Topic: DOES GOD EXIST ? - part 2
Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 11/12/19 06:29 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Tue 11/12/19 06:36 PM
I'm not really disagreeing with you I am looking at the thread and the normal responses such a thread might invoke.
Nobody was asked to defend or define their beliefs.
The thread was like a survey question on Family Fued.
Perhaps the reason for the thread was to get an idea of how M2 forum members believe about the existence of God.
It was never about you or your beliefs in God.
Just wanted to know if you believe there is a God, pretty simple.

Consider for one moment the only thing the OP wanted was to determine if more people do believe in God than don't or vice-versa.
Inspired by being on a dating site.
His own beliefs are weighed against the responses to determine if these people were more prone to believe or disbelieve.
I can see the logic in that.

I'm looking for people that believe in God, I ask everyone on an open forum if God exists. It tells me if more people believe God exists or if more people believe God doesnt exist.
Its simple logic.

When we get into all the details we have been discussing, we cloud the results. Perhaps he left because he sensed we couldn't get along on a simple question.

It never mattered who was right or who was wrong.
It never matter who could prove it and who could not.
It never mattered who could quote scripture or reason.
All he wanted to know was
DOES GOD EXIST ? to you.

That's all this thread ever asked.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Tue 11/12/19 06:49 PM
That just gave me an idea.

Perhaps I should post the same question on a multitude of different community forums and note what happens with the responses.

Does God Exist?

on a science site.
On a speculative evolution site.
On a science fiction site.
On a horror site.
On a general movie site.
On a history site.

I see the results from a dating site.
I wonder how similar or different responses would be with a different slant to the participants?

My focus would be on those that answer the thread question as it is presented.
I would have to notate all the different discussions that occur but I would be wondering who would just answer the question and leave it standing?

Considering the fact I know most of the people at the forums I frequent, I will need to find 'other' forms so to not 'jade' my results.
Still, I might look into it.

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 11/13/19 08:02 AM

no photo
Wed 11/13/19 10:03 AM
OK Tom, back to the original question, in case readers didn't get my answer earlier.

No, there is no such thing as 'god' - it is a man made concept requiring people to 'believe' in something they can never see or communicate with by phone, e-mail, etc.

In return for this 'belief' promises are made, not about this life, but about what will happen after you die.

It is only for gullible people who can easily be deluded into believing that if you say, "Yes, I believe!" you can 'live' after you in fact die and it will be worth it.

I continually find it quite extraordinary that intelligent adults in the 21st century can actually claim to 'believe' in this stuff.

Clearly, when we die, that's it, same as for all animals and plants. I expect some people say they believe and do all the 'right' things as a sort of insurance policy.

If there is an afterlife, they have 'paid the premium' as it were and would hope to be welcomed as good guys in the afterlife.

I think I've covered everything, time to put on my flameproof coat while I wait for the no doubt ridiculous replies!

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 11/13/19 10:54 AM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Wed 11/13/19 11:01 AM
since it requires people who are braindead to believe in God in the 21st Century, i have an Engineering Degree, and work as an R&D Engineer developing SPying capabilities, weapons capabilities, and other neat gadgets like gages. and since my employment requires it, i am a continual student of Mathematics and metallurgy.

in the field of machining, i am in the top 3% of what you can aspire to become, but still, I AM A BUFFON CLUELESS MORON FOR BELIEVING IN GOD hahahahahaha

this coming from a someone who lives off the opinions of others, science...

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 11/13/19 12:34 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Wed 11/13/19 01:05 PM
Does God Exist?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Maybe
D) Maybe Not
E) Undecided
F) No Comment

