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Topic: What Are You Thinking Right Now? - part 2
Corinneeee's photo
Mon 10/30/23 08:33 PM
Say hi to me and let see how it goes

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 01:09 AM
Thinking... I woke up way too early.

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 01:27 AM

Thinking... I woke up way too early.

Sorry about that. It was ZoeCat.

OT: Thinking the forecast for the week of the 6th is scrumptiously cooler with highs in the upper 40F with showers. Hope it doesnt change.

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 02:35 AM

Thinking... I woke up way too early.

Sorry about that. It was ZoeCat.

OT: Thinking the forecast for the week of the 6th is scrumptiously cooler with highs in the upper 40F with showers. Hope it doesnt change.

It will be much cooler the week I'm on vacation too. I'm looking forward to it.

Wasn't ZoeCat this time! laugh The mysterious stranger visited again in my dreams. Still no details other than dark hair and a tan. Perhaps I'll meet him while on vacation. bigsmile

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 02:43 AM

Thinking... I woke up way too early.

Sorry about that. It was ZoeCat.

OT: Thinking the forecast for the week of the 6th is scrumptiously cooler with highs in the upper 40F with showers. Hope it doesnt change.

It will be much cooler the week I'm on vacation too. I'm looking forward to it.

Wasn't ZoeCat this time! laugh The mysterious stranger visited again in my dreams. Still no details other than dark hair and a tan. Perhaps I'll meet him while on vacation. bigsmile


Woman! I knew hed be back!! You better text me while youre away!

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 02:47 AM

Thinking... I woke up way too early.

Sorry about that. It was ZoeCat.

OT: Thinking the forecast for the week of the 6th is scrumptiously cooler with highs in the upper 40F with showers. Hope it doesnt change.

It will be much cooler the week I'm on vacation too. I'm looking forward to it.

Wasn't ZoeCat this time! laugh The mysterious stranger visited again in my dreams. Still no details other than dark hair and a tan. Perhaps I'll meet him while on vacation. bigsmile


Woman! I knew hed be back!! You better text me while youre away!

Depends on how busy I am laugh

Of course I will! happy

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 02:51 AM

tongue2 laugh

Rock's photo
Tue 10/31/23 01:07 PM
I'm thinking...
It was butt dumb of the powers that be,
to include "doesn't respond to messages",
as a reason to report someone on this site.

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 03:14 PM
Tired of seeing the same ppl post messages in every topic :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:

no photo
Tue 10/31/23 03:43 PM

Tired of seeing the same ppl post messages in every topic :rolling_eyes::rolling_eyes:

Close your eyes or become more active on the site. waving

Slim gym 's photo
Tue 10/31/23 04:41 PM
Just thinking , if given , my actual number one crush , for the last two years , has been the beautiful Kit Kat .... then where has she gone ... ? ? Haven't seen her in a long while ...Can someone in or near Florida check on her and update us !!
And no , she is nowhere in Canada to ... I have eyes on the ground !!

Devo1974's photo
Tue 10/31/23 09:57 PM
Thinking I'm going to have to wait until tomorrow for people to let me have it.

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 04:59 AM
Thinking I'd love to leave now, but waiting 30 minutes to an hour will help avoid morning rush traffic on the mainland.

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 05:12 AM
Thinking... Happy Birthday Mom. :heart:

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 05:13 AM

Thinking... Happy Birthday Mom. :heart:


no photo
Wed 11/01/23 07:49 AM
I'm thinking that was a new match you just put together. I couldn't agree more considering both are titty babies and vindictive when they don't get what they want from people.

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 11:22 AM
I am thinking where is Bonnie ??? Thinking of you and hoping all is well xox

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 11:33 AM
Also thinking .. let he (or she ) who is without sin cast the first stone lmsao biggrin

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 08:14 PM
World Series winners. Congratulations to The Rangers.

no photo
Wed 11/01/23 09:47 PM
Thinking, sorry Cat, no MLB for five months.

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