Topic: wow
no photo
Thu 12/13/07 08:52 AM
I'll be honest... If before a first date I sent someone roses, that would be a little weird and presumptuous on my part. But we're all different. Sometimes guys don't really know how to act on a first date too. Remember, we're nervous, even if we pretend not to be. We don't want to look like a wuss by not making a move. There's a lot of Grey. So you might want to talk to him and just be honest. Good luck

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:01 AM
thank you!!!!!!!!!

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:11 AM
SO COOL!!!.HAVE A GREAT TIME...happy happy happy

franshade's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:15 AM


OK, OK IM JUST NOSY!!!! grumble

laugh flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

lilith401's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:23 AM
I think if more men did things like sent roses, we women would have a lot less to complain about. Roses send romance, yellow pink OR red. They say you are romantic, not that you are madly in love (unless you write I love you madly on the card inside). I think it's awesome and I agree with the advice to just lay it out and talk to him. There is no way you can be "on the same page" after one date, but talking is a fantasic idea to see if you can get there. Good luck to you!

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:29 AM
If I'm dating someone, roses, flowers, cards... yeah, it's all good. But before I've even met someone, I can't see buying them flowers. Like she said herself, he looked sort of like his picture. A first date for me is getting to know someone. I don't go into it expecting sex, or even a kiss. Besides, do you women really want a guy to buy you flowers on a first date? I would think it would show that he always buys a girl flowers on a first date and then marginalize it if you become a couple when he buys them in the future. It just wouldn't seem like it is as special to me. I used to buy my ex flowers for anniversary, V day, birthday, and even got her a tree for christmas... all delivered to her work. The first time or 2 it was sweet. After a while it was expected. Not that if I didn't it would have been a problem. But it was routine.

lilith401's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:35 AM
It's not that it's flowers. It is the concept that thought and consideration were put into it. The flowers just said that he was excited and happy- he flattered her. Will she expect flowers all the time? NOOOOO She will expect thoughfulness, consideratio, and the spirit of romance. Which have nothing to do with flowers and everything to do with how you treat someone. You're being concrete.

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:36 