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Topic: Things You Could Find in a Van... A to Z - part 2
cityblues21's photo
Fri 09/11/20 06:03 PM
Ukulele ..

no photo
Fri 09/11/20 06:38 PM
Van-ities!!! rofl

Rock's photo
Fri 09/11/20 08:43 PM
Warped hippies

no photo
Sat 09/12/20 01:06 AM

:x: that marks the spot on a treasure map 🗺

no photo
Sat 09/12/20 06:29 AM
Yak butter (This is a widely traveled van!)


cityblues21's photo
Sat 09/12/20 07:15 PM
Zip-Lock bags

no photo
Sat 09/12/20 07:19 PM

A bottle of champagne :champagne: drinks

Poetrywriter's photo
Sun 09/13/20 02:51 PM
Bigger bottle of champagne to share with the 7 female college girl hitchhikers who broke down because they were all blonde and forgot to put gas in their vehicle.

no photo
Sun 09/13/20 07:58 PM

Camping equipment 🏕:tent:

Rock's photo
Mon 09/14/20 01:48 AM
Dead Heads listening to Touch of Grey

cityblues21's photo
Mon 09/14/20 04:05 AM

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Mon 09/14/20 04:15 AM
Flame thrower

no photo
Mon 09/14/20 07:41 AM
Glass bong provided by those hippies (but don't try to light it with the flamethrower!)


no photo
Mon 09/14/20 02:35 PM
Hippie headbands :peace:

no photo
Mon 09/14/20 06:41 PM
Inkblot cards for performing psychological testing on those hippies!


Rock's photo
Mon 09/14/20 09:16 PM

cityblues21's photo
Tue 09/15/20 04:04 AM
Ketchup packets

BruceWayne's photo
Tue 09/15/20 04:14 AM
Vise grips to roll the window down

Rock's photo
Tue 09/15/20 10:21 PM


no photo
Wed 09/16/20 01:20 AM

More of my hippie friends :v::peace::yin_yang:

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