Topic: Questions in my mind | |
First I am not sure if this is the right area to post this, if not please move it. In another post called "why" my brain started thinking about the choices that we make in our lives. My question is this A lot of areas that are businesses are now smoke free. Why didn't the governments choose to give the owners of the businesses a choice of whether to be a smoking or non smoking establishment? Is this the first step in the government making choices for us in other matters? Any thoughts on this that you would like to share with me? WELL SAID SNUGS ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
it is the same, your still takign away somebody elses rights to suit yourself, reguardless of what it is their doing it's not right. would you like it if i said you can't drive becuase people get in accidents and that could affect my kid? it's NOT the same. first, i'm not taking away ANYONE's rights. second, my children have special of which is severe asthma. i'm okay with not taking them to bars...i'm okay with not taking them to the fair or amusement parks...our outdoor theaters...or several relatives' houses...or the freaking park. but i SHOULD be able to go buy some food at the freaking grocery store. really, i should. and yes, i'm pleased that i can take them into other places now. and i'm pleased that i can FINALLY go to children's hospital and avoid the same cloud...cause sorry, you just shouldn't be able to smoke at a children's hospital. so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... |
no, terry...they didn't allow it inside the hospital, but up until this last year, they allowed it right at the walkways.
at any time, there could be as many as fifteen people, right in front of the door, smoking away. arkansas children's hospital sees many children on a clinic basis (two of mine included), and i just don't think i should have had to slap a mask on my infant to get her through the door. i didn't complain about the restaurants...but YES, i'm glad that we can now eat out. |
i know its a touchy subject, but there are so many things in the inviroment, in our foods for gods sake be in perfect heath and get hit n killed crossin sidewalk by a non smoker talkin on cell.!!!!! that is very true! |
I think these smoking bans are good . Eventually with the only place to smoke being on your property fewer people are going to smoke . Eventually it could be phased out . Do you want your children to smoke ? I think these are good bans . I wouldn't mind alcohol and fatty foods being banned as well . Please do I would appreciate it . The funniest thing about smoking being phased out. If cigarettes were banned tomorrow, 47 of the 50 states would have to declare bankruptcy, because a lot of state make 30% or more of their tax revenues from cigarettes. |
Insurance companies take away our rights daily for good health care. My insurance company for example will pay for you to get help if your a crack or heroin addict but if your a smoker who wants to quit, and wants help the prescription for the new stop smoking drugs that are out is $110.00 a month. So are the insurance companies are aiding smokers to keep smoking while at the same time doing other things so that they have to quit
just remeber all u non smokers, all the taxes we pay on those cigs takes care of u and i.!!!!!!
I think these cities and states that want to ban smoking should also ban driving. I mean I can sit in an enclosed garage with numerous cigs lit for hours.. yes try sitting in an enclosed garage with a car running for awhile.... you tell me which one is worse
I think these smoking bans are good . Eventually with the only place to smoke being on your property fewer people are going to smoke . Eventually it could be phased out . Do you want your children to smoke ? I think these are good bans . I wouldn't mind alcohol and fatty foods being banned as well . Please do I would appreciate it . The funniest thing about smoking being phased out. If cigarettes were banned tomorrow, 47 of the 50 states would have to declare bankruptcy, because a lot of state make 30% or more of their tax revenues from cigarettes. How much does health care cost these states ? To treat smokers ?? |
a question that i pose if i may if the FDA was established to protect us from things that kill us and it became such a big deal toprove that the tobacco companies have lied about the dangers of smoking which was eventually proven then why are cigarettes still on the market ..MONEY..the government asked the cigarette companies to pay which they gladly agreed to knowing that they would recuperate their cash by raising the price of cigarettes then later the government decided to raise taxes on cigarettes do you really think that people will quit smoking because of the prices do you think that when people enter into hospitals for cigarette related diseases that their care will be covered by the money the government got from the cigarette companies(BRIBE) and just because the cigarette companies now put a warning label on cigarettes there were no warning labels when my generation became addicted to cigarettes and the lies and what about all those that died from cigarettes or second hand smoke before the people were made aware about the dangers now that the government and the FDA know about the dangers why are the still on the market .....MONEY..thats right its all about the benjamins baby
so now everyone blames the smoker instead of putting the blame where it truly belongs ...on the government and the tobacco companies since they allow the people to become addicted then they should be the ones paying to get them off and for any smoking related illnesses alot of people became addicted to cigarettes long before the truth was known but since everyone wants to blame the smokers what about all the companies that pump crap into our atmosphere every day ..out of sight out of mind |
People have smoked for generations. I steer clear of smoker-friendly establishments when I am with my kids. I don't allow people to smoke in my home, and most of the smokers I do know are considerate enough NOT to light up in their cars or around my kids, even if we are outside.
