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Topic: What r u thinking about right now?? - part 70
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Tue 11/19/19 11:22 AM
Jason Mamoa

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Tue 11/19/19 11:24 AM
Wishing that my cats would learn to close doors as well as they open them.happy

mzrosie's photo
Tue 11/19/19 02:11 PM
I'm thinking what to have for dinner.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Tue 11/19/19 02:30 PM

Wishing that my cats would learn to close doors as well as they open them.happy

Yes, especially when the weather is cold(er)!

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Tue 11/19/19 03:23 PM
That I should keep my appointment tomorrow.

no photo
Tue 11/19/19 04:13 PM
Thinking I'm tired and want to nap but have crap to deal with...

no photo
Tue 11/19/19 08:52 PM
Wrapping myself with wool

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 11/20/19 09:13 AM
Edited by SparklingCrystal 💖💎 on Wed 11/20/19 09:14 AM
Thinking... buying a new bra isn't easy! Then you find one that seems great, exactly the colour I love... I think, I'll finish it off when I get back from my walk & groceries.
When back I order, finish it, check my order, it says "Article not available anymore". WTF???
Time to phone! Someone must've ordered it at the same time and beaten me by a split second. Goddammit!
Going through finding a bra again. Settle for one that hopefully is comfy but not nearly as great looking as the other one. sad ohwell

And what the heck is a spacer bra slaphead

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Wed 11/20/19 02:16 PM
It was a panel of three today.

Rahomy's photo
Wed 11/20/19 02:18 PM

JustBeHonest's photo
Wed 11/20/19 02:21 PM

Thinking about dinner my daughter is cooking. Not smelling yummy sick

no photo
Thu 11/21/19 02:40 PM
thinking woo hoo 1300 20something models have matched with me

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Thu 11/21/19 02:43 PM
Thinking it must be the santa hat tongue2

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Thu 11/21/19 02:47 PM
thinking maybe i should never take it offbigsmile

no photo
Thu 11/21/19 02:49 PM
Thinking it's not even Thanksgiving yet laugh

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Thu 11/21/19 02:50 PM

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Thu 11/21/19 02:55 PM

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Thu 11/21/19 02:59 PM
i'm thinking i'm hungry

no photo
Thu 11/21/19 03:03 PM
Thinking there's a couple slices of bread in the cupboard, that should do it. bigsmile

no photo
Thu 11/21/19 03:05 PM
thinking i might need to rethink this cook for rent ideafrown

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