Topic: True Atheists
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Tue 01/24/23 01:30 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 01/24/23 01:34 PM
I generally live and let live buuuut, I am seeing alot of misinformation as well as outright wrong information. Let me set the record straight.

1. Atheists and Agnostics are diffrent. The term "Agnosticatheist" is NOT a legitimate term.
2. Agnostics, don't believe in god but ackowledge the possibility of a god.
3. Atheists do not accept existence or even the possibility of an existence of a god.
4. Atheists do not hate religion or believers.
We see people who believe in god as children that grew up. Accepted Santa Chlaus wasn't real but, held onto a god belief.
5. Atheists do not attempt to interfere with nor attempt to take away anyones' religious freedoms. We just do our best to stop those people from trying to force it on others.( True Atheists anyways that is).
6. Just because someone is Atheist doesn't mean they are morally bankrupt. Most of us have very good morals. We just don't need a pretend deity to define them. Besides, I'm real sure the victims of the crusades and stake burning can attest to it.
7. Most Atheists could care less what religious people think just so long as they think it somewhere else other than at them.

And last but, not least. True Atheists do not believe something came from nothing or anything else. Instead, most of us just believe the question "How did the universe start?" Is simply an unanswerable question.

Don's photo
Tue 01/24/23 03:33 PM
Well said Sabre. Here's my take on the matter:

Agnostics are undecided on whether there is a god or not. Atheists don't believe there is a god, because the evidence (or lack of) indicates otherwise. If contrary evidence appears Atheists may change their minds. We can't deny the possibility that there's a god, but we can indicate that it's extremely unlikely, and indeed the notion of an invisible guy in the sky who apparently did magic but is now undetectable is ridiculous. I am an Atheist and though I don't hate religion, I hate the damage it does, particularly to young children's ability to think, but also in torture, wars and stealing from the poor. The morals of atheists are active choices that they try to live up to every day, and not shut away in old books. There has never been nothing, and we're learning about the universe.

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Tue 01/24/23 04:55 PM
If you can't deny the possibility there is a god then by that alone you are Agnostic.

I steadfastly deny even the possibility there is a god. I have zero doubts about it.

Case in point. A person who has never amounted to anything. Doesn't contribute to their community but instead, lives off the freebies of it. Doesn't have time to find a job but, has time to churn out 9 kids. Almost gets in a wreck and claims god saved them but, at that same time, 4 people working hard to help humanity are killed and 5 kids starve to death. If (and I use that word loosely) that person is to be believed, that's not any god I'd have a use for.

God, all powerful, all knowing. Yet, in Genesis asks where Adam and Eve are and why are they hiding themselves.
God, gives man free will. Then punishes them for using it.
The bible says "Thou shalt not kill" but, God destroys 2 cities (Sodom and Gamorrah) killing 100's of 1,000's? A god that can't be bothered to obey his own commandments?

Seems like a flawed premise right from the get go to me. Superstition, false deities, myth and false beliefs will never survive contact with logic. That's why when people start a religion the first tennant is to not ask questions.

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Thu 08/03/23 08:51 AM
Point four gets derailed by point seven for me.. i'm an unapologetic blunt Atheist; if they flash their **** at me, i get nasty; if they stay away from me with their religious fiction, there is harmony.

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Mon 08/28/23 06:27 PM
What I believe about religion: We would all be better off if it never happened! Ron