Topic: Profile Conspiracies!!!
johnnie173's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:19 PM
I'm not too sure it happens here, but I'm convinced that other dating sites post fake profiles from time to time...
I'm browsing through profiles on Yahoo Personals a week ago and there she is... the girl of my dreams! Beautiful, blonde, intelligent, says all the right stuff. Of course I send an e-mail, and a week later the profile is gone.
Coincidence? Nay says I. I have noticed that when the proverbial well of new profiles starts to dry up, out of the clear blue sky some super model shows up for about a week.
I personally believe that Yahoo! posts fake profiles to keep the fellas content and therefore stick around.
There is a second possibility... I a complete idiot who needs to find something else to do until Spring.

wildsideof35's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:20 PM
Yeah it's here too.but I just over look them....stick with the forums mostly!!!!

DebbieJT's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:21 PM
no i think theres one or two on here hun, mind you its hard to judge just ny the emails

no photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:22 PM
I'm fake you caught me! sorry guys laugh laugh laugh devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil devil watch me disappear laugh laugh

ladyblack67's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:22 PM
they probably do, but this site is totally real! *pinch* yup, real!laugh

Chazster's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:22 PM
i wouldn't think they would need fake profiles here seeing that its not a pay site.

no photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:22 PM
Edited by boredandbearded on Sat 12/29/07 04:23 PM
yeah it's a fact, both yahoo and have been caught by consumer groups posting fake profiles with supermodels to lure new members.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:27 PM
We have all been framed - I'll tell ya...
(in these boxes on our profiles that is)ohwell
Sounds like a conspiracey to me... :wink:

Yes- there are fakes every where out there-
JSH is pretty good about weeding them out of here though.

s1owhand's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:27 PM
they don't do it here. it is a no-NO! laugh shame on you!

"Shaaaaame Shaaaaaame Shaaaaaaame..." - Gomer Pyle

no photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:29 PM
yup--beware--some will copy your profile and your pic and go to the next site and use 'em and being a different person--

johnnie173's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:29 PM
It's really obvious to me now--- never said I was the sharpesr tool in the shed...
You'll see pages of average women (nothing wrong with that) and then BOOM! WOW! WHAT are you doing here!
Definetley not re-upping on Yahoo! next month...
Did Yahoo and Match really get snagged by a consuner group?

AaronzDad's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:32 PM
Yahoo and Match have both been included in lawsuits about this but as far as I know there's been no real "Proof" that they do this.

There are a lot of scam sites out there that are primarily fake profiles in order to get dim-witted guys to sign up in order to send 'em emails. True, Singlesnet, and of course the "adult" dating sites are ones that come to mind.

The idea that this site would do that is kind of... well... dumb. It's a FREE site. Why on earth would they waste time creating fake profiles??? What do they stand to gain?? OOooooo look at the bandwidth we're consuming!

Yes, you will occasionally find fake profiles on free sites but those are spam tools used by porn sites. They're trying to get a long list of contacts to invite to "come see my OTHER pictures on this great site I found".

Now people lying like dogs on their profiles... that's a whole other story.

flyankee07's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:35 PM
hmmm, very interesting...........

Mcats3's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:35 PM
All the guys I've talk to are pretty real to me. And very polite.

johnnie173's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:37 PM
So it's not that I'm grossly unpopular!
The profiles are just fake!
I knew there had to be a logical explanationlaugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:48 PM

I'm not too sure it happens here, but I'm convinced that other dating sites post fake profiles from time to time...
I'm browsing through profiles on Yahoo Personals a week ago and there she is... the girl of my dreams! Beautiful, blonde, intelligent, says all the right stuff. Of course I send an e-mail, and a week later the profile is gone.
Coincidence? Nay says I. I have noticed that when the proverbial well of new profiles starts to dry up, out of the clear blue sky some super model shows up for about a week.
I personally believe that Yahoo! posts fake profiles to keep the fellas content and therefore stick around.
There is a second possibility... I a complete idiot who needs to find something else to do until Spring.

Just to make it very clear there are fake profiles every where on the internet not at this time nor anytime does JSH promote them nor plant them. If at any time you suspect a profile to be a fake please use the abuse button state in the box the reason and it will be checked out and dealt with if the pics are from a celebrity and you know the website please share it with JSH in order to have the info to check it out. Fake profiles or more than one profile is not allowed on JSH. We do accept all information of this sort. We would like to keep JSH as friendly and fun as possible. And keep all the spammers and fake or more than one profile off the site. The site does not promote this type of profiles and they will be dealt with by the site in a proper manner.

To find the abuse button go to the profile in question scroll down you will see under the main picture Report Abuse and click.

Site Mod

johnnie173's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:55 PM
For the record, I never said it occured on this site.. though it may have some.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/29/07 04:58 PM
Ohh I know but it does happen and has happen but it is not something this site promotes or accepts its all kewlbigsmile Just wanted to make it clear that the site does not. You will find out that JSH is really a great site with alot of really great memebers as well.bigsmile