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Topic: What do you wonder about the person above you? Part 2 - part 7
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Wed 10/04/23 01:52 AM

I wonder if Stormy has read about the upcoming eclipses?

I have. LOTS of things going on. Need to read over them, take notes, etc.

OT: Wonder about Slim's nighttime routine?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 10/04/23 01:55 AM
night time routine ? brush teeth and climb into bed ... alone lol !!!

wonder if Stormy is going places to watch a 4 minute solar eclipse??

no photo
Wed 10/04/23 02:10 AM
Not this time. I will be working.

Wonder what country Slim would not want to visit?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 10/04/23 02:32 AM

Wonder what is Stormy's dream vacation destination ?

no photo
Wed 10/04/23 03:14 AM
OOoooo! Good question! I have many.

Highlands of Scotland and Northern Italy.

I wonder if Slim has any famous relatives?

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 10/04/23 06:26 AM
does owning slaves count !!!!

wonder if Stormy knows there are plenty houses for sale in Italy and Greece ... for cheap.... Govt will help in the down payment !!!!

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 03:28 AM
Knew of Italy. Had a great conversation with someone at a restaurant of buying houses there.

OT: Wonder how Slim takes his coffee?

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 03:30 AM
Wonder if Stormy has fun plans for today?

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 03:51 AM
Reacquainting myself with a dog before a pet/house sitting gig. Shes a reactive pit bull and Velcro dog.

OT: Wonder if River has ideas of what to pack for her upcoming vacation?

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 03:55 AM
I've yet to make a list, but have items in mind. I have to bring pretty much everything from linens to cookware. And my firepit, haha

Wonder if Stormy enjoys camping?

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Thu 10/05/23 04:06 AM
Never been camping. My allergies are bad.

OT: Wonder if River has a favorite dog breed?

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Thu 10/05/23 04:11 AM
Not particularly, but I like the larger breeds better than the smaller breeds. Smaller breeds appear to be noisier and more skittish.

Wonder the same, which dog breed Stormy likes best?

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Thu 10/05/23 04:33 AM
Agree on smaller breeds.

Pit Bulls, Rotties and Dobermans

OT: Wonder if River knows I value her friendship.

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 04:36 AM
Yes, I do! :heart:

Cool,I prefer wolves, but I don't think they are actually a dog breed? Golden labs, Saint Bernards, and other more docile breeds are my preference.

Wonder if Stormy knows I value her friendship as well?

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 04:39 AM
Absolutely! :heart:

Wonder if River has tentative plans for the holidays?

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Thu 10/05/23 04:42 AM
Holidays will be spent with family, possibly at my niece's. I work a half day on Christmas.

Wonder if Stormy has started packing for her trip in November?

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 04:48 AM
Time with family sounds nice.

OT: No to packing. Donated most of my winter clothes when I moved home. All I have are 4 different weights of wool base layers. A wool coat and fleece leggings. laugh

OT: I wonder if River has gone to the beach lately?

no photo
Thu 10/05/23 04:52 AM
The water is way too warm to enjoy, so no.

Wonder if Stormy has found anymore condos to her liking?

Slim gym 's photo
Thu 10/05/23 09:33 AM
Wonder if Stormy and River plan to meet up over the Christmas break?

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Thu 10/05/23 10:12 AM
No, my vacation is in November. I work Christmas day.

Wonder if Slim has special Christmas plans?

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