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Topic: wondering
kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:45 PM
now there's one that i never thought about before miss moondark..i have been doing this for so long that i never really thought about retirement..i would hope that my wife,(should someone actually stick around with me long enough to get married) i would hope that she would be happy that i finally did retire and we would spend the nest egg in some hide0away beach someplace in acapulco..

sounds great to me

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:50 PM
the credit card was my idea completely..and perhaps as foolish at it may sound,after my last break-up i started to actualy place money into a credit account,just to be sure that my next ladyfriend would have something to fall back on..

but this idea failed when she as well was gone..

there sure are some great advisors here,and i apreciate all of it..thanks

gowings2007's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:51 PM

now there's one that i never thought about before miss moondark..i have been doing this for so long that i never really thought about retirement..i would hope that my wife,(should someone actually stick around with me long enough to get married) i would hope that she would be happy that i finally did retire and we would spend the nest egg in some hide0away beach someplace in acapulco..

sounds great to me

OK,stop saying things like "should someone stick around with me long enough" You need to also be confident to attract a confident woman. You are a prize, get that through your head, and so is she. When you exude confidence, she wants to be with you, she is confident to be on her own when she has to be,but when the time comes for you to be together, she cant wait to be with you because she loves you that much and you love her that much. It works out. When you retire,you learn to live differently thats all. But the love is strong. I'm not just blabbing here, my parents live this life. They are now retired, and it still works....just differently.

gowings2007's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:53 PM

the credit card was my idea completely..and perhaps as foolish at it may sound,after my last break-up i started to actualy place money into a credit account,just to be sure that my next ladyfriend would have something to fall back on..

but this idea failed when she as well was gone..

there sure are some great advisors here,and i apreciate all of it..thanks

word of advice, don't do it for the next one, tell her to get her own credit card, or get a joint one....one that she helps pay the bills on. Being responsible makes a responsible person.

gowings2007's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:54 PM
I hope I havent offended you at all, just speaking from experience. I need to hit the bed now, tomorrow comes early for this independent woman laugh

Hope everything works out for you!

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 09:58 PM
miss rowings please believe me when i say that,one can not live the life that i do without having a galaxie of confidence, i really do.
but sometimes it does leave you cold when you've been engaged three times and have nothing to come of it.

it truely wasnt my intentions to make you believe that i have no confidence in myself as a man.

but you are absolutely right miss rowings..a secure and confident man is attracted by a confident woman.
and your statement makes me believe that your confidence level in yourself is remarkable..

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:00 PM
nono hell no.. miss rowings..your words are dead on.no offense at all believe me..

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:01 PM
have a wonderful night and weekend

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:13 PM
once again,thanks to everyone for the advice..
all of this brings me this much closer to the realization that i just haven't found the right lady yet..

but hey,,this isnt just uni-sexual either i would think..
in fact i met up with a lady long hauler awhile ago,she was in her mid 40's with 2 teenagers at home and a husband.she would go from montreal to texas on a regular basis and everyone was cool with back at her home..in fact they were all proud of thier mom...cool huh?..

goodnight all..

Jess642's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:27 PM
Hmmmm... My kid's father and I were together for 18 years, and he worked away from home often at times up to 12 months with not seeing each other,, including summer in Antarctica one year... out of the 18 years together, he was home maybe 12 of them in total.

Was that what ended our relationship?

Hmmm... nope.. not directly, but yes indirectly.

Working away from home for great lengths of time, one learns to live singularly... he did, he had a part time family, and single man life full time.

We just grew apart... no third party, no drama, just different people.

kolhauszer's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:46 PM
now this my dear is what i would certainly consider to be difficult times.

there is independence--and then there is you.
you are a very strong woman jess.

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