Topic: Who viewed me
no photo
Fri 02/09/24 10:17 AM
Why you in Mingle removed the "WHO VIEWED ME" option ?

no photo
Fri 02/09/24 10:51 AM
I have asked Mingle twice and nothing! seems permanent as opposed to a bug or a glitch.

Loveasmile's photo
Fri 02/09/24 11:01 AM
I found the recent activity menu on the home page shows who has been viewing me as well as recording the likes. Possibly mingle2 has felt the Who viewed me was a duplication of info. Downside is the recent activity only holds one page of data so I am unable to view further back in time than one page of data. Would have been helpful if the reason for the change was explained somewhere

no photo
Sat 02/10/24 11:37 PM
And sad to see that Mingle's Support neither even reply to complaints, nor corrects the problem !

Michael's photo
Fri 02/16/24 04:49 AM

Why you in Mingle removed the "WHO VIEWED ME" option ?

Not having the “who viewed me” available, makes this site worthless.

no photo
Fri 02/23/24 08:11 PM
Why you in Mingle removed the "WHO VIEWED ME" option ?

I did not find also

Toodygirl5's photo
Sat 02/24/24 03:10 PM
I noticed it disappeared few days ago.

I usually had to delete Most days so many.

no photo
Sat 02/24/24 04:33 PM
I have contacted several guys because they viewed my profile. I guess that will not happen again.

Slim gym 's photo
Sat 02/24/24 08:41 PM
I don't really care who viewed me , cause it was only the scammers ..... and the few I viewed in return , only came back with two words .... not much to start a conversation on , let alone a relationship !!!!

Yorkshire Rock's photo
Fri 03/01/24 03:42 AM
Seems mingle likes to take things away that are useful but adds things that are not such as pop ups ...go figure.

Toodygirl5's photo
Fri 03/01/24 08:10 AM

I have contacted several guys because they viewed my profile. I guess that will not happen again.

I contacted some too Cat and they were Real men not scammers. Many people on this site do not play on the Forums.

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 03/01/24 08:24 AM
So why not go to your account scroll down and look at "Who Might Be Interested in you"?? Or even click on "Who you might be Interested in"..

It is the same ones that viewed your profile.. and might be interested...

What gets me so many complained about Who Viewed me cause they had to go delete them all the time..

It was not even a needed feature..slaphead

no photo
Fri 03/01/24 06:07 PM
Makes sense, again a few calls to the federal trade commission and telling them terrorists on this site scam you for money might get the ball rolling, im curious why you think this site wont get shut down, are you now gonna say ' its because people still pay to use it' the only people that buy accounts to this site live in 3rd world country's and dont know any better, all that aside let me ask a more legit question,
forget about the who viewed me, why was it necessary to get rid of the recent activity, was that also a ' useless feature'?