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Topic: Trouble at work
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Thu 12/27/07 10:40 AM
I think I just got my a** in troulble here at work, just got a call about an article we ran today about a transgender male who just died of cancer and was babtized at the last minute. An idiot just called in and said we shouldnt run this kind of SH** in our paper cause his kids read it. I ask him why it was wrong for his kids to see there ARE people different from them, and that doesnt make them neccessarily bad or wrong. He said freaks like that deserve to die a painful death and called me a fag loving liberal. contrary to what i should have said I called him an out of date bigot and hoped his kids grew up smarter than he is. He said he was going to call my supervisor and demand my job!!! dont tnink it will cost me that, but I am in for a good talking to, why are people so afraid of others that are different but harmless?

itsmetina's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:42 AM
because they dont want anyone to think diffrently than them.let everyone be happy no matter what lifestyle they choose

bgeorge's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:43 AM
i feel sorry for your unhappy reader...the one thing i have always stressed to my children is that everyone is different and if they aren't hurting you or anyone else, but you don't like or agree w/their choices then just walk away...unfortunately your reader's children will more than likely carry on his legacy of hatred and unhappiness

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:45 AM
he sounds like an idiot did nothing wrong...good luck!drinker flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:45 AM

I think I just got my a** in troulble here at work, just got a call about an article we ran today about a transgender male who just died of cancer and was babtized at the last minute. An idiot just called in and said we shouldnt run this kind of SH** in our paper cause his kids read it. I ask him why it was wrong for his kids to see there ARE people different from them, and that doesnt make them neccessarily bad or wrong. He said freaks like that deserve to die a painful death and called me a fag loving liberal. contrary to what i should have said I called him an out of date bigot and hoped his kids grew up smarter than he is. He said he was going to call my supervisor and demand my job!!! dont tnink it will cost me that, but I am in for a good talking to, why are people so afraid of others that are different but harmless?
Depends on your boss......surely in the news business you CANT make EVERYONE happy!!!noway noway

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:48 AM
My bosses ae cool but I am not supposed to inject my feelings into readers complaints;Cnacer runs in my family so i get a little too emotional about it, I get cursed out at work from subscribers several times a week but this one oushed the WRONG button!!! thanks for the input, u guys are great!!!!drinker

LLH5's photo
Thu 12/27/07 10:48 AM
It's ignorance.

And in this case, the customer is NOT always right.

Hope it doesn't go to badly for you.

trueokie2's photo
Thu 12/27/07 11:13 AM
People are so ignorant, we are all made up different.

I hope you don't get into to much trouble with the boss.

Good Luck to you, and keep staying true to your beliefs.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 12/27/07 11:15 AM
Mikey some people just want to ignore the truth that there are people that are different as well with different opinions. Those kinds of People are not only against transgender males but there hatred goes much deeper in life and people of race ect. In this world as some say you can not please all the people all the the time. Life is Life that is what you write about and print. I guess they think if they raise there kids in a glass house they are protecting them from the outside world. But............ in the long run they just hurt them and fool themselves about society. smokin

no photo
Thu 12/27/07 04:38 PM work with a expressed your opinion with a reader expressing his opinion....any chance doors can open here for you. Your boss just be impressed.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Thu 12/27/07 04:40 PM
Hopefully your boss will see what an idiot this person was
and cut you some slack on your come back...

I think if someone called me a fag loving liberal-
I would of said back to them...
That I loved them too! :wink:

(((Mikey))) flowerforyou

seahawks's photo
Thu 12/27/07 04:42 PM

I think I just got my a** in troulble here at work, just got a call about an article we ran today about a transgender male who just died of cancer and was babtized at the last minute. An idiot just called in and said we shouldnt run this kind of SH** in our paper cause his kids read it. I ask him why it was wrong for his kids to see there ARE people different from them, and that doesnt make them neccessarily bad or wrong. He said freaks like that deserve to die a painful death and called me a fag loving liberal. contrary to what i should have said I called him an out of date bigot and hoped his kids grew up smarter than he is. He said he was going to call my supervisor and demand my job!!! dont tnink it will cost me that, but I am in for a good talking to, why are people so afraid of others that are different but harmless?
aaww still someones child be it man or woman..!!!

eileena9's photo
Thu 12/27/07 04:45 PM
Edited by eileena9 on Thu 12/27/07 04:45 PM
Mikey.......You didn't say anything wrong. That reader can't hide things from his kids all their lives and how old are ihs kids anyway?? If they are very young, then they shouldn't be reading a newspaper, with all that is going wrong in the world today. Does he call the tv stations and curse them out for running stories on the five or six o'clock news, when his kids might be watching???

Hopefully your boss explains the world to this isn't just happiness and gumdrops and everything he likes...

(sorry this hit a nerve with me too)grumble

Dragoness's photo
Thu 12/27/07 05:24 PM
(((Mikey))) you did nothing wrong even if you do get a little stern talking to. People of that ignorance are hard to deal with, I think you handled it better than I might have.flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 12/28/07 06:04 AM
thank you and Bless every one of u for your input!!! I have a meeting today with my boss and the reporter that wrote the story is going to be there, this clown emailed her and left an asinine, bigoted letter that she is bringing, my immediate supervisor told me I have little or nothing to worry about!!! Thanks again for all your support, u folks are the greatest!!!flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Fri 12/28/07 06:08 AM
Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. You're in journalism, you expressed an opinion privately, not in the paper or publication. Nothing wrong with that. Problem is, way too many people in this world have way too little going on in their lives that they have to worry about someone else's sex life. Cheer up, friend flowerforyou flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 12/28/07 08:37 AM
Just to give ya an update, justgot out of my meeting and things went well, turns out this guy made a threat to the reporter and is going to be ticketed for terroristic threats, he is a minister here thats connected to the off beat Church in Kansas that pickets the funerals of soldiers killed in Iraq, what a goofball, and what a relief for me, I still have my job!!!!!drinker smokin

no photo
Fri 12/28/07 08:38 AM
drinker drinker drinker drinker flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 12/28/07 08:46 AM
OMG a minister humm that pickets funerals of Soliders hummm yeah great church humm shshhshsh

Goood hope the fine was a good one.bigsmile

daniel48706's photo
Fri 12/28/07 08:54 AM

Yeah, I wouldn't worry about it. You're in journalism, you expressed an opinion privately, not in the paper or publication. Nothing wrong with that. Problem is, way too many people in this world have way too little going on in their lives that they have to worry about someone else's sex life. Cheer up, friend flowerforyou flowerforyou

Let me start out by saying I sympathize with you Mikey every step of te way. However, as I think you already know, that although your entitled to your opinion what was wrong was that you said it over the phone, while at work, on company time.

What a lot fo people do not understand is that even though it is a personal feeling, or belief, if you are on company time, or using the company phone, then you represent the company. This gentleman (to be polite) called him AT work. Everything was said on the work phone line. Thus Mikey was representing his newspaper. THAT is what will get him the butt chewing. Althoguh I have to agree with others in that if his boss is at all sympathetic, it will only be a butt chewing and reminder to keep personal beliefs out of the company business.

Again I agree withy ou Mikey. that is WHY I wont work at anewspaper or anything that would draw contreversy cause I KNOW I can be outspoken when puched right bigsmile

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