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Topic: What to do to cure very nihilistic thoughts?
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Mon 11/02/20 08:05 PM

I fortunately already believe in God. Had I not I wouldn't be here. Would've committed suicide long time ago.

If it's that bad you're probably better of with a psychiatrist as opposed to a bunch of people on a forum.

As for the question... I get out of bed because life is beautiful, worth living. Life is about joy and happiness, and growing and evolving as a human being and as a Soul.
Doing things that make you happy and fulfil you, seeing the beauty in everything, including small things :)
Like seeing the beautiful roses in my garden even though the rest is one big mess and looking more like a jungle than the nice garden I was creating. But the roses are still gorgeous, even the one that grow on the broken rose arch that's hanging in the hedge.

The glass is half empty or it's half full, or maybe even full. It's a choice.
BTW, if you have no real reason to feel suicidal then it can be smart to have your hormones checked (blood test). Hormones do funny things with people, and they define who we are, how we feel. They basically run us.

Thanks for your point of view. It was joyful to read.
As for me being suicidal, don't worry I'm not. I was just pointing out that religion indeed is what matters most to me. Without it my life is completely empty. Now I kind of know what causes my negative worldview. It's funny that you mentioned hormones because I think they are one of the causes. It has also to do with the guilt that I feel whenever I masturbate.

Really sorry that I mentioned that but that's how it is
it is sad when religion is the cause of such turmoil . You should not feel guilty about something that is completely natural and part of learning about your own body. I am sure God does not want you to live a life of conflict and guilt . waving

jj86's photo
Tue 12/01/20 11:38 PM
Nihilism in itself includes family work etc. Being a nihilist is an ideal that you don't believe in anything after death so nothing you do matters relative to traditional belief. It is a lesson on scemantics. One sees an action as bad because of their endoctrinated sense of what is right or wrong. Where nihilistic ideals state there is no good or bad , only the action in itself. The belief that actions cannot be negative or positive falls on the idealogy that there is no religion, God, or consequence for either causation of pain being negative or the causation of happiness through kindness also makes no difference in a karmic sense.

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Wed 12/02/20 01:00 AM
Getting out of bed🤯🧐 , what a horrible thought

bobtail76's photo
Sat 12/05/20 07:35 AM
Getting laid is a pretty good cure... at least during, and a little after. Maybe a temporary solution

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