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Topic: women president??
no photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:11 AM
what do you think?.. is it a good idea?

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:15 AM
As long as she's got Balls.

Beaubritish's photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:17 AM
I think it is a great idea and furthermore, I believe Hilary Clinton is
the woman for the job. I was still living in England (My Birthplace)
when Margaret Thatcher came to power and let me tell you she did a great
job of straightening the UK out.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:26 AM
I'd like to see it come to be, I think a woman could do a better job and
straighten out alot of shit.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:28 AM
Hell yeah. I think its a good idea.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:30 AM
I don't think Male or Female can straghten out the shit that's been
going on since time began. All of what you see and are witnessing in
this world has it's origins long in the past and not since Reagan or
Clinton hasd been in office. Each generation pays for the next.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 12:34 AM
If shes got skills =)

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 01:52 AM
hillary C. has my vote if she runns

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 02:00 AM
well... it's been a MAN doin' it all this time... I'd be curious to see
what WOULD happen if they let my breed in there! I am a lil' skeerd' of
Hillary tho'... I dont think THAT would be fair cuz' I am SURE she has
a "vengence" against the males after what dumbass Bill has put her
thru'. But then again... that might make her even better!!!

CrazyJ's photo
Sun 11/19/06 02:18 AM
is he a dumb ass cause he got some head? or cause he got cuaght? or
cause he lied

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:01 AM
its hard to say.

sushi's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:39 AM
How 'bout Condy Rice. She probably wouldn't touch the job with foot
pole. Besides, she a diplomat; she likes to negotiate. I don't think
she'd have good time running the whole show.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:43 AM
no... not her shes a con!

Tneal's photo
Sun 11/19/06 07:53 AM
I swear some folks should not post in here when their drunk... lordy...

I am looking forward to seeing who runs in `08. I say that since
Hillary has the background and the know how. Let her run. Then she can
show Bill how a REAL President does the work.... *HEHEHEHE*

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:12 AM
she has my vote because she is now a senator

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:58 PM
shes better looking than all the old farts in their now!.... lol

Truthoflife's photo
Sun 11/19/06 10:13 PM
HILARY has my vote. She should have been president INSTEAD OF MR.

widowerseeking's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:28 AM
look at the down side of this, if hillary runs and wins. you would have
billy boy back in the whitehouse as first lady. can you imagine

kenny_74's photo
Tue 11/21/06 01:34 AM
if she have better skill

Ontario's photo
Tue 11/21/06 07:08 AM
We have discussed this woman is capable of being
President of this Country. Some places have tried it and soon relized it
was a stupid Canada...(what a shocker)...and other third
world countries.

A President should be a Man....nuff said...!

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