Topic: Extremism has no religion | |
Although many repeat the saying “extremism has no religion”, the global media focuses in its condemnation of extremism and terrorism on “Islamic extremism” exclusively, although the duty is to condemn extremism in all its forms, whether its motives are religious, national or racist, because it results from a culture of hating the other.
US President Trump attacked Islam and described it as "extremist terrorism", which was repeated by French President Macron when he attacked Islam and linked it to terrorism. There is an active media agenda targeting the entire Islamic presence in the West through organized media campaigns to offend Islam and Muslims. It is also noted that the rate of racism has risen to the point that racist parties are racing to attack Muslims, and the concept that Islam is against Western democratic values has been entrenched. The term Islamic terrorism was used by the extreme right, and the forces of the American imperial expansion abroad, after the events of September 11. The media, propaganda and military machine justified revenge against the Arab and Islamic countries that it considered without proof a threat to American national security, and then justified the aggression against it, and they were victims of American and Western violence such as Sudan, Afghanistan and Iraq. One of the most important factors that made the condemnation of extremism limited to violence perpetrated by Muslims is the escalation of the phenomenon of "Islamophobia" in America and the West after the events of September 11, and then after the emergence of ISIS and its violent operations in Europe. The rise of the far right The countries of the European Union witnessed a remarkable progress of far-right parties. As Europe swings towards the far right, experts expect that these developments will reshape Europe, affecting the shift to hostility towards Islam and Muslims, according to the British newspaper, The Guardian. As for Kathryn, associate professor at the University of Oslo and chair of the Norwegian government's Committee on Extremism, this trend is not new, and immigration and Euroscepticism are its main drivers. The far right found a convenient scapegoat in Islam, exploiting fear of cultural change and the perceived threat to national identities. This hostility to Islam is fuelled by the perpetuation of stereotypes, misinformation and distortion of facts, and Islam is often portrayed as an inherently violent and inconsistent religion. Under the eyes of the authorities in Stockholm, the extreme right, which feeds on hostility to Islam, has returned to the forefront of the scene in Sweden, after burning a copy of the Holy Qur’an in front of the main Stockholm mosque. This fuelled the anger of Muslims around the world and forced the Swedish government to condemn the incident, considering it an "anti-Islamic act". Observers believe that the rise of the extreme right in the European Union countries has serious repercussions for Europe itself, especially as it threatens the basic values of tolerance and multiculturalism that the European Union represents. Hate crimes, discrimination and violence against Muslim communities have escalated in recent years, eroding social cohesion and fostering an atmosphere of fear and mistrust. “Today, anti-Muslim racism is helping to reshape the political sphere in many countries of Europe, by allowing far-right groups to expand their audience,” said lawyer Rafik, founder of the “Islamophobia” platform. |
'Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.' - Andrew Cummins
islam is the most stupid, backward, and inhumane tyranical ideology ever. Created by a criminal, pedophile, assassin, thief, false prophet (or true prophet from satan). Keep it for yourself, if you like it, but don't you try to impose it on others, mostly in the West. |
Tyranny in the Premodern West ARISTOTLE ON EXTREME TYRANNY AND EXTREME DEMOCRACY On Modern Tyranny: A Critique of Western Intellectuals Recently, confronted by the renewed repression of intellectual life in the Soviet Union and the rebellious movements in Czechoslovakia and Poland, the following argument has often been repeated in conversation and advanced in the press: The protest of intellectuals and students in the countries of the East concerns partial demands—greater freedom of speech, a less strict political regime, a more efficient management of the economy—demands which, among us in the West, have become obsolete. The system, that is, the socialist regime, is not being put in question. On the contrary, among us the New Left rejects (in the current jargon the word is confronts) the system—that is, neocapitalism or the consumer civilization—in a radical fashion. Thus the revolt fermenting in the West is more advanced than the basically romantic and 19th-century one, which agitates the countries of Eastern Europe. The Tyranny of Ideology in Israel There is no dictatorship in Israel, but unlike other countries, it is under ideological dictatorship. Ask how can ideology, which is nothing but a collection of words, arranged according to the wishes and thoughts and whims of individuals, can rule and even tyrannize? I have no answer, especially since this is an ideology thought up by secular people. But it remains a fact that these orderly words prevent, to this very moment, the implementation of the High Court of Justice’s ruling from some 70 years ago – to return the uprooted residents of Ikrit to their village – and their tyranny is alive and well to this day. Here you have the Knesset, recognized by all as the sovereign of the state, deciding not to extend the effect of the amendment to the Citizenship Law, which prevents the unification of Palestinian families, but it’s as though the Knesset made no such decision. It turns out that the true sovereign, i.e. the ideology, looks on from the side, laughing: Play at democracy all you like, now let’s see you implement your decisions. The Integration of the Battles for Liberation from Occupation and Tyranny Israel sunk in 'incremental tyranny', say former Shin Bet chiefs |
The Quran says:
Certainly you will find the most vehement of men in enmity to the believers to be the Jews and those who are associates. And you will find the nearest in friendship to those who believe to be those who say: “Indeed We are Christians”. This is because there are hermits and clergy among them and because they are not arrogant. And when they hear what has been revealed to the Messenger you see that their eyes overflow with tears because of the Truth that they recognize and they say: 'Our Lord! We do believe; write us down, therefore, with those who bear witness (to the Truth). And why should we not believe in God and the Truth which has come down to us when we do fervently desire that our Lord include us among the righteous?' |
It is well known for the children of Israel that they killed their prophets. And a section of them violated the teachings of the Prophet Moses and worshiped a calf that the Samaritan made for them. The Jews did not believe in the Prophet Jesus and crucified him. The Jews were also the fiercest enemies of the Prophet Muhammad.
