Topic: Off with the masks | |
Just came to this post coz of runny nose and sore throat lol
Wish me a speedy recovery guys ^^ |
Coming from England, I am somewhat bemused to see that so many things are split down the republican – Democrat line. What has mask wearing (and religion) (and guns) got to do with politics? From where I sit, it rather looks like the 'republican' position is that masks should not be worn but from the 'democrat' position, they should be worn. Bizarre, or what? Here in England I believe it is widely accepted by most people that the cheap readily available cotton masks do nothing to protect the wearer from catching Covid from someone else. They do have a limited use in protecting others if the wearer coughs while having Covid. Most people are wearing these cheap masks, they are standard issue if you enter a hospital or your local doctor's premises and it is mandatory to wear one, despite their lack of usefulness. It's not a matter of whether or not to wear a mask, but a matter of trying to get hold of the superior quality type and wear that only when in any crowd of people. But look at the supporters at any football match these days and it is hard to see anyone with a mask, despite shouting as loud as they can in support of their team! I have never gone to such events and am not missing them now. Another observation concerns the unexpectedly large number of people who choose not to get vaccinated. Presumably these people go to the doctor if they are not well and presumably they willingly take the prescribed medicine without any worries about the chemical makeup. So why this concern about the Covid vaccine? I'm pleased to say I've had all three vaccines appropriate for my age (friends over 75 have had four) and I am completely safe. To the best of my knowledge I don't have mind controlling drugs or micro chips inserted into me!!! Ofc you don't & neither do i or anyone else for that matter. It's cause because we had a president who for the longest time, talked down the virus, said it was nothing & masks are stupid. Then later told us he changed his mind & get vaxed. Then he gets booed at his rallys for saying it. Only his base believe anything he says & they happen to be Republicans. That's where politics was inserted. Us against them in our own country & we all want the same, to live through this & the next virus that comes along. Many countries had protests against vaccinations, masks, and government lock downs. I would say it has much more to do with people not wanting to be told what to do and how to do it then what Trump was saying. Trump did help get the ball rolling on vaccines early on in the pandemic. Has Trump lied about the pandemic? Yes. Has Biden lied about the pandemic? Yes. If everybody was vaccinated would coronavirus go away? No. Do masks do anything? They could stop some spit from flying around, whom ever invented blowing out birthday candles on a birthday cake is an idiot! But if someone comes in contact with the virus and then touches their mask what do you think the outcome will be? Should we all live in a bubble? Should we all have a HEPA filter attached to us 24/7? If people are afraid they should STAY AT HOME! If people do not come into contact with germs and viruses their body will never learn what to look for and what to fight off. Nature is in control of most things, often times fighting nature results in worse results then letting it take it's coarse. |
Don't tell me or anyone to stay home & I disagree with most of what you said.
I'm not going to debate anyone here, it's useless. |
It’s because of President Trump that we got a vaccine in a very short time after China released the covid 19 virus on the rest of the world. Perhaps if we had a fair election in 2020 , Trump would have been re-elected and had far fewer deaths in this country. .. Joe Biden is a complete imbecile and has no business presiding over anything . Many more people died from the pandemic under Joes watch and that’s With the vaccine at his disposal. Only Trumps base supporters believe him says the dems. but what they don’t understand is his base is growing among many voters , blacks, Latinos, women, independents and even democrats. The democrats base is walking away from the lies and deceit that promote their agenda of anti-Americanism. People are waking up to the fact that liberal democrats are immoral , ignorant and a deterrent to a happy life.
Reality is perception & you must live in an alternate reality because none of that is true in my USA.
If you all don't like it, move somewhere else is what you told us for 4 years...oh yeah and F your feelings I heard over and over. Bart, I totally disagree with that statement,I refuse to debate with you too but still would love to talk about fish if you'd ever come out of this hate forum ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 06/04/22 07:44 AM
Reality is perception & you must live in an alternate reality because none of that is true in my USA. If you all don't like it, move somewhere else is what you told us for 4 years...oh yeah and F your feelings I heard over and over. Bart, I totally disagree with that statement,I refuse to debate with you too but still would love to talk about fish if you'd ever come out of this hate forum ![]() ![]() |
Well I was told that 100s of times unfortunately.
