Topic: The World in our SubContiousness | |
Contiousness describes as action while subconscious describe as "knowing the right"...the facts that actions differ from the thoughts is like a fragile glass which could break easily...not elastic but breakable.
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Consciousness and the sub-conscious are both present in the mind.
There are things which control our ability to reason. Like: Intelligence Wisdom Experience Understanding We use these things to be who we are. They make us fragile or strong depending on how we motivate ourselves. I see the assessment as just the opposite of what you wrote. "Knowing the right" is a conscious discipline and the undisciplined sub-conscious causes us to sometimes act against our choices. However, if we have control of ourselves, our disciplined conscious will prevail over our primitive sub-conscious initiatives before we act. We become sure of ourselves. It leads to change in our self control and lets us adopt beneficial contentment. Like: Healthy Self-Esteem Emotional Maturity Emotional Control Healthy Empathy towards others Conflicts between conscious and sub-conscious drives can cause stress, depression and anger. Our "Flight or Fight" instinct can be over-ridden by conscious discipline. Since this is so, sub-conscious reflex on anything can also be over-ridden. Ultimately, we all have the ability to determine who we are and how we act. Despite our natural instincts. |
i agree with u sir:) jst basically writing it as stress reliever.
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Tue 05/12/20 11:46 PM
The World in our SubContiousness Contiousness describes as action while subconscious describe as "knowing the right"...the facts that actions differ from the thoughts is like a fragile glass which could break easily...not elastic but breakable. - ![]() there is a strange sense in the unusual lines; i.e., if we consider 'World' as 'Mother Earth' and Mother Earth has so deep an intelligence that she can scare entire humanity with her bat virus. So how are we related with Mother Nature? There is of course the inseparable biological connect which we may term as Sub-Continuous a term that differs from Sub-consciousness. A day may come when we may arguably live on Mars w/o nature's support / bio-connect / sub-continuous. Right now we are dependent on her. Now if we examine how our intelligence has grown over centuries it started by observing how nature functions. A magnetic field is always associated with electricity. It is a rule in Nature, we did not invent this rule. Like gravity is associated with mass. So one may term wisdom as understanding the rules of nature. By such understanding we arrive at what is right So 'The World', Mother Nature, is a cradle for our thoughts - SubContiousness to future humanity. Humanity's relationship with her is by action - a collective consciousness. We may not have the right words but this relationship with nature, call it scientific growth; goes beyond biology and intelligence - almost preordained to evolve. This pre-ordinance is a form of spirituality. This is what I'm hearing in the lines posted although OPs intentions may have been something else - to do with matters of the heart! |
Are you referring to Gaia?
In Greek mythology Gaia was the mother goddess who presided over the Earth. There is a train of thought where all life on this planet is but component parts of one single planet-sized life form. A 'higher' being or power of which all life as we understand is merely sub-systems of a whole being. There is also a train of thought (which I favor) where the entire Universe is an entity and all life within it manifestations of its consciousness. A comparison might be a single synapse firing in our own brain among other synapse firing. It is aware of us but we are not aware of it or its other manifestations. We can't talk to plants, animals, viruses, bacteria and they can't talk to us. We can't talk to the Universe but the Universe talks to us in what we call nature. Nature is the essence of existence. What we understand as natural laws is merely its process of existence. Since everything we can perceive is within this unified state of being, we cannot imagine anything outside it. Everything we think, dream, experience, imagine, build, create is the Universe doing so. If we imagine a place beyond the Universe it is the Universe expanding to encompass the imagined. |
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Wed 05/13/20 10:53 PM
We can't talk to plants, animals, viruses, bacteria and they can't talk to us. We can't talk to the Universe but the Universe talks to us in what we call nature. Nature is the essence of existence. ![]() nature = a subset of the Universe talking to us I am inclined to agree with nature being a subset of Universe but for a stopper. Stopper Nowhere else in Universe have we found ‘seed to tree’, biological subset. Symbiotic Relationships Moreover, trees giving rise to forests and the symbiotic relationships between plants and animals is, we are told, ‘adaptation’, preparatory to tomorrows demand for further adaptations or an entire species ‘evolution’. So we have not only not seen life (& therefore evolution) outside of earth; but also evolution - the 'specie singular *** multi species collective' relational intelligence - biological collaboration - outside of earth. Now if nature had found ways to sow her own seeds; then her way = intelligence. This is established although our 'seed to tree' science books avoid mentioning it. Man is but Nature's Mule But when nature expands to say, Mars; with man’s assistance; and then when OP writes 'World is our Sub-continuous-ness' (not subconscious; nor Freudian Pre-Consciousness) somehow this mother nature becomes a metaphorical stream for our continuity in existence..., something like that. There is more - but since OP has deactivated we will never know. |
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Thu 05/14/20 05:13 AM
Oh, I don't know.