In the modern era, they formed Zionism, which usurped Palestine, expelled its people, and killed even children. It is believed that Zionism is behind the events of September 11 to create an atmosphere hostile to Islam. |
This is ******** what u are saying. Muslims are committing terrorist attacks all over the world and why? Every nation that borders a non one there is fighting and why?
Jews vs muslims in the middle east. Pakistan majority muslim fighting against india majority hindu. Look at europe whats going on in france germany sweden denmark france uk ect. Look at africa in nigeria with boko haram in sudan ect. WHy is it happening? Whenever muslims become a majority even in a city in a non muslim country they want to take part of that land in turn it into an islamic state. Whats going in thailand samething against the buddhists. There is a bigger issue in hand then muslims being marginalized. |
This is ******** what u are saying. Muslims are committing terrorist attacks all over the world and why? Every nation that borders a non one there is fighting and why? Jews vs muslims in the middle east. Pakistan majority muslim fighting against india majority hindu. Look at europe whats going on in france germany sweden denmark france uk ect. Look at africa in nigeria with boko haram in sudan ect. WHy is it happening? Whenever muslims become a majority even in a city in a non muslim country they want to take part of that land in turn it into an islamic state. Whats going in thailand samething against the buddhists. There is a bigger issue in hand then muslims being marginalized. You forgot The Russo-Ukrainian War which began in February 2014. Is it Islamic ??! Also the Tensions between China and Taiwan is Islamic! |
Even sunni and shiites killing each other in the middle east. I am not a scholar on islam in any means but there is a huge problem within the doctrine
There is no fighting between Sunnis and Shiites, but Al-Qaeda and ISIS are terrorist organizations that claim to be Sunni, but they kill everyone who opposes them, whether a Sunni Muslim, a Shiite Muslim, or a Christian. Because these organizations do not represent the true religion. American officials have admitted that they created these organizations.
Donald Trump: President Obama is "founder" of ISIS Hillary Clinton: We created Al-Qaeda Hillary Clinton : We created Al-Qaeda - YouTube |
Christian woman talking about Islam |
There is no fighting between Sunnis and Shiites Oh dude ![]() ![]() ![]() I hate to say it since I tend to respect people who are older than me... But please.. STOP LYING |
Sunni and Shiite
Unfortunately, some people quote the words of others without checking their veracity. He accuses others of lying when they state facts that he may not personally like. There is no fighting between Sunnis and Shiites. What happened was the creation of political organizations with deviant religious ideology, such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS. One book describes ISIS's ideology as follows: This book not only provides an explanation of the instructive terms used to explain the ISIS phenomenon, but also asserts that only one school of thought in Islam [The Sunni Wahabis] is likely to be the ideal target for ISIS recruitment. This claim, of course, does not rely on an essentialized pathology of Wahabi Sunnis, but provides an explanation of the Wahabi Islam as a proverbial "slippery slope," as an absolutely necessary first step for an individual's transformation into an ISIS fighter. It is true that these terrorist organizations focused on fighting Shiites, but in practice they fought Sunnis, Christians, and Yazidis as well. Evidence of this is that Al-Azhar in Egypt was against the actions of ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Al-Azhar institute is sunni but was against ISIS : Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayyeb, the Grand Sheikh of the prestigious Al-Azhar institute, did not equivocate when responding to the 2015 Paris attacks: “We denounce this hateful incident. The time has come for the world to unite to confront this monster [ISIS].” Report : Turkey-U.S. Cooperation Against the "Islamic State": A Unique Dynamic? This is a report discusses the U.S.'s relationship with Turkey in fighting the Islamic State (ISIS): "[The] U.S. strategic objectives regarding cooperation with Turkey, a Sunni Muslim-majority country, in countering the Islamic State (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq. |
Obama said;"We are not at war with Islam. We are at war with people who have perverted Islam ... They try to portray themselves as religious leaders, holy warriors in defense of Islam. We must never accept the premise that they put forward because it is a lie. Nor should we grant these terrorists the religious legitimacy that they seek. They are not religious leaders. They are terrorists."
