Topic: Help?
William's photo
Mon 06/28/21 05:24 PM
Good afternoon, I want to know people who drop their mail and write with this that write to me do you know why they are trying is it dangerous?

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 06/28/21 07:23 PM
Don't understand your question.

no photo
Tue 06/29/21 06:34 AM
budddy its called sending you a message thro the mail on here. and sadly its hard to trust technology let alone alot of sites these days

soufiehere's photo
Tue 06/29/21 06:47 AM
History tells us that anyone 'dropping' their mail or asking you
to drop theirs is a big red flag, avoid!

no photo
Tue 06/29/21 03:51 PM
Hi William, like your photo btw. I agree with soufiehere and Joey on this one. Not recommended.
It -might- work out ok, but... this happen back in Nov/Dec 2018 or 19
A former housemate (HM) was on a couple of other sites and would exchange personal e-mail address with first contact if they asked to. HM wanted to see what would happen, HM had met two or three really good people that way, but generally expected a scam attempt.
HM shared that generally the first couple of e-mails would be fine / friendly, etc. Then there is some "big or tragic event" that worked into a sad story and soon after a request for money - the infamous "If you loved'd help me"
HM would say "No" and while some of them might keep it up for a week most just stopped emailing.
What convinced him to stop swapping email address (at first/second contact) was this one guy that after he said "No". Sent him a nasty reply. It was about a week later that HM started commenting on getting weird random emails, newsletters, etc. By the end of the month he was getting over 150 emails a day that he hadn't subscribed to.
I don't think most scammers would take the time to do that, but one did... Which Clint Eastwood movie was it that he would say... "Feeling Lucky?"
...I don't recall but you get the idea