Topic: How Do You feel right now? - part 21 | |
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Sun 09/11/22 05:21 AM
Feeling great... Got 100% on the Ethics course exam. I'm loving that there are other professional development courses to take as well. I love learning, plus as I complete the courses, I move up to a new pay level.
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Sun 09/11/22 11:52 AM
Like a yo-yo. My niece called and asked if I could take care of the animals tonight, they are all going out of town for the night. Was kinda hoping for a night of peace, without pets, on the night before my first day of work.
![]() Oh well... On the plus side, her bed is SOOOO much more comfy than my sister's, hahaha! Oh... and my phone works better over here, and there's a better view of the moon ![]() I'm good! ![]() |
Smiling, happy to be part of Bonnie's morning routine, in person, not on Zoom.
Feeling calm, cool, and collected. Been a good day, despite my boys losing.
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Tired, but I need to wait at least one more hour before going to sleep. Otherwise I'll most likely wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning.
Really tired and sleepy. Been a good day, but did a lot. Time to curl up under the duvet and get some well deserved rest :)
I feel happy but sad .
Excited but not Scared and anxious Hopeful but fearful too My anxiety is through the roof at the moment |
Good but tired. I had planned for a day of rest as my body needs it, but we're getting lots of rain coming days meaning I had to get back on the ladder to put on at least 1 layer of paint on the new wood.
Then I discovered the other side had a lot of serious wood rot. Bad om capitals! Meaning I had to order more wood and now have to ask the handyman if he will do that section first Sept 24th. My Scottish holiday is going to be postponed at least another year at this rate, hihi. Fingers crossed my MOT isn't going to be insanely expensive!! |
Spent. Looking forward to another decent sleep in an actual bed.
Feeling satisfied, just finished eating a pizza... should have ate two and stuffed my belly.
Feeling mighty glad ... haven't bumped into anyone I know yet .....
Better than yesterday. After today's afternoon assignment, which is the same class I was in yesterday, I don't have to sub until Tuesday. This gives me a chance to regroup, and pick up one or two cleaning jobs. Oddly, cleaning has a calming effect on me, haha.
Edited by
Wed 09/14/22 05:54 AM
Happy that the sub assignments I cancelled already got filled, now I feel less guilty for canceling, lol
Tired but good
Annoyed .. I worked a 15 hr shift and by the time I got home it was pitch black and I couldn’t go for a surf . Put a flashlight on my head and took furbaby for a run on the beach instead .. was a little spooky and disorientating ..couldn’t see a thing lol
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Thu 09/15/22 03:55 AM
Thinking the night sky on the beach in NZ must be amazing.
Oops, wrong thread, lol. Feeling pretty good. Transitioning back into the work force was challenging, but I'm adjusting well and happy to be working again. |