This is not the first time Obama has tried to delegitimize the Islamic State by denying its religious credentials. He repeatedly drives a wedge between Islam and ISIS by portraying the former as a “religion of peace” in contrast to the latter, whose brutal beheadings, immolations, and mass shootings — along with successful recruiting efforts and territory grabs through Syria, Iraq, Libya and elsewhere — have been widely publicized to the horror of onlooking Muslims and non-Muslims alike. |
Obama is not to be considered a good man to tell Truth.
the trouble is in the middle east how many people can read a book. or have an education.
they must have feelings, well that pased down generation after generation. and then these people say i sayth, thier proud they want others to serve them, they say well i read the bible to you. they are being mislead. i think that is why people in middle east are like that verus the west. just guessing. that is one of the major problems |
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Sun 01/14/24 02:53 PM
True Muslims follow the Quran and it is False doctrine. They have their faith in that Religion.
They will continue to hate and live in Nonbelief, if they don't come into faith with the Only Holy God Jehovah. That is why Iran and Muslims countries hate Israel and America. Also, Hamas which are terrorists group supported by Iran. |
1400 years a community started an now slowly slowly the world is knowing its truth an the peaceful Book..
AL Habibi la la |
True Muslims follow the Quran and it is False doctrine. They have their faith in that Religion. They will continue to hate and live in Nonbelief, if they don't come into faith with the Only Holy God Jehovah. That is why Iran and Muslims countries hate Israel and America. Also, Hamas which are terrorists group supported by Iran. Muslims do not hate Jews, and they lived together before Islam and in the Islamic state. During the British Mandate, beginning in 1920, and in the early days after independence in 1932, well-educated Jews played an important role in civic life. Iraq's first minister of finance, Sir Sassoon Eskell, was a Jew, and Jews were important in developing the judicial and postal systems. Currently, Jews live in Islamic countries as free citizens without any racial or religious discrimination The largest communities of Jews in Muslim countries exist in the non-Arab countries of Iran (9,500) and Turkey (14,500); both, however, are much smaller than they historically have been. Among Arab countries, the largest Jewish community now exists in Morocco with about 2,000 Jews and in Tunisia with about 1,000. |
Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in one God, the Creator of everything, even if His names differ.
The name arose among Christians in the Middle Ages through the combination of the consonants YHWH (JHVH) with the vowels of Adonai (“My Lord”). Jews reading the Scriptures aloud substituted Adonai for the sacred name, commonly called the tetragrammaton. In addition to the personal name of God YHWH (pronounced Yahweh or Jehovah), titles of God used by Christians include the Hebrew titles Elohim, El-Shaddai, and Adonai, as well as Ancient of Days, Father/Abba which is Hebrew, "Most High". |
Muslims do not hate Israel and America for religious reasons. But the root of the problem is political:
In 1918, the Jews owned 1.56% of the total land of Palestine. The number of Jews there was 55 thousand, or about 8% of the population, then it became 650 thousand after the immigration of Jews from all over the world, or about 31.7% of the total population. International Resolution No. 181 was issued on November 29, 1947, and declared the division of Palestine into two states: the first is Jewish, based on 54.7% of the Palestinian lands and inhabited by 498,000 Jewish settlers and 497,000 Palestinians, and the second is Arab, based on 44.8% of the lands in which 725,000 Palestinians and 10,000 Jewish settlers live. In 1948, Zionist militants attacked Palestinian cities before declaring the establishment of the State of Israel. They occupied 774 villages and cities, of which 531 were completely destroyed. The Zionist gangs committed more than 70 massacres against the Palestinians, and more than 15,000 Palestinians were martyred. 800,000 Palestinians were displaced to the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Arab countries, and thousands of others were displaced from their homes, but remained within the lands that were subject to the control of the Israeli occupation forces. The number of Palestinian refugees registered with the relief agency in 2013, were about 5.3 million refugees, constituting 45.7% of the total population. About 29% of them live in 58 camps distributed between Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The number of occupation sites in the West Bank in 2012 reached 482. During the period between 1948 and 1967, the Jews were able to occupy all of the Palestinian territories and the Syrian Golan, in addition to the Egyptian Sinai and southern Lebanon in 1982. Therefore, the problem remains hot unless the two-state solution is implemented. |