Topic: Donald Trump convicted of felonies
Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 11:26 AM

To all you democrats that are so giddy with the Trump conviction and the perversion of our legal system, enjoy it for now because you just guaranteed a Trump win in November.. the people that support a fair and unbiased legal system will vote to stop this kind of corruption coming from the democrats. You people with no caricature or integrity just fed Popeye a case of spinach .. your woo-hoos will soon turn into boo-hoos than we can see who gets the last laugh.

Why should a fair and unbiased legal system let a criminal politician commit dozens of crimes without consequences? Michael Cohen went to prison for his part in the same crimes. It's Trump's turn to face consequences.

Yea, that’s what republicans have been asking since Hillary got to play her get out of jail free card and that fair and unbiased system won’t even look into Joes crimes that that same system have been covering up for years.. That rant of fair and unbiased is not selling . No one’s buying it !

JustJosh's photo
Sat 06/01/24 11:35 AM
We are only happy to “get” trump, as you say, because he “committed “ crimes

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 01:15 PM
Yea, that’s what republicans have been asking since Hillary got to play her get out of jail free card and that fair and unbiased system won’t even look into Joes crimes that that same system have been covering up for years.. That rant of fair and unbiased is not selling . No one’s buying it !

Only if by "get out of jail free" you mean *no incriminating evidence*. Hillary didn't break any laws, despite the idiotic bleating from Conservative bloggers. Same for Joe Biden. Even after years of investigations (you know Trump had the DOJ investigate him early in his administration) and they found nothing to charge. Joe and Hillary have been under the public eye for decades with an army of hungry Republicans looking for anything to take them down. That's why both of them released decades of tax returns upon running for office--they had nothing to hide. Unlike Trump. He still hasn't released any of his tax returns or even a medical report with any detail. That guy's super suspicious.

Mortman's photo
Sat 06/01/24 01:25 PM
We are only happy to “get” trump, as you say, because he “committed “ crimes

Yes! Quotes aren't necessary, though because he's guilty on all counts. And I would like to see Trump get the maximum sentence only because he's shown no remorse and has been so contemptuous of the whole trial, basically threatening the judge's family. Such an idiot!

JustJosh's photo
Sat 06/01/24 02:02 PM
You’re quite right mortman
Yeah I know that quotes were not necessary but I just thought it might make it funnier
I can’t take these political arguments too seriously anymore. I tend to joke around in the face of conflict

By the way I’m keeping my fingers crossed he goes to jail but I’m not going to hold my breath.

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 02:16 PM

You’re quite right mortman
Yeah I know that quotes were not necessary but I just thought it might make it funnier
I can’t take these political arguments too seriously anymore. I tend to joke around in the face of conflict

By the way I’m keeping my fingers crossed he goes to jail but I’m not going to hold my breath.

I bet Hunter spends a night in jail before Trump ever does.. that’s another sample of how “ fair and unbiased “ Biden’s DOJ will be judged,, I say a plea bargain or some slap on the wrist. They have already let him sit out the statute of limitations on any charges of tax fraud .. now he’s claiming the gun store owner changed the form Hunter filled out. Yea right…

Mr Good Guy's photo
Sat 06/01/24 02:20 PM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Sat 06/01/24 02:21 PM

We are only happy to “get” trump, as you say, because he “committed “ crimes

Yes! Quotes aren't necessary, though because he's guilty on all counts. And I would like to see Trump get the maximum sentence only because he's shown no remorse and has been so contemptuous of the whole trial, basically threatening the judge's family. Such an idiot!
Wish ya'll were as "law and order" sounding when it comes to those entering our country illegally. Or when hundreds of BLM'rs were burning down police precincts, looting, rioting, etc. Or, or, or.

Hard to take the Dems seriously on anything when they ACT so "inclusive" and law and order like but only when it fits THEIR agenda.

JustJosh's photo
Sat 06/01/24 02:25 PM
Actually I’m right there with you on both of those two issues
Especially about the Black Lives Matter thing
Police are the only thing that’s keeping the country from spiraling into utter chaos and violence
The police deserve out total respect and also much much higher salaries

But this doesn’t stop me from voting blue
My main issue is protecting the environment and you know that Voldemort sure ain’t going to do that

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 03:30 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 06/01/24 03:34 PM

Actually I’m right there with you on both of those two issues
Especially about the Black Lives Matter thing
Police are the only thing that’s keeping the country from spiraling into utter chaos and violence
The police deserve out total respect and also much much higher salaries

But this doesn’t stop me from voting blue
My main issue is protecting the environment and you know that Voldemort sure ain’t going to do that

You don’t have to crash our energy security by “saving the environment” but that’s the only way Joe thinks he can do that.. Trump just wants to make our lives more comfortable with our own energy security with Solar and wind and fossil fuel ..we are not ready to scrap our idea of using a national commodity like what’s under our own ground. Only 8 of the 500,000 electric charging stations are now installed ( not all 8 are hooked up to charge yet). But mayor Pete said they will be hooked up by 2032. 8 in 3 years but 442,000 in the next 8 years. Good luck with that.. besides all that, unless China starts believing in your global warming theory , anything we do will make very little change in the atmosphere…

JustJosh's photo
Sat 06/01/24 03:43 PM
I don’t go in for situational ethics
Ethics are absolute
Something is either right or wrong

What you are saying is this:
Because china is doing the wrong thing
Then we can too

