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Topic: What do you wonder about the person above you? Part 2 - part 7
no photo
Mon 11/06/23 12:44 PM
I wonder if she's hiked Lookout Mountain?

I went there two summers ago when I was heading back to Florida. Beautiful place!

no photo
Mon 11/06/23 01:28 PM
Wonder if she's gotten drama relief 🤣

no photo
Mon 11/06/23 01:30 PM
Face to face drama, yes. Phone drama, not so much, lol

Wonder if he found another refrigerator?

no photo
Mon 11/06/23 01:35 PM
No I haven't, I'm waiting for one to drop in my lap.

Wonder if she knows how to put her phone in airplane mode?

no photo
Mon 11/06/23 01:37 PM

I wonder if she's hiked Lookout Mountain?

I went there two summers ago when I was heading back to Florida. Beautiful place!
Yep ... Cloudland Canyon is a fun place to hike!

Wonder if he is gonna get a refrigerator too, since it seems like he may need one. Perhaps your fridge took a hike with my washing machine? :thinking: Maybe they're together hiking in Cloudland Canyon. 🤯

no photo
Mon 11/06/23 01:40 PM
Yes I do, but won't. At least not yet.

I wonder if he knows how much it will hurt if a refrigerator drops in his lap :thinking:

no photo
Mon 11/06/23 04:06 PM
I wonder if she knows it won't hurt too bad if you're sitting in my lap when it falls there.

no photo
Tue 11/07/23 03:39 AM
Lol, I wonder if he knows that would never happen... I'd protect both of us by making us fall backwards avoid having the refrigerator fall on us. Then give him an ice pack for his head. biggrin

Sir's photo
Tue 11/07/23 10:09 AM
:thinking: I wonder if Mike knows that he just might get what he asked for. :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 11/07/23 01:47 PM
I wonder what his favourite hobby is that he enjoys the most?

Sir's photo
Tue 11/07/23 03:08 PM
Wonder no more... it's fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish:

I wonder why she took her picture down :thinking:

no photo
Tue 11/07/23 03:16 PM
I wonder if he'd make a good fishing buddy for Bart. :thinking:

Sir's photo
Tue 11/07/23 03:19 PM
That wouldn't be a problem, don't forget Mike.

Wondering if she'll clean the fish we catch ?

no photo
Tue 11/07/23 03:24 PM
No, sir. You wouldn't want me to.

I wonder if he knows it would make me throw up? 🤢

no photo
Wed 11/08/23 01:37 AM
I love fishing. I just won’t bait my own hook. The trick is to go with multiple people, so they take turns baiting your hook. :wink:

@ Sir - No one messages without a picture. I just needed a break.

@ not looking - I wonder what her favourite struggle meal is.

no photo
Wed 11/08/23 04:32 PM
Struggle meal? Not sure what that means, but I like fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

I wonder why you took your pictures down.

no photo
Thu 11/09/23 12:42 AM
I wonder what is Not Looking's favorite color.

no photo
Thu 11/09/23 12:44 AM
I wonder if Stormy is enjoying her stay, out of town? waving

no photo
Thu 11/09/23 01:08 AM
I am. waving

OT: I wonder if River enjoyed her time away?

no photo
Thu 11/09/23 01:20 AM
Yes, once I was finally able to relax. Silly me forgot to do the things I normally do to relax laugh

I wonder if Stormy found the collapsible measuring cups she was looking for?

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