Topic: where is everyone?
no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:02 AM
ahh but he has a strong family behind him so maybe he can make it
But he's gotta want it deep down to his very core

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:05 AM
That's when you step in and try to help him make new friends. Hope he
listen to you Lion.

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:08 AM
that heroien he got hooked on is evil evil stuff i swear if his freinds
come near me or me ask me about him im liable to lose it and just start
beating ass and takin names.

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:10 AM
I hear ya Lion,

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:11 AM
this has been going on for a coupple of years and ive been trying to
help him but he is at the point were i cant help anymore he knows he
always has a meal and a family with me but i swear i cant trust him any
farther than i can throw a pyramid.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:14 AM
maybe its tim for him to get into a rehab not just jail Lion, family can
help bu lik I said he has to want it more than anything else in the
world..heroin is real evil and real hard to kick once the lady has her
hooks in you it takes a lonnnnngggg time to get them out....

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:15 AM
Ya know lion let the word out for that that is such bad stuff sorry to
hear he was into that. I tell ya the threat is out there they usually
will stay back. The key is to get your brother to realize how bad it was
and not to go back around that crowd for no matter how strong he thinks
he is no one is strong enough to resist so early in the stage of

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:19 AM
ive already had freinds die from it...and the rehab hasnt worked yet
either hes old enough to sign him self out so hopefully a year or two in
jail will do him some good and im pretty sure hell be in for a while hes
got a few felonies on his rap sheet...and this last time was a violation
of porole.
so hopefully he will have time to think and realize what he needs to do.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:19 AM
If you need help finding a rehab or anything at all for your brother
Lion, please let me know

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:22 AM
well I hope it works for him..I've lost fiends to it and my brother was
using when he commited suicide

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:22 AM
it just sux thinkin about it .davey was one of those pretty boys and a
social butterfly he was starting to do commercials and such and really
had a gift of gab.its just a real shame.he just had so much going for
him its really depressing.specially cause hes my lil bro you know.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:26 AM
I know hun but remember he chose this not you, its going o hur and I
know it hurts th whole family,all you can do is hope and pray( yeah I
said that) that he can see past heroin and see whats real

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:27 AM
"LION",,,man,I know how you feel,but please get him some proff.
help,before it is too late for him!

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:30 AM
he almost died himeself a few months ago when he o.d.ed an my mom said
to him hows your older bro gonna feel if he has to put his lil bro in
the ground .and i think that at least made him think but im worried
about sorry for bringing yall down uhmmm could we change the
subjest..i need to stop thinking about it.....

TheShadow's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:32 AM
Hey Lion this is what friends are for. If someone needs to talk then get
it out. It's better then holding it in. :)

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:33 AM
Sorry to here about bro lion.
I thought the same for a nephew I have, about getting a long
sentence and all, because of two prier felonies, but NOW,
its looking like a bootcamp time?? might help, but hav ta see?
And it always seems like the very-gifted are the one who fall
to the badshit?
Hows ya folks with it? And is he your only bro.?

lionsbrew's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:33 AM
hes been going in and out of rehab for like two years i think he needs
to stay locked up for a while mike and he is 25 now not to much more i
can do for him.

no photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:35 AM
sure :)

So my plans for the day are this I am heading to my oldest nphews, we
are working on him re learning to walk up the stairs again.Lemme
splain.. back in Jun David was working down in Harlem on the job site,
reconstructing older historical buildings, there was a manhole
explosion, he was standing on the manhole cover at that moment, went up
30 feet and was thrown into a dumpster.He shattered both legs, ankles
and knees....they said he wouldn' walk again..David took his first steps
on September 15th..and is now walking with hte aid of a walker and
sometimes a cane.So today he wants to work on the stairs :) We almost
lost him that day bu h's a fighter like he rest of us :)

michael1313's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:35 AM
sorry man...hopes he gets help........M.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 11/19/06 09:37 AM
lion best thing is to talk to someone that has been in your same
situation and let them help you through it also sounds like CCP could
help ya she has been there and knows what some of the things that you
will be going through. :( sounds as if ya could help each other from
past and present.