Topic: Future of humanity | |
What will be the future of the human race?
This very intriguing question I'm searching for the possible future of the human race. From the very beginning to today we the human race acquired a very large and significant amount of knowledge. But at this point of time, we failed to use those. We have the potential of doing great things for the entire planet earth but, not from the acquired knowledge we decide or our global leaders decide for their own self. My argument is we the human need to try to live as one planet earth. Thus- "Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people living for today Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace, you You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will be as one..." --( John Lennon) |
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person L
Mon 07/20/20 12:58 AM
all religions are the same ,just the that translation is different....john lennon
racism is tribalism |
After we have made most most animals extinct, and the remainder are mutated by chemical compounds, and plants need artificial pollenation due to lack of insects, we will become extinct too, in a short time. Simple.
"Progress", and technological civilisation disregarding the organic efficiency of nature. |
A complete silent spring will waiting for us
It will be just like the movie "Soylent Green"
after that " Planet of the apes " |
At least I can take a holiday when that happens
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yes we all can
I'm not sure if there are holidays in hell, (after all we did ruin everything), but I'm sure we will be kept occupied somehow.
The movies progression is a good idea. eg.: silent spring - catch 22 - Clockwork Orange - Dr. Strangelove - Mad Max / Waterworld - A Boy and His Dog - Planet of the [starving and angry] Apes. |
It's almost certain that we're going to become extinct as a species at some point eventually. It's only personally disappointing if we were to become extinct as a species soon or relatively soon (within the next few thousand years or so). In the grand scheme of things, it wouldn't be that important. We could nuke the planet back to molten magma and there's still enough time (5 billion years at least) for another intelligent species to evolve here. Better luck to them, if that's what happens.
deep insight
What will be the future of the human race?
This very intriguing question I'm searching for the possible future of the human race. From the very beginning to today we the human race acquired a very large and significant amount of knowledge. But at this point of time, we failed to use those. We have the potential of doing great things for the entire planet earth but, not from the acquired knowledge we decide or our global leaders decide for their own self. My argument is we the human need to try to live as one planet earth. Many have confusion about the difference between the Human RACE and the Human CIVILIZATION. The Human Race (Biological) Homo erectus were the first of the hominins to emigrate from Africa, and, from 1.8 to 1.3 million years ago, this species spread through Africa, Asia, and Europe. One population of H. erectus, also sometimes classified as a separate species Homo ergaster, remained in Africa and evolved into Homo sapiens. Homo sapiens, (Latin: “wise man”) the species to which all modern human beings belong. Homo sapiens is one of several species grouped into the genus Homo, but it is the only one that is not extinct. "The proportion of Neanderthal-inherited genetic material is about 1 to 4 percent [later refined to 1.5 to 2.1 percent] and is found in all non-African populations. It is suggested that 20 percent of Neanderthal DNA survived in modern humans, notably expressed in the skin, hair and diseases of modern people. In many generations, the human species will be more composed of genes from those groups than from developed countries. "And so culture, development and medicine might change the tenor of the human gene pool, but they do not take away the force of evolution, the force of change. It has been argued that human evolution has stopped because humans now adapt to their environment via cultural evolution and not biological evolution. However, all organisms adapt to their environment, and humans are no exception. Culture defines much of the human environment, so cultural evolution has actually led to adaptive evolution in humans. The recent growth in human population size has greatly increased the reservoir of mutational variants in the human gene pool, thereby enhancing the potential for human evolution. The increase in human population size coupled with our increased capacity to move across the globe has induced a rapid and ongoing evolutionary shift in how genetic variation is distributed within and among local human populations. “There’s been no biological change in humans in 40,000 or 50,000 years. Everything we call culture and civilization we’ve built with the same body and brain”. REF: Homo sapiens | Meaning & Stages of Human Evolution | Britannica › topic › Homo-sapiens How did Homo sapiens evolve? | Science › content Sapiens | Definition of Sapiens by Merriam-Webster › dictionary › sapiens Neanderthal genetics - Wikipedia › wiki › Neanderthal_genetics Are human beings still evolving? It would seem that evolution is ... › article › are-human-beings... How Long Can Humans Live? - Healthline › can-humans-live-past-115 Has Human Evolution Stopped? - NCBI - NIH › pmc › articles › PMC3721656 From a biological standpoint I believe Homo Sapiens are still evolving naturally but at a slower less evident pace than our ancestors. Our overall species-wide gene pool is diluted but has pockets of saturation in cultural communities. We have a large portion of our population with mutations (only some of which are classed as birth defects). We have albinos and genetic disorders which are reinforced with our reproductive nature. We have medical knowledge which corrects and/or accommodates genetic defects. Our species-wide gene pool gets saturated with these genetic defects and due to our civilized nature and global realm, these defective genes are injected into our diluted gene pool. We also have technology and innovation in the genetic fields. We are able to tamper with DNA to get intended results. Still limited in ability, our technology will allow larger and more complex changes to occur as time progresses. The future Human may not have much in common with our current Homo Sapient form. Humans will be engineered for purpose. The Titan (2018) is a movie which looks at one such genetic change to make humans able to exist on the moon Titan. Captain America (2011) is another film which explored genetic manipulation. In real life, there is scientific study involving the switching on and off of DNA gene switches to yield expected results. We are using genetic drugs to treat diseases. We can grow human body parts on different animals. Its only a matter of time and cultural acceptance before genetic direction becomes mainstream. Its entirely possible our technology will create a clade system of humans in the future. Not only for space exploration but for ocean cities, cloud cities and specific applications for a wide range of functions. |
If tyrannical powers that are in place today are not stopped we are all doomed.
