Topic: You are all you need to attract.
MattCampbell's photo
Mon 10/07/24 06:25 AM
You are perfect, you have everything inside you to attract the person that is best suited for you. The first step is to love and respect yourself. Treat and love yourself the way you would like others to love you, and you'll generate a pure love that will resonate with the perfect person for you, and that person will be guided to you by the universe. I wish love, success and happiness to you all. :pray_tone1::pray_tone1::pray_tone1:

no photo
Sat 10/19/24 04:39 AM
You are perfect, you have everything inside you to attract the person that is best suited for you. The first step is to love and respect yourself. Treat and love yourself the way you would like others to love you, and you'll generate a pure love that will resonate with the perfect person for you, and that person will be guided to you by the universe. I wish love, success and happiness to you all. :pray_tone1::pray_tone1::pray_tone1:

Thank you

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 10/19/24 04:50 AM
Absolutely correct ... but some of us need a little more help than others .... it's why I am on this dating site ....

motowndowntown's photo
Sat 10/19/24 01:41 PM

You are perfect, you have everything inside you to attract the person that is best suited for you. The first step is to love and respect yourself. Treat and love yourself the way you would like others to love you, and you'll generate a pure love that will resonate with the perfect person for you, and that person will be guided to you by the universe. I wish love, success and happiness to you all. :pray_tone1::pray_tone1::pray_tone1:

And how long have you been a relationship psychologist????

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sun 10/20/24 03:04 AM

You are perfect, you have everything inside you to attract the person that is best suited for you. The first step is to love and respect yourself. Treat and love yourself the way you would like others to love you, and you'll generate a pure love that will resonate with the perfect person for you, and that person will be guided to you by the universe. I wish love, success and happiness to you all. :pray_tone1::pray_tone1::pray_tone1:

And how long have you been a relationship psychologist????

It's working with the Law of Attraction, Motown.
You can only attract what resonates with your energy and thoughts. Most of that comes from the subconscious.

If you don't truly feel you deserve love/success/money/whatever you will exude this with your energy and your thoughts will also reflect this.

If you truly really want love but fear committing as you feel you'd lose your freedom, your thoughts & energy will exude that and you won't attract love. You may attract dates, partners even, but it won't work out.

And at the core of attracting anything in life lays loving yourself.
When you do you no longer have negative subconscious thoughts, your energy will shift as well.
Then you'll attract what matches that.

You may not believe it, but it truly works. But you have to keep your thoughts, beliefs and self-talk positive, and... you cannot fake it.
Hence the basic requirement of self-love.

no photo
Mon 10/21/24 01:08 AM
Well said ^^^
MattCampbell :sparkles: and SparklingCrystal :sparkles:

I've personally experienced the thoughts that both of you have mentioned about self love :innocent:

And I've seen miracles happening in few of them.. people who believed that they can live by going to church n attending mass everyday n receiving the communion is continuing to live even if doctors have lost hope in their life span.

people who are depressed and while they drink a cup of water, they think that this cup of water is going to make them feel new n energetic. They have experienced an immense energy that has made them get motivated in life.

Whatever kindness n self love, we chose to give to ourselves, it attracts the same energy from the universe towards us n we end up feeling more peaceful.


SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 10/21/24 03:52 AM
Hi Atheera!
You can literally attract everything and anything, once on the right vibration :)
Not just the big things in life like love, health, wealth, success etc. but also smaller things that make life easier.

For instance a parking space in a busy area.
I did that every week when I had to pick up things that were heavy for me.
I even got the exact parking space I wanted, right in front of the door. This was in a very busy tourist town where it was and is very hard to find parking space.

I've manifested an empty row of seats all to myself on both the flight to and fro the US.
Succeeded both times even though on the way back the plane was packed!!
It was great as I could put the armrests up and lay down to try and sleep :)

Of late I was focusing on attracting & manifesting money as my car needed to be MOT-ed and I was very nervous about the cost.
Et voila, out of the blue I got a couple hundred Euros in from a source I had never expected!!
I couldn't believe it, and yet I could as I know LoA works.

Then I focused on my car MOT cost being under E100 as opposed to worrying that it'd be very expensive.
I succeeded!
I was thrilled!!

To be able to do such thing you need at least a certain amount of self-love.
You have to be able to get into your Heart space. If your heart is closed because you got hurt or you're afraid of XYZ, it isn't going to work.
You don't have to have 100% open heart and/or self-love, but some 70-80% to have this work.
The good thing is, when you begin attracting what you want it fills you up with so much joy that your % goes higher.
So the more you do it the better you'll feel.
And then you'll do it because it feels so good, not to get the money in the bank, the lover in bed etc.
You just manifest because you can and it feel wonderful.

no photo
Mon 10/21/24 07:38 AM
Hi Atheera!
You can literally attract everything and anything, once on the right vibration :)
Not just the big things in life like love, health, wealth, success etc. but also smaller things that make life easier.

For instance a parking space in a busy area.
I did that every week when I had to pick up things that were heavy for me.
I even got the exact parking space I wanted, right in front of the door. This was in a very busy tourist town where it was and is very hard to find parking space.

I've manifested an empty row of seats all to myself on both the flight to and fro the US.
Succeeded both times even though on the way back the plane was packed!!
It was great as I could put the armrests up and lay down to try and sleep :)

Of late I was focusing on attracting & manifesting money as my car needed to be MOT-ed and I was very nervous about the cost.
Et voila, out of the blue I got a couple hundred Euros in from a source I had never expected!!
I couldn't believe it, and yet I could as I know LoA works.

Then I focused on my car MOT cost being under E100 as opposed to worrying that it'd be very expensive.
I succeeded!
I was thrilled!!

To be able to do such thing you need at least a certain amount of self-love.
You have to be able to get into your Heart space. If your heart is closed because you got hurt or you're afraid of XYZ, it isn't going to work.
You don't have to have 100% open heart and/or self-love, but some 70-80% to have this work.
The good thing is, when you begin attracting what you want it fills you up with so much joy that your % goes higher.
So the more you do it the better you'll feel.
And then you'll do it because it feels so good, not to get the money in the bank, the lover in bed etc.
You just manifest because you can and it feel wonderful.

Interesting to read your experiences, Crystal :sparkles:

You've got such a glittering light of positivity in your thoughts and words .. Feeling good and energetic to read your thoughts..

Thank you so much for sharing them, the last nine lines are like striking a gun shot, perfect ⭐

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 10/22/24 04:59 AM
Thank you, Atheera, and happy to hear that it moves and inspires you!
:heart: flowers