The further along I've come, the more I suspect that the subconscious/conscious concept is an oversimplification. Useful to recognize how we don't directly have our entire selves in one single level of awareness, but too limiting to accurately explain how an individual person behaves. For one thing, calling it "subconscious" implies that it's all hidden from us, when it really isn't. Some is, to be sure, but a lot more isn't so much hidden, as it is like things in the background of a photograph. Everyone can see that while you're showing off the first cake you baked all on your own in the foreground, that your kid brother is calmly picking his nose and eating it in the background. In other words, a lot of the time, what some people call "subconscious," is really just another part of what is quite conscious, but just not what's being focused on at the moment. But calling it "subconscious," can imply that a person isn't responsible for it, when they really are. |
Oh, I don't know. The further along I've come, the more I suspect that the subconscious/conscious concept is an oversimplification. Useful to recognize how we don't directly have our entire selves in one single level of awareness, but too limiting to accurately explain how an individual person behaves. --- I completely agree. Leaving aside the individual human psyche, it will be interesting to hear from you a description of the relationship between the human species and the changing evolving 'nature' on earth. Let's say we go past the symbiotic relationships like farming, gardening, bee keeping etc. Let's go beyond mimicking nature's designs in our technologies to ... To man's compulsive need to study corona virus, in other words nature's protein molecular machine. How would you describe this compelling fascination with nature. Is it simply as a bio-weapon pr something far reaching? |
Oh, I don't know. The further along I've come, the more I suspect that the subconscious/conscious concept is an oversimplification. Useful to recognize how we don't directly have our entire selves in one single level of awareness, but too limiting to accurately explain how an individual person behaves. For one thing, calling it "subconscious" implies that it's all hidden from us, when it really isn't. Some is, to be sure, but a lot more isn't so much hidden, as it is like things in the background of a photograph. Everyone can see that while you're showing off the first cake you baked all on your own in the foreground, that your kid brother is calmly picking his nose and eating it in the background. In other words, a lot of the time, what some people call "subconscious," is really just another part of what is quite conscious, but just not what's being focused on at the moment. But calling it "subconscious," can imply that a person isn't responsible for it, when they really are. I understand what you imply. Both elements of awareness exist at the same time. One is directed action, the other is reflexive action. If you watch the behavior of anyone long enough, you can see both elements at the same time. A simple example is the fight or flight response. Instinct makes us fight or flee in response to threats. Conscious decision causes us to arrest that instinct despite our natural predisposition to fight or flee. When afraid, we subconsciously change our bodies in readiness to fight or flee. Our heartbeat gets faster, our breathing gets deeper, our muscles tighten and we get wound up, ready for action. Our conscious over-rides our subconscious and we start to calm ourselves. If you ever watched someone watching a scary horror movie you see it clearly. You can see similar examples in relationships. Everyone knows about body language but few actually control it. You can watch a video of a group of people around a firepit with the sound off and see the subconscious display of affection and rejection in their posturing. Sometimes it can be in direct contrast to what is said. Like you said, we exist in a reality of conscious and subconscious at the same time. It is our wisdom and discipline which allows us to over-ride our subconscious urges. Our conscious minds favor society and unity with others. Our subconscious favors self. Together they make up our awareness and cause our behavior. Behavior is both learned and instinctual. Not either/or. |
Even past that, I've come to suspect we all function less like individuals, and more like we are the CEO of a corporation made up of all the parts of our bodies, the semi conscious portions of our brains, and even more.
Most people talk about getting into arguments with themselves, and don't at all mean that they suffer from some kind of split personality problem. As you say, we can see fight or flight as instinctive, but it could also be viewed as the part of our brain dedicated to directly running our bodies, deciding on one course of action, and the "CEO" part of us stepping in to overrule. As in literally, part of our actual selves, wants to run, or wants to fight, but another very real part of our consciousness does not. Perhaps some people who have difficulties that get called personality disorders, have actual physiological difficulties with mind integration. I don't know, I just wonder. |
Personality disorders are as different as the individuals who have them.
While there can be similar behaviors, the driving mechanism for each of us is different and 'tuned' to us individually. There are a great number of people who can not fathom how their own minds work. They may have the capacity but not the discipline or the understanding. These people are usually reactive instead of proactive. They may feel they are not in control of their own destiny. They seek guidance in others for things they should be guiding themselves. They often feel frustrated with life. It leads to depression and low self-esteem. It can lead to obsessive and compulsive behavior as they try to gain control of it all. Its so sad to realize more people live in stress than contentment. Its evident in society. Media induced stress isn't really seen till one steps away from it and looks back. Its like a delusion, you can't see the delusion till its lifted, then its clear. People will fight to keep the stress in their lives, they will fight to keep their delusions. It makes no logical sense because people are usually not logical. I used to ask "Who the hell is running this show?" then I realized it was me and I was doing it wrong. So I changed how I do it and its much, much better now. |