I don't take my kids to McDonalds or any other fast food place... but I can't afford ORGANIC if I want to eat the whole month. I teach my kids about the positives and negatives... and that every action has a consequence. YES- we should all have rights... I think smokers should be considerate of WHERE they smoke and designated places set up... and non-smokers shouldn't come down so hard on smokers. Just as it is your choice TO smoke, it is also your choice NOT TO smoke... We all need to find a way to co-exist... instead of arguing who is right and who is wrong. |
so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... no, it's a different premise. smoking definitely harms children, while driving MAY harm them. statistically, it's not even close. the funny guys seem to be reacting as if my very opinion were the reason that you can't smoke in a restaurant. |
just remeber all u non smokers, all the taxes we pay on those cigs takes care of u and i.!!!!!! |
There is a town close by with the 30 foot rule for the whole town but the problem is it is so small you are standing on the middle white line of the street. LOL. EN one lady was told she cannot smoke in her house by her neighbors....they took her to court en they won. That is insane. YET....the same people let "GREEN people...environmentalists" with lobbyists on private property to cut vines in pathways so their birdwatchers can hike through...again ON PRIVATE PROPERTY en complain about people riding their horses ON THEIR OWN BLASTED PRIVATE PROPERTY. What do these environmentalists NOT GET about PRIVATE PROPERTY.
I think these smoking bans are good . Eventually with the only place to smoke being on your property fewer people are going to smoke . Eventually it could be phased out . Do you want your children to smoke ? I think these are good bans . I wouldn't mind alcohol and fatty foods being banned as well . Please do I would appreciate it . The funniest thing about smoking being phased out. If cigarettes were banned tomorrow, 47 of the 50 states would have to declare bankruptcy, because a lot of state make 30% or more of their tax revenues from cigarettes. How much does health care cost these states ? To treat smokers ?? Well, if they states used the money they got from big tobacco to actually go towards healthcare, it'd be alright. But they spend it on this and that, and 20 cents outta every dollar goes into health care, where the healt insurance companies take a huge hit. Now I think we should ban taxes being used for what they weren't proposed to be for. |
so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... no, it's a different premise. smoking definitely harms children, while driving MAY harm them. statistically, it's not even close. the funny guys seem to be reacting as if my very opinion were the reason that you can't smoke in a restaurant. |
so it's not the same becuase it applies to you and your ok with that....... no, it's a different premise. smoking definitely harms children, while driving MAY harm them. statistically, it's not even close. the funny guys seem to be reacting as if my very opinion were the reason that you can't smoke in a restaurant. Cigarettes may harm children, driving may harm children, hmmm from your first breath, you begin to die. Breathing harms children. And we're reacting to people not noticing rights being taken away, because something appears bad. What if they said vegetarianism was bad and banned it? You'd be right over here in our chairs. |
all jokes aside should smokers be banned from everywhere there human contact come on .!!!!!!!1
not too many people on here see the real issue.
if you take away a right, it's gone for everybody. then they take 2, then 3, then 4 and so on until nobody has rights. if your going to pass a law it shoudl be fair for all not just fair for those with more money and louder voices. it doesn't matter what that right is or who has it, it should be equal on both sides. that is the point of having rights. you want o ban smoking in grocery stores, fine. make it manditory that every business install a heated comfortable outside area for those of us that do smoke, thats fair. not some plastic bubble in the freezing cold. not ban it everywhere so that if i smoke in MY CAR i get a ticket. that is NOT FAIR. if you condone them taking away rights based on one set of people, you mise well ban cussing, driving, drinking, skiing, surfing and everything else that might hurt another person, or be offensive in any way shape or form. now nobody is offended and every body dresses the same and talks the same and hell starting sound a lot like communism & prison among many other things to me. |
we could provide alot of health care with the 10 billion dollars we gave pakistan to combat terrorism ;;in light of the recent assassination i dont think it worked ..