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Topic: Things You Could Find in a Van... A to Z - part 2
no photo
Wed 09/30/20 07:01 PM

no photo
Wed 09/30/20 08:58 PM
Ingots. If the rear end is sagging, there may be some ingots in there.

Poetrywriter's photo
Thu 10/01/20 09:56 AM
Jello to throw at the police when passing their parked car.

cityblues21's photo
Thu 10/01/20 04:55 PM

no photo
Mon 10/12/20 04:06 PM

moomin's photo
Mon 10/12/20 04:46 PM
Mice droppings

Rock's photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:00 PM
Nuclear powered generator.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:12 PM
Open beer cans, old and stinky..............

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:40 PM
Prickly heat ointment

no photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:47 PM
Quiet moments.....when you’re DOWN BY THE RIVER! :wink: laugh

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:53 PM
Rattlesnake skin from who knows where or when. noway

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:57 PM
Safe sex manual

moomin's photo
Mon 10/12/20 06:58 PM
Toilet roll

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 10/12/20 07:06 PM
Underwear so the driver can change on the spur of the moment

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 10/12/20 07:17 PM
Victoria's Secret catalog................never know when your girl may need something.

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 10/12/20 07:17 PM
Victoria's Secret catalog................never know when your girl may need something.

Poetrywriter's photo
Mon 10/12/20 07:22 PM

ivegotthegirth's photo
Mon 10/12/20 08:13 PM
Xeroxed sales papers from when the van was new.

cityblues21's photo
Tue 10/13/20 03:48 AM
Yellow cheese.. from the government

moomin's photo
Tue 10/13/20 08:47 AM
Zingzillas dvd

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