Topic: I just viewed 137 men and .....
Butterfly7's photo
Tue 01/14/20 08:44 PM

ALL except 2 it said "Last seen over a month ago" -- so my chances of meeting someone are higher in the dog food aisle at a grocery store.

Rock's photo
Tue 01/14/20 08:49 PM
Edited by Rock on Tue 01/14/20 08:51 PM
Forums is actually the best place to
encounter active members.

Granted, some of us have been 'out to lunch'
since 1983. laugh
But, at least, we're actively here.

no photo
Tue 01/14/20 08:51 PM
Yes...I've noticed that, too. ;]

Lots of reasons for it (I am a computer systems integration engineer, and I have designed/tested these sorts of sites in the past), so your analysis is about right.

I've been on a whole host of sites (paid and 'free'), and based on the metrics I've gained (as I was also doing research for an internet dating book that I am helping (ghost writing) with).

I would say one's best chance is just like in the 'old days' - that is, have a life, get out and 'mingle' with real people you meet in 'Real Life' - and, who knows - one might find someone there (a plus of doing it this way, is that you already share (at least) one interest!).

no photo
Tue 01/14/20 09:14 PM
Good to meet someone in your local grocery store.

naz@'s photo
Tue 01/14/20 09:18 PM

motowndowntown's photo
Tue 01/14/20 11:22 PM
Hey, if he likes dogs, he can't be all bad.