Community > Posts By > deciple87

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/16/07 02:00 AM

Spider-Man 3 was way better than Spider-Man 2, the movie was exceptionally well crafted if you understand the source material as well as how they had 2 hours and 20 minutes to get it all in there.

If the Spider-Man animated series can do it in under 1 hour, then the movie had much more time to play with, and did a great job in showing the outlandish behavior that the suit caused Parker to do.

Watch it more than once, and really watch how it was made and you'll see how much better it was than the sequel.

deciple87's photo
Fri 12/14/07 02:08 AM
I am a recent film school graduate that is looking to meet other film students or film makers.


deciple87's photo
Mon 12/10/07 06:59 PM
After the whole NUTS campaign, I think the show will stick around for a while longer because people showed massive dedication to it.

And its also because of that movement, that other networks have been re-evaluating how they deal with shows that aren't doing so well. Fox needs to pull its head out of its ass and give some shows more than just a 2 week chance (DRIVE anyone?)

Yeah, I was wanting Jake and Heather to get together, but that ain't gonna happen...he's back with Ashely now...wait, why am I talking about this aspect of the show?

I want them to kick the crap out of the invading force! And for Hawkins to mess people up!

deciple87's photo
Mon 12/10/07 01:35 PM
Well, I'm a gamer, and I've been playing the hitman series since the second one from 2002. I'm a big fan of the game, as well as the soundtrack. I was a bit bummed they didn't use more music from Jesper Kyd (the composer for the series), but they did use his track for the intro credits.

I could go into detail as to why the movie was so awesome in a few scenes, but I don't think anyone here

And Tim Olyphant was awesome as 47.

As for that dude looking for his wife, I think she's in the theater showing August Rush, you might want to start looking there.

deciple87's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:48 AM
Most networks these days like reality shows because they are cheaper to film than narrative based shows. Personally, I hate them, because no imagination goes into them, and the "real" people are as fake as anyone else on tv.

Jericho was a banging show because of its story line, and how it was about a small town trying to survive. I thought that the second quarter of season 1 had its downfalls (focusing too much on side story lines, while trying to build secondary characters), but when it came back from its mid season rocked it!

I'm trying to get my mom to sit down and watch it instead of the crap she watches the rest of the time.

deciple87's photo
Mon 12/10/07 11:45 AM
I'm a big fan of the Hitman series, and I went and saw the movie with low expectations...and aside from the sword fight scene, and a few alterations to the plot, it was a pretty bad ass flick.

I'm looking forward to a sequel.

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:40 PM
Yeah, I wikipedia'd his name, and it came up with that.

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:29 PM
The Mist is amazing. Creepy as hell.

But from what I've heard about August Rush is that its a version of Oliver Twist?

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:28 PM
Yeah, it just came out last month. Really good movie.

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:27 PM
Look at my image

I loved that movie...I remember how embarrassed I was during that scene when Elizabeth Perkins is trying to get it on with Tom Hanks...I was watching with my mom when I was

But that's not as bad as when she took me to go see Private Parts when I was

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:25 PM
We have it playing at the theater I work at, but I haven't sat down to watch it yet. My co-worker has seen it a couple times and he loved it.

I might check it out tomorrow...

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:18 PM
You can still watch all the eps on CBS's website. Or you can do what I did, I bought the season on amazon for 20 bucks. It was a worthy purchase.

Here's something crazy and messed up: Robert Hawkins is not only the name of the coolest character in that show, but also the name of that kid who just shot up that mall in Omaha last week. Crazy.

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:16 PM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!

I know its not a christmas movie, but last year my mom got me all 3 turtle movies...what can I say? I love those 4 heroes in a half shell.

But for greatest christmas movie? As much as I love A Christmas Story, Elf (Zooey Deschanel is beautiful), The Grinch, The Ref, Fred Claus (which was actually really freaking good), Miracle on 34th Street, Its A Wonderful Life....nothing compares to the pure awesomeness that is...

Christmas Vacation!

deciple87's photo
Sun 12/09/07 01:10 PM
Did anyone else watch this show last season? I watched from the first ep, and I was hooked on the show. It came as a shock to me when it was canceled right after its first season came to an end. But the NUTS campaign really impressed the CBS execs, and they brought it back.

So, we'll see the 7 episodes of season 2 this january or february.

Anyone else excited?

deciple87's photo
Sat 12/08/07 09:25 PM
They were 45 minutes late when I went and saw them...but it was worth it...severely work it :)

deciple87's photo
Sat 12/08/07 03:40 PM
It is one hell of a show...and I took pride in the fact that I was probably 1 of 50 straight guys that were there...

But I do recommend buying shirts on the street, the merch is really freaking expensive.

deciple87's photo
Sat 12/08/07 02:26 PM
The elevator isn't working?????

::raises fists to the sky:: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!

Quick question, do you have stairs?

deciple87's photo
Sat 12/08/07 02:21 PM
I was curious if anyone else here went to either show in LA this week, or any of the shows during their reunion tour?

I went on wednesday, and it was one of the better concerts I've ever been to (although I've never been to a pop concert before, so maybe that's why I loved the production value), and I wanted to know if anyone else experienced and awesome show?

deciple87's photo
Sat 12/08/07 02:18 PM
I look like a dog?

::face palms:: no wonder I can't get a date..LOL..kidding kidding.

Thanks for the warm welcome Lion.

deciple87's photo
Sat 12/08/07 02:13 PM
I've been a fan of the show since it premiered last year, and I've been watching weekly.

I like how this volume (not season) ended with the supposed deaths of Nikki and Nathan. Neither one is dead...its a possibility that Nathan is, but I will BET you that Adam's blood is still running through his veins, or that Peter will do something.

If this is show is like a comic book, then NO ONE ever dies. Ever.

I think that they should kill off some more characters because this volume had way too many and not enough screen time for the kick ass ones. At least Bennett is still around, cause he's a bad ass.

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