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 03:59 PM

I don’t go in for situational ethics
Ethics are absolute
Something is either right or wrong

What you are saying is this:
Because china is doing the wrong thing
Then we can too

No, that’s not what I’m saying . I’m saying let’s use all options to make heating or cooling our homes and ways for commuting and travel affordable… I don’t think it’s right or wrong just as is it right or wrong to raise and eat cows , it’s what we do…

JustJosh's photo
Sat 06/01/24 04:22 PM
But that’s simply more situational ethics
Now you’re saying that because many people do something that that makes it okay
But not everyone eats cows
I certainly don’t
Most of the world doesn’t
And about heating and cooling our little lives?
If we don’t rapidly switch over to renewable energy then the planet is doomed
There’s not much heating or air conditioning homes on a desert planet
What is more important- us being rich and comfortable or our grandchildren being able to survive a desert climate?

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 04:26 PM
Edited by Bart on Sat 06/01/24 04:28 PM

But that’s simply more situational ethics
Now you’re saying that because many people do something that that makes it okay
But not everyone eats cows
I certainly don’t
Most of the world doesn’t
And about heating and cooling our little lives?
If we don’t rapidly switch over to renewable energy then the planet is doomed
There’s not much heating or air conditioning homes on a desert planet
What is more important- us being rich and comfortable or our grandchildren being able to survive a desert climate?

That just seems so far out of stretch to me and (I think) the greater majority of people thought the world.. please explain what happens when the planet is “ doomed”…

JustJosh's photo
Sat 06/01/24 04:51 PM
Weather patterns are changing Bart
We’re warming the oceans and the atmosphere much faster than we thought

Rachel Carson was the first to notice
She wrote books about it back in the’50s

But we chose to ignore it and just live in luxury, creating more children and more pollution.

When I was a kid Bart my school district had TEN snow days built into each school year, and we usually needed them all.
There were under three billion people on earth then

Now it hasn’t snowed in Philly for three years, and there’s ten billion people here now

The world is getting too hot now Bart, you have to admit that.
And it’s not going to get any better

Bart's photo
Sat 06/01/24 04:55 PM

and therein lies the problem with the Democrats. Anything goes, as long as you "got" Trump. A serious rise in crime doesn't matter because you got him. Every person in America paying 20% more for everything doesn't matter because you got him. Illegals by the MILLIONS coming across our border unvetted doesn't matter because you got him. Dependence on foreign oil doesn't matter because you got him. Two new wars doesn't matter because you got him. Being feckless and weak on the foreign stage doesn't matter because you got him.

It's all irrational emotional thinking from simpletons whose ONLY motivation, even to the detriment of their home county, is due to disliking Trump. Trump has his faults, but few can say their life and the world outlook is better under Biden.

Crime's not going up since Biden got into office; crime rates are down, despite Trump claiming crime is up. Not surprised, since the guy's a pathological liar. The Biden administration negotiated a border deal that would've cleared out millions of undocumented immigrants, but Trump shut it down.

Honestly, if Trump goes to jail, we could probably fix a lot more problems. For all your claims of "trump derangement" it seems Republicans are deranged by Trump's agenda to make himself supreme ruler.

You should take a 2nd look at MrGood Guys post. The country is worse off by far than we were under Trump. No matter what democrat DAs or the cooked up numbers say about crime. Unless the people feel safe they aren’t safe. Same with food and gas prices, Same with world peace and border security.Biden is responsible for how people feel about their every day life and you guys seem to think you are gaining votes and doing what america wants by getting Trump . That kind of strategy is what brought Robert DeNiro to the court square to make a fool out of his self. Just looks juvenile and Pety

Cain 's photo
Sat 06/01/24 07:35 PM
Amen brother. Democrats shot their selves in the foot. Big time
Look who all was involved in the fake dossier and and who paid China to do the chain of function to make covid acceptable to humans. Hunter Biden better be sending bahbah a pre greeting post card. And Joe is probably going to be eliminated all together with Barock and Nancy

Kattyromchickito's photo
Sun 06/02/24 04:15 AM
They just finding ways to scrap Trump from the ballot because Biden knows he would win if he contests

Kattyromchickito's photo
Sun 06/02/24 04:16 AM
You are right you know ?

JustJosh's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:20 AM
I’m just here wondering why nobody has answer to my last post here

It’s not good debating if your opponent can’t respond to your point but instead simply tries to change the subject

Bart's photo
Sun 06/02/24 06:29 AM

Weather patterns are changing Bart
We’re warming the oceans and the atmosphere much faster than we thought

Rachel Carson was the first to notice
She wrote books about it back in the’50s

But we chose to ignore it and just live in luxury, creating more children and more pollution.

When I was a kid Bart my school district had TEN snow days built into each school year, and we usually needed them all.
There were under three billion people on earth then

Now it hasn’t snowed in Philly for three years, and there’s ten billion people here now

The world is getting too hot now Bart, you have to admit that.
And it’s not going to get any better

Yea, it hasn’t snowed here more than a couple inches in several years , we used to get a couple good snowfalls each year.. but that hasn’t proven to be a bad thing.. saves missed school days , saves city funds from not having to plow the roads, and it keeps people doing business without closing for bad weather . Seasons change and so does the climate here on earth. It’s been happening for eons and we are still here. How did climate change affect population. More people means life is abundant here on this planet. It sure doesn’t sound like a dying planet…