The Human Race (Technological)
Very recently (compared to our genetic evolutionary changes) we have developed an understanding of virtual presence. The future human may not require a flesh and blood body. The movie Transcendence (2014) explores mind-uploading and nanotechnology. In real life, the Foresight Institute works to make such a thing a future possibility. There is real science right now which promises bionic augmentation and replacement. There are already a primitive form of cyborgs in our population right now. Exoskeletons are robotic suits that boost the wearer’s strength and endurance, greatly reducing the physical strain of manual handling activities. They are becoming increasingly applicable and demanded in logistics to replace bulky tools to lift heavy objects. Various solutions focusing on parts (or all of) the body are being developed for mass adoption (e.g., Panasonic Power Loader Suit). Human augmentation is the use of technology to boost the physical and cognitive abilities of humans and enable new forms of human- machine interaction. Smart contact lenses and smart chip implants can be used for security procedures as well as access control. Advanced chips are also being used to “connect” humans for exchanging concepts without the necessity of speech. Brain-computer interfaces that focus on using brain waves for controlling machines could potentially enable new ways of immersive interaction between humans and machines. REF: It is entirely possible if given enough time and opportunity, augmentation and enhancement could change the human body design in such a way the organism itself would no longer be able to function on its own. We see early examples of such changes when someone loses the normal function of their legs. The wheelchair is the locomotive device which supports the body. The person's legs wither and lose mass. Their arms get beefy and strong. As augmentation replaces muscles our evolutionary future will also wither our body style. If we can control mechanisms as we do our muscles, they will be stronger and faster than our fleshy counterparts. As our extremities fade away, our heads/brains will become larger. The human will be cerebral instead of dexterous. Our sensory organs may become larger or sharper. We might develop new sensory organs and lose some. We might grow specific appendages for new purposes. Add to these biological change the advanced nanotechnology and we might be able to manifest appendages at will. I personally explored (slightly) the effects of nanotechnology on the future human. In the distant future: Bathrooms became obsolete. The nanites break down body waste into its atomic components and reuses the atoms to maintain the body. Houses and buildings started being built without toilet facilities and many older homes had theirs removed. Medical facilities became obsolete. Nobody ever got sick anymore. Injuries were healed or prevented by the nanites immediately. Schools and universities closed worldwide. Pharmaceutical companies closed down and there was no need for doctors, nurses or support personnel. Funeral homes & cemeteries became obsolete. Since nobody was dying anymore, there was no need for burial facilities. Riskier lifestyles became the norm. Since nanites controlled the pain threshold and make instantaneous body repairs, people were able to perform death defying acts on a regular basis. Personal protection devices and methods became obsolete. Not only could someone walk into a burning building they could jump from an airplane without a chute and work in space without a suit. Personal farming became the standard. Since the nanites only needed raw materials and very little of those, there was no need for a large food supply. People started eating once per month. Kitchens were removed from homes. Restaurants and grocery stores became obsolete. Wars became obsolete. Since bodies heal instantaneously, war and assaults no longer had any affect. Nanites could morph your body to form a hard protective shell or separate your parts to avoid excessive damage. The world's military forces were disbanded. Weapons were recycled. Religions became obsolete. Aside from the few that chose to keep their religions there was no longer a reason to believe in an afterlife. Churches closed and all the drama, fighting and racism related to the opposing views died shortly after. People became content with life and pursued active productive lifestyles in harmony. Our civilization, technology and morality have a direct affect on how we evolve now. What many fail to realize is the fact our civilization, technology and morality also evolves. The future of the human species lies in our ability to evolve beyond our current limitations. Limitations which are not only biological but cerebral/technical as well. Just like the sound barrier we face a moral barrier. Whether we destroy ourselves or push past our current barrier is determined by our ability to evolve the maturity (as a species) to use our collected wisdom for a unified purpose. |