samawi30 = No Comment
mightymoe = Undecided
Animal_Lover02 = Yes
SimpyComplicated = Undecided
Kasinda = No
Godsfriend10 = Yes
msharmony = Yes
lu_rosemary = Yes
Kindlightheart = Yes
missyounique = Yes
Sidheartt = Maybe Not
Kevinjamaican = Yes
greeneyes148 = Maybe
Alexander2441 = Yes
BlakeIAM = Yes
Tom4Uhere = Yes
ElissaIsTrans = No
Queenie = Yes
cajunman59 = Undecided
bred69 = Yes
tombraider = Maybe Not
iam_resurrected = Yes
Goingforasong = No
dreamerana = Yes
notbeold = Maybe Not
sandman0079 = Yes
AlecSmart = Maybe Not
inexperiencedboy = Yes
yanyanken = Maybe
Nikolas1990 = Yes
TinyBlackTerrorLove = Maybe Not
Bard297 = Undecided
Rakel = Yes
Thazager1 = No
GalaxyStarz = Yes
Narlycarnk = Yes
newsworthy = Maybe Not
gafsal = No Comment
nightrider321 = Maybe Not
Daisy = Yes
JustBeHonest = No
Wynn Ho = No
Final Dreamz = Yes
funches 3:16 = No
kg31foryou = Yes
Darren = Maybe Not
dhakabd199 = No
hamid1855 = No
MKgentleman = No
Johnny = Yes
:articulated_lorry:mikey :articulated_lorry: = Maybe Not
darkowl1 = Maybe Not
SpaceCodet = Yes
klaratrish = Yes
sligoboy = Yes
Charles = Maybe
Lookingformarriage = Yes
R2d2r2d2 = Maybe
Mr. Green = Maybe
IllegalAlien = No
Navi = Yes
Susan = Yes
Carlita = Yes
gravitational77 = Yes
Cosmic Charlie = Undecided
Esmeray = No Comment
Shushanuk = No
Unknown = Maybe
tristristris = No
come4massage = No
Argo = No
CedarGay = Yes
Patrick Arvid = Yes
Mrmxb = Yes
Chris_nich = Yes
mzrosie = Yes
tontodiesel = Maybe
marshall = Yes
Youngpass = Yes
Noona = No Comment
gravitational77 = No Comment
Red121 = No
GearGrinder83 = Maybe Not
Seamus = Yes
eric22t = No Comment
Busayo = Yes
Hotcoolguy = No
bighead = Yes
GbelAur = Yes
aarya = Maybe
fofti = No Comment
Chris = Yes
Jeb169 = No

I started at the first post and looked at the first reply of each participant to record how they answered the thread topic.

No Comment indicates they replied in such a way there was no determination of their answer.

Maybe indicates from what I read, they Might believe God Exists.

Maybe Not indicates from what I read, they Might believe God Doesn't Exist.

Undecided indicates from what I read, they neither believe or disbelieve God Exists.

JustBeHonest's photo
Wed 11/13/19 12:44 PM

So Tom, what's the grand total?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 11/13/19 01:01 PM

So Tom, what's the grand total?

LOL, polls are not all in yet.
Gotta wait till the thread is locked for a grand total.

If someone needs a running total, just count each answer.
With those numbers, you can deduce ratios and determine the propensity of the participants in this thread to assume whether all M2 members are likely to believe God exists or not.
Valuable insight when dating.

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 11/13/19 06:08 PM




NO = 18

YES = 45

TOTAL = 94




MAYBE = 8.5%

NO = 19%

YES = 48%

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 11/13/19 06:11 PM

stupid cap locks

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 11/13/19 06:21 PM
Great, now to determine actual statistics take the number of people that commented in this thread and the total number of M2 members commenting on threads during the time this thread existed then figure the total number of people on M2.
Take those numbers to determine how many members believe in God.
Based on how many members actually respond to community posts vs the total number of M2 members.

Meanwhile the original question still stands:
Does God Exist?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Wed 11/13/19 06:23 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Wed 11/13/19 06:26 PM
stupid cap locks

Yeah, I have a caps lock button as well but I control it, not the other way around.
Y'see, I can SEE when I AM TYPING in all caps and when I am NOT.
Before I press the post button.
Its called proofing. perhaps you should try it and forget trying to blame your hardware for your lack of grace? (just sayin)

iam_resurrected's photo
Wed 11/13/19 07:51 PM
there's no need to have grace in the confides of those who have participated in this thread. there's no need to apologize for anything. no one has accepted what someone else has to offer unless it naturally backs their own views. it ain't like we are tryna be friends here. we're just thinning the herds of all opinions in order to get to those who don't mind shoving a Believers face into the dirt and having the Believer in return try to knock him sideways.

it's a game!!

because no one is going to change anyone else's views!!

no photo
Thu 11/14/19 02:51 AM
It looks like the majority of people on this thread are believers. If I had the time I would read all the posts and change as many as possible from their indeterminate status to a yes or a no. But it probably wouldn't make a great deal of difference.

I don't usually look at the profiles, stopped doing that when I discovered these threads and decided to make a nuisance of myself on them! I'm pleased to say that of those where women have actually bothered to complete them, it is clear from the 'Religion' option whether they are believers or not. And no, I haven't bothered to look at the men!

