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Topic: Two weeks off
Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 11:53 AM

Cabin in nature
Motel in a town
Hotel for fun, maybe even dancing, entertainment and a casino.

Or something else?

Rock's photo
Thu 01/16/20 11:58 AM
Masturbate like a spider monkey isn't on
the list.

I'm at a loss.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 12:20 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Thu 01/16/20 12:22 PM

Masturbate like a spider monkey isn't on
the list.

I'm at a loss.

That comes under something else...

You still could have your 'fun' in one of the above choices.

Rock's photo
Thu 01/16/20 12:22 PM

Rock's photo
Thu 01/16/20 01:22 PM

I'd prefer my two weeks in
a small motel, in a small village,
somewhere along a huge coastline.

Freebird Deluxe's photo
Thu 01/16/20 01:27 PM
Mediterranean island, cycling sun snorkle

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 04:04 PM

Mediterranean island, cycling sun snorkle


Freebird Deluxe's photo
Thu 01/16/20 04:22 PM

Mediterranean island, cycling sun snorkle


Varies Spain and it's islands often huge hotels 300+rooms ,Greece small family run 25\50 rooms, Cyprus big hotels ,

no photo
Thu 01/16/20 04:40 PM
Hotel or a Cabin on a warm beach...

Motels have to many spider monkey's jerking off making it a Bio Hazard there...
laugh laugh laugh

Bastet127's photo
Thu 01/16/20 04:45 PM
Cottage on the beach, private beach. I don’t want kids
running by kicking sand in my face lol.

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:43 PM

Hotel or a Cabin on a warm beach...

Motels have to many spider monkey's jerking off making it a Bio Hazard there...
laugh laugh laugh

I would avoid the motels too.
I am too visual and that was freaky.noway

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:44 PM

Mediterranean island, cycling sun snorkle


Varies Spain and it's islands often huge hotels 300+rooms ,Greece small family run 25\50 rooms, Cyprus big hotels ,

You worked hard. Enjoy your freedom :smiley:

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:45 PM

Cottage on the beach, private beach. I don’t want kids
running by kicking sand in my face lol.

Alone? :upside_down:

Rock's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:46 PM

Hotel or a Cabin on a warm beach...

Motels have to many spider monkey's jerking off making it a Bio Hazard there...
laugh laugh laugh

I would avoid the motels too.
I am too visual and that was freaky.noway

You're welcome. :thumbsup:

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:50 PM

Hotel or a Cabin on a warm beach...

Motels have to many spider monkey's jerking off making it a Bio Hazard there...
laugh laugh laugh

I would avoid the motels too.
I am too visual and that was freaky.noway

You're welcome. :thumbsup:

You must be bored, huh?

Ladywind7's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:51 PM
All I can see is the Southern Cross, throwing rocks at me. Give me real inspiration.

Rock's photo
Thu 01/16/20 10:55 PM

Hotel or a Cabin on a warm beach...

Motels have to many spider monkey's jerking off making it a Bio Hazard there...
laugh laugh laugh

I would avoid the motels too.
I am too visual and that was freaky.noway

You're welcome. :thumbsup:

You must be bored, huh?


I'm never bored... Ever. bigsmile

darkowl1's photo
Thu 01/16/20 11:31 PM
Help Puerto Rico with earthquake stuff one week, and help with those fires down in Aussie country yonder the other week.

Ladywind7's photo
Fri 01/17/20 01:07 AM

Help Puerto Rico with earthquake stuff one week, and help with those fires down in Aussie country yonder the other week.

Just wow Darkowl. They are thinking of moving some koalas to New Zealand. Peeps are debating it.

Poor babies, so many have burned.

No Rockgnome!!! Not appropriate to take the pi@@ out of!!

SparklingCrystal πŸ’–πŸ’Ž's photo
Fri 01/17/20 01:56 AM
Nice B&Bs in England and Scotland.

Visit Glastonbury, and rent car to have a good nose around the area. Veer off to Avesbury. I want to see it and feel it.

Then Scotland... so many beautiful & magickal places there!

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