My life is 1000 times better now and the country would've not taken such a hard hit with better leadership from the get go. I disagree with everything you just said again. It is good you and I are always able to speak civil towards one another, but in general this forum is a negative cyberhole & it's just attacking anyone that doesn't agree with conservatives. I'd love to post and express my feelings more but I feel so exhausted here. What kind of fish are those in your photos & did you troll or still fish? |
Well I was told that 100s of times unfortunately. My life is 1000 times better now and the country would've not taken such a hard hit with better leadership from the get go. I disagree with everything you just said again. It is good you and I are always able to speak civil towards one another, but in general this forum is a negative cyberhole & it's just attacking anyone that doesn't agree with conservatives. I'd love to post and express my feelings more but I feel so exhausted here. What kind of fish are those in your photos & did you troll or still fish? |
Don't tell me or anyone to stay home & I disagree with most of what you said. I'm not going to debate anyone here, it's useless. "Don't tell me or anyone to stay home"? I couldn't agree with this more, so what do you think the government did? So the government is allowed to force people to stay at home, shut down their businesses, regulate where you could go, and make you wear a mask when you are in public? And I am attacked for saying "if you are so afraid stay at home"? If you do not want to "debate" then do not put any reply. Everybody here has the right to reply, it's known as freedom of speech. If you "disagree" with most of what I said you have either been heavily brainwashed, or you have your head in the sand. I put up valid information and thoughts on what has gone on. The reason you are afraid to debate is because you know you have nothing rational to come back with. |
Edited by
pumpilicious 💕
Sun 06/05/22 08:40 AM
I am certainly NOT afraid to debate I do it everyday elsewhere. And I should be allowed to express my opinion like you did.
THIS forum is pure hate, look at the topics! Only the ufo one is decent and maybe that belongs in another forum. I will NOT waste my time trying to debate you. There are pages of posts in this thread of an intelligent debate from a QUALIFIED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL that said everything that needs to said & you all still don't have a clue. You are clearly brainwashed & I don't like speaking with you. Learn from Bart how to communicate with people you don't agree with, you're offensive. Please don't speak @ me anymore. Thank you. |
Learn from Bart how to communicate with people you don't agree with Yeah. Write on a chalk board. ![]() |
Don't tell me or anyone to stay home & I disagree with most of what you said. I'm not going to debate anyone here, it's useless. I can agree on disagreeing, but when you say you disagree with most of what I said I am curious as to the parts that you do agree with and those you do not. So least break it down. I said "many countries had protests against vaccinations, masks, and government lock downs". Are you disputing this? Or can you agree this is did go on? I said "has much more to do with people not wanting to be told what to do and how to do it then what Trump was saying". So you believe all these people are just Trump's "puppets"? Do you really think people don't have their own thoughts? Did Trump get the ball rolling on the vaccine? Well the government under his leadership did anyway, and he did support the use of vaccines to fight coronavirus early on in the pandemic. Is this an argument you can bring up? "Has Trump lied about the pandemic?" I know if nothing else you agree with this statement! "Has Biden lied about the pandemic?" Well if you believe you can not get coronavirus after you are vaccinated you truly do have your head in the sand. "If everybody was vaccinated the coronavirus would go away? No." So depending on how you answered the last question there may be no hope if you think the vaccination is that magic wand that is going to make everything perfect. "Do masks do anything?" Well if you listen to the flip flop from the get go on masks, and I did agree that masks may help in some areas while they may harm in others. "Should we live in a bubble?" Should we all wear a HEPA filter 24/7?" Wearing a mask is similar to being in a bubble and using a HEPA filter, but how far are you willing to take it? This topic is not so much about mask wearing, it's more about government control. "If people are so afraid they should STAY AT HOME" So I am not allowed to say this yet the government is able to force people to do it? So I can say the same thing as the government but some how I am the bad guy and they are the good guy? Makes no sense. The government even went to the extent of telling people who were not afraid to STAY AT HOME! "If you do not come into contact with germs and viruses their body will never learn what to look for and what to fight off" So these so called "Experts" that you support are right on the things you want them to be right on, and wrong when YOU choose to not want to hear what they say? The reason that vaccines "work" is based on this. Is this one of your "disagreeing of what I said? Some things in nature we can control, we have gained some control over coronavirus, but for the most part nature is still in control of so many things. So maybe it is useless to debate when the things that I brought up are mostly just simple facts about the things that have gone on and how nature work. It's as bad of people going "God did it" and "God will save me from everything ' At some point you just have to accept the things going on around you. |
Learn from Bart how to communicate with people you don't agree with Yeah. Write on a chalk board. ![]() |
I can't, it's too exhausting thinking of even responding to any of this.