If I was a typical 'bad' scientist I would try to find some reason for this, for example only believers are 'likely' to post here. Non-believers are likely to shrug their shoulders and think that as a non-believer, there is no point in contributing!

That's what bad scientists do, find as much evidence as they can to support their theory and quietly ignore anything that points to the opposite conclusion. Thus we have climate change deniers - yes, they really do exist! - flat earthers - more of them now than ever before! - and of course evolution deniers. All these people are 'bad' scientists, ignoring the vast amount of evidence that makes a nonsense of their belief.

Oh, and believers in a mythical being whose existence cannot be proven!

Back to Square One. :thumbsup:

notbeold's photo
Thu 11/14/19 03:38 AM
Some people here NEED to get a life !

Doesn't Exist.

No proof other than man made things.

Sure some parts of some stories may have proof via archaeological identification and other ID and dating methods for any relevant artifacts found.

Where is the 'creator's' stamp, logo, signet, thumb print; and not the rainbow.
Its compliance plate and use by date ?

No amazing tablets of stone radiating knowledge and morality.

Millions if not billions of wicked evil folk living happily till death; millions of innocents suffering needlessly and dying.

Folk doing exactly what not to do, and getting away with it, with no bolts of lightning, or winged people settling the score.

Just man made stuff, and Earth, nothing extraordinary or godly.

Photos of rainbows, and sun rays, and flowers, and amazing natural features are not proof of anything.

Old stories written by men are not proof of anything.
Old relics are not proof of anything.

Doesn't Exist.

no photo
Thu 11/14/19 04:45 AM
First post on this topic by me


"God either exists or does not exist.
If God exists and you believe in him your belief is true.
If he does not exist your belief is untrue.
What you believe has no bearing on the truth of the existence or non existence of God in reality".

Tom how do you deduce from this that I do not believe in God ?
I do not believe in the God of the Bible or the dogma preached by most religious groups.
However I do believe in a God as a prime mover who is eternal.
The numbers alone prove nothing.Even if everyone believed in a God it is still possible that everyone is wrong.At one stage almost everyone believed the earth was flat but they were all wrong.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 11/14/19 09:58 AM
Tom how do you deduce from this that I do not believe in God ?

I knew this was going to come up. Not for you in particular tho.
All I can say is I am not an AI program, I misinterpret, get things wrong.
Your first post is similar to some discussions I have had elsewhere from people who do not believe.
I didn't focus on subsequent posts from the same member.
I could be wrong on a few others as well.
In my defense, I did look at 52 pages of posts and only focused on new additions. I scanned and chose but gave little other thought about it.
I'm sorry I offended you, it was not my intent.

Tom4Uhere's photo
Thu 11/14/19 10:21 AM
It looks like the majority of people on this thread are believers. If I had the time I would read all the posts and change as many as possible from their indeterminate status to a yes or a no. But it probably wouldn't make a great deal of difference.

notbeold and Goingforasong are two examples of why that wouldn't work.
No, it wouldn't make a difference and it isn't really that important.

Over the years, I have had many people in such discussions claim I am atheist or agnostic.
Like I already explained, I believe there is a God but I don't follow religion.
This is why my name is tallied as a yes.

only believers are 'likely' to post here

Its been my experience when anyone makes a religious thread, "non-believers" are very common participants. I'm actually surprised there isn't a higher ratio of non-believers posting on this thread.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 11/14/19 03:22 PM
God exists, and because brilliant men cannot find Him, does not mean He does not exist. It means, brilliant minds are not all that bright at all!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 11/14/19 03:27 PM

Some people here NEED to get a life !

Doesn't Exist.

No proof other than man made things.

Sure some parts of some stories may have proof via archaeological identification and other ID and dating methods for any relevant artifacts found.

Where is the 'creator's' stamp, logo, signet, thumb print; and not the rainbow.
Its compliance plate and use by date ?

No amazing tablets of stone radiating knowledge and morality.

Millions if not billions of wicked evil folk living happily till death; millions of innocents suffering needlessly and dying.

Folk doing exactly what not to do, and getting away with it, with no bolts of lightning, or winged people settling the score.

Just man made stuff, and Earth, nothing extraordinary or godly.

Photos of rainbows, and sun rays, and flowers, and amazing natural features are not proof of anything.

Old stories written by men are not proof of anything.
Old relics are not proof of anything.

Doesn't Exist.

Do you know just how wonderful and rewarding it is to live off a Class A R&D Engineering Salary while still being able to pizz you off?

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