Topic: A Closed Door is A New Opportuni
Laura's photo
Tue 09/14/21 04:05 PM
When out in the relm of answering profiles and searching for that special connection; often, we meet people we think " is the one". Only to find after a good date or good conversation that you have been duped or ghosted confused wondering if you ever will meet and find a great person for you.

I realized though it's a disappointment and we wonder why we are left out in the cold without any idea what went wrong or why. The fact is that Jesus may be protecting you, yes YOU! Maybe that person is not the person God wants for you or there is something God sees it knows that will be painful for you to go through or could it be our own heart needs more healing or to grow?

I share my wisdom and insight hoping you will try not to be weary. Trust in The Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understand. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path. Found in Proverbs Chapter 3.

You are only one door away!

thanks for reading. Peace :v:


Laura's photo
Tue 09/14/21 04:09 PM
I posted this to those who are genuine with genuine motives. I will not respond to messages that appear as cat fishers or con artists. Beware.

Keyziah 's photo
Wed 09/15/21 01:02 AM
God bless you, Laura, for such encouragement.

 Ꮢ Ꭷ Ᏸ ɨ Ꮑ's photo
Wed 09/15/21 01:15 AM
God bless you, Laura, for such encouragement.

Key :key:

Laska Paul 's photo
Wed 09/15/21 09:07 AM

God bless you, Laura, for such encouragement.

Key :key:

Not Knowing when the Dawn will come . So, I Keep Every door Open
Thank you for your Post.

Coldersky's photo
Tue 11/02/21 09:39 PM
Not Knowing when the Dawn will come . So, I Keep Every door Open
Thank you for your Post.

Thanksgreat post Laura Paul you aced it and every window to,Coldersky minus the halo,:rice_scene:🖼🏞⛺