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Topic: Spiderman 3?
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Sat 12/15/07 06:52 AM
Anyone seen it? I just got it on dvd and am planning on watching it tonight at a friends. Is it good?

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:05 AM
Well... not really good. You just watching it once and forget forever

Goofball73's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:14 AM
It was a disappointment for me. It had its' moments where I thought it was gonna be a really good film. But overall, it just does not add up to one or two (Part 2 is still the best).

no photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:18 AM
I really liked the 2nd one

infectious_witch's photo
Sat 12/15/07 10:21 AM
Spider Man did exactly what X-Men did:
Make a medicore third installment.
I like Spider Man 3 for some things.
I didn't like that they didn't explain the black suit, even though they were told they couldn't. The movie started really good and then went on the decline when the black suit came into the picture. The movie was too rushed. If it would have been made into three parts, and if they would have added more story, it could have been good.

This movie is pretty much like this: Let's see how much we can fit into a short time period.

I loved the first two. The second one is one of my all time favorites. I am dissapointed to see the end of the trilogy as it is. I am also very dissapointed with Sam Raimi. I once had so much respect for him....

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/16/07 02:00 AM

Spider-Man 3 was way better than Spider-Man 2, the movie was exceptionally well crafted if you understand the source material as well as how they had 2 hours and 20 minutes to get it all in there.

If the Spider-Man animated series can do it in under 1 hour, then the movie had much more time to play with, and did a great job in showing the outlandish behavior that the suit caused Parker to do.

Watch it more than once, and really watch how it was made and you'll see how much better it was than the sequel.

neanderthalDave's photo
Sun 12/16/07 02:38 AM
i thought all the spiderman movies suckd the could have been better i just skip 2 fight sceens,the same with the most comic book movies. i think the punisher was the best comic book movie ive seen.

no photo
Sun 12/16/07 03:26 AM
Loved all three Spider-Man movies. I might be in the minority here, but I thought they actually got better as they went on, with 3 being the best.

I saw the first X-Men movie. HUGE disappointment! What they did to Cyclops(Scott Summers) in that movie bordered on criminal.

Even though Hulk is one of my favorite comic-book characters(and I LOVED the TV show), the movie sucked. But I blame that on Ang Lee trying WAY to hard to be "artsy", and the fact that Jennifer Connely's a lousy actress. Am looking forward to the "re-try" when it comes out.

While not as good as Spider-Man, the Fantastic four movies are following the same pattern, where the second movie's better than the first.

Ghost Rider was far better than anyone had a right to expect.

Goofball73's photo
Sun 12/16/07 07:59 AM
Spider Man 3 was just a letdown guys. I respect your opinions, the ones who stated it was good and all, but to me they just tried to cram way too much into a third installment. Plus, the CGI left alot to be desired. I mean, Venom only shows up at the last bit. I did like Sandman's story, and had he been more of a focal point then the movie could have been better. Harry as the Green Goblin was good too, but come on. How many times can a man escape certain death?

I liked Peter struggling with his darker side, but they should have explored it more. It was like he got it, embraced it, and then danced (rather badly) down the streets of NYC. WTF?

Look, it is an okay movie. I just expected a lot more from it cause of how great part 2 was.

mach25's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:04 AM
if they make a fourth installment, it would make the third look less rushed and kinda redeem itself, but it was rushed, but it was the best it could have been while being rushed! X-Men 3 oh they better make a 4th. one and ring back Cyclops that was just stupid as hell!!! They truly let Ratner destroy the franchise there!

Goofball73's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:11 AM
I don't think they let Ratner destroy the franchise. The feeling was then, and my understanding is that it is still the same today, was that X3 was gonna be it. Wolverine is set to go and there is also talk of a Magneto movie too. Ratner stepped in and did what the studio execs wanted him to do. Had Singer have done it, instead of Superman Returns, you can bet your sweet ass Singer would have fought the execs more on the plot and all. Ratner did as he was told cause this franchise wasn't his baby.

Ok...back on topic....Spider Man 4 needs to a bad way.

mach25's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:14 AM
I love Wolverine Goofball, but don't you think his film would just be another elektra movie if not in his costume?? Yes it would be and a Magneto film?? Who the hell cares about Magneto if he isn't fighting the X-Men?? Give us another film and bring in Gambit too!!!

Goofball73's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:19 AM

I love Wolverine Goofball, but don't you think his film would just be another elektra movie if not in his costume?? Yes it would be and a Magneto film?? Who the hell cares about Magneto if he isn't fighting the X-Men?? Give us another film and bring in Gambit too!!!

That is the feeling I get, although Jackman has stated that he would not do the film if the script was too weak or what not. I have this feeling his salary would change his mind.laugh laugh laugh Yeah, Magneto needs the XMEN. Not too sure why they planned a Magneto movie. And why the hell was Gambit never a part of this franchise? Singer, Ratner (I know Ratner wanted Gambit in the third one but it got nixed) and the execs dropped the ball on Gambit.

mach25's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:22 AM
I have a feeling there will be another with the continuing sales of the books going up, soo bring us back a plot bringing the cast back and bring in Gambit, Rogue, and Ice-Man love triangle and woolah new box office hit!! Heard all the cast signed on for another ne ways??

lizardking19's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:23 AM
i think that people who r not comic book nerds can enjoy spiderman 3 but 4 me i was sorely dissaopointed that they ruined my favorite brain eating psychopath! (venom)

JOHNNIE5's photo
Sun 12/16/07 08:39 AM
I really enjoyed spiderman3 :smile:

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Mon 12/17/07 01:12 AM
Ugh Spider-Man 3 was terrible on sooo many levels. I don't even have to list them.. It should be obvious just by watching the movie laugh The only good Spider-Man film is the first one. The second was retarded and the third was just an abomination.

And when it comes to X3.. Well.. It could have been amazing, but it was still good, in my opinion. I thought their take on Phoenix was really neat. I just wish she had more screen time.

Either way, X-Men will always rule over Spider-man. devil

aims84's photo
Mon 12/17/07 02:22 AM

Ugh Spider-Man 3 was terrible on sooo many levels. I don't even have to list them.. It should be obvious just by watching the movie laugh The only good Spider-Man film is the first one. The second was retarded and the third was just an abomination.

And when it comes to X3.. Well.. It could have been amazing, but it was still good, in my opinion. I thought their take on Phoenix was really neat. I just wish she had more screen time.

Either way, X-Men will always rule over Spider-man. devil

yuck. spiderman is way better than xmen. And the first spiderman is definitely not the only good one. you're crazy.

PhoenixMatt0601's photo
Mon 12/17/07 05:41 AM
lol If by crazy you mean, totalllly sane! laugh

lizardking19's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:43 AM
the movie was good except that they ruined venom! Venom is a spiderman stomping, cannibal, badass with schizophrenia!
And they had the guy who played Eric Foreman as him! WTF?!

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