound like one of the lame 30-percenters that still support this lame duck president, despite the fact that he went against their economic interests. The 30-percenters will support this president no matter what, even when what he does defies common sense. You can proudly shout from the rooftops: 'He's got a bigger approval rating than Congress!!!' How lame and pathetic. |
question!? Does anyone really believe that Bush is running our country?? He's illiterate, bias and an christian extremist.. He is soley responsible for the 100's of thousands of innocent civilian deaths in the middle east, he has failed to aid florida in it time of need, has set back science a good 10
years and possibly ruined our country beyond repair.. but no one actually thinks he is running the show? |
And being patriotic means questioning our government. Not sitting back and believing that god has blessed us with a christian leader!
can't wait for election day and I hope everyone votes smart for a change |
Bush Administration warned of Al Quaeda attack by George Tenet and Richard Clarke.,11209,1188902,00.html I do not believe, however that this is 'proof' that the Bush Administration planned 9/11. I do think it is a huge intelligence failure on the part of the Bush Administration. They should have taken the warnings seriously, but they didn't and 9/11 happened. This was but the first of huge policy blunders by the Bush Administration. The second was not putting you, madisonman, Dragon lady, and smo in the FEMA Prison Camps that are still hidden by the government because now you are able to be here on a internet dating site forum spreading all this damning truth about them. ![]() A scenario such as this would only happen if martial law was declared in the event of another terrorist attack. Civil liberties would be suspended such as freedom of speech and assembly. Anyone who questioned authority would be rounded up and jailed. You would probably love that scenerio. Then your opinions, which would be the same as the fascists controlled the country, and would never be questioned. This has already happened on a lesser scale as people who have publicly protested at events where this President has appeared have been tear-gassed and jailed for speaking out. And why not? This administration has much to hide. Hopefully such a fascist state will never exist in America, where people are still free to speak their minds. |
And being patriotic means questioning our government. Not sitting back and believing that god has blessed us with a christian leader! can't wait for election day and I hope everyone votes smart for a change I agree! It's time to expect more from our next President. |
Getting ready for bed now, so I am going to take the easy out to answer you by posting Starsailor's reply Condoleezza Rice, Bush's national security adviser, testified Thursday that the document contained "historical information based on old reporting. There was no new threat information." Love the dramatic music thematics of the, I can see why you buy the crap from tiny clips, it's all in the thematic musical presentation of it. Thank you starsailor. |
extreme islams/jihadists are gonna continue to want to make it to that so called ala heaven with 72 virgins by blowin us up and being martyrs
Now I beleive that Bush is probably a pretty nice avg guy in person aside from having the presidential credentials..and im sure obama is also , he did go to a muslim school and won't salute the flag WHATT??? and 911 hmm.. well I truely beleive plains flew by islamic extremeists were flew into those buildings but I think they just decided to say well might as well just bring em down..Lotta Insurance money Larry Silverstein, who acquired the lease to operate the World Trade Center in July of 2001, is seeking $7.2 billion from insurers for the destruction of the center - twice the amount insurers say he can claim. all that aside its no excuse for bush to let himself get used as puppet and say well were the just gonna bring em on down then we can take liberties away one by one in the name of terrorism a war that is never going to end that is real but is just being used to take our rights away.. if ya didn't realize it we just recently signed the North American Union.. (reasons why boarder polices never work) but why do you never hear about it the news hmm...OHH GLOBAL WARMING lets get everyone focused on al gores made up crap and that we are gonna live in caves in 30 years.. when we have raised the world temp ohh about 3/4 of a degree.. really 19000 scientists signed a petition saying that the impact of so called GW is exagerated AND I QUOTE FROM ("We urge the United States government to reject the global warming agreement that was written in Kyoto, Japan in December, 1997, and any other similar proposals. The proposed limits on greenhouse gases would harm the environment, hinder the advance of science and technology, and damage the health and welfare of mankind. There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gasses is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth's atmosphere and disruption of the Earth's climate. Moreover, there is substantial scientific evidence that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide produce many beneficial effects upon the natural plant and animal environments of the Earth. This petition has been signed by over 19,000 American scientists." - END QUOTE -- "QUIT WATCHING NBC,CBS etc" yourbeing lied to Other than Global warming.. another argument for another day..Well think about it when it comes to the amero dollar and the north american union. 12 people in the world that control all major media approx,, other than a few small independents.. and and Brave soul on cnn lou dobbs --YOU GOTTA WATCH THAT-- WERE LETTING THEM GET AWAY WITH THIS!( which blows me away doesn't mean I like cnn)US GOVT evening saying were going to secure the southern boarer of Mexico?? WHAAAT (MEXIAMERICANADA)as Glenn Beck Calls it.. and CNBC had a long talk about the amero being dangerous Why no one really ever reported or at least talked much about that petition,, the North American union and the Amero isnt it obvious were being misled to worry about other things than the real serious stuff.. Like Lou Dobbs says at the end of his segment don't you think we as people in the united states should be able to vote if we want to merge mexico, United states and Canada... on top of that.. the north american union will usher in the two major world currencies. EURO/AMERO . CNBC Reported about this.. did you ever really hear anyone on NBC ,CBS, ABC .. even fox news I don't think talked really much about either the north american union or the amero on top of that the nafta super highway... one more wool being pulled over our eyes.. get our attention on terrorism or brittany spears not that terrorism once again isnt a big problem.. just we need to get our heads out of our preverbial asses and see whats going on.. Muslims have wanted to kill us and have since the times of Jesus and before now must of them just tollerate us until we quit buyin their oil.. ( then what happens.. get our oil from israel enough to supply the west and well you know what happens lybia,syria,venezuela and every other country we buy oil from is not gonna get our money and economies will collapse or suffer greatly .. gonna get real tough here in the next few years folks just to let ya know.. will bring in a real full blown war .. in the short run.. You might like to buy stock in the zionoil and gas company pretty soon because you could sit pretty finacially stable for a while..(atleast enough to dig a fortress or so while this plays out) Well thats enough from me .. im welcome to any debates of these issues.. thought I would just throw em all out there for comment... Thanks... ;-) |