Have a good rest of your day everyone. |
Learn from Bart how to communicate with people you don't agree with Yeah. Write on a chalk board. ![]() ![]() |
Learn from Bart how to communicate with people you don't agree with Yeah. Write on a chalk board. ![]() You know Dodo that forcing kids to write sentences on a chalk board is considered physical and mental abuse, not to mention the allergy risk! Homer and Marge could sue the school district for millions and the laws are so stupid that they would actually win the law suit. I can not believe you would promote such degrading and disrespectful actions. You see the problem here is people have no sense of humor, they take things so literal. I like your little inputs Dodo, but some people just must have the world revolve around them. I am sorry if I have ever offended anybody on here and if they would just send me their address I will do my best to send them a coloring book and participation award to make up for what I have done. And to all the rest I will just say hail Satan, because in this every widening of divide in the world we all know it has come to those whom are going to heaven verses those whom are going to hell, and it's the people who are deciding for others, not God or the devil. |
Keep your coloring book, condescending words & fake apology.
If only tried my hardest to wake everyone they still dint see it
Back in the summer of 2020, I was seeing a lot of elderly people walking outside with masks on so I thought I'd do an experiment to show something I found contradicted their safety in general. My friend was a pharmacist, he sold them and recommended them but admitted they were a greatly flawed theory of blocking something so minute as a virus. I brought tissue paper and bought a 3-pack of masks off of him, so I could demonstrate my conundrum with them.
After putting one on and heading out in the blazing sun, I did a gentle walk around the block and returned to his shop. I took the tissue paper, still dry from a baggie in my pocket, took the mask off and rested it on the tissue paper. Right away the paper started to contort from the moisture it was absorbing from the mask, like many of the masks I just saw grocery shopping in the; frozen isle, produce, meat department which smelled like...well... you get the picture. So with this "protection" on your face: how come it doesn't just pass any and all pathogens from our environment directly to the lips and nose touching the equally moist inside of the mask? Two years later, now "experts" agree with me. It was for the pagentry, the popularity, your 5-Star rating in a facebook selfie. But mostly, following along was so someone didn't scream at you as though you were the village witch.....a phenomenon still with us, for practically everything else imaginable now. |
@giddy ..
What type /brand of mask did you wear ? How fast were you walking ? How heavy were you breathing ? There are lots of other variables too . The moisture build up inside the mask is most likely from when you exhale ? Wearing a wet mask has never been recommended . Surgical grade masks and N95 contain filters which are tested to an approved specification standard to block a range of pathogenic particle sizes . At the hospital surgical masks are changed immediately there is any moisture buildup . Have you looked at the manufacturer’s recommendations ? In my work capacity I have worn both surgical and N95 masks in extremely infectious situations for many years and they have never let me down . Safe application and appropriate use is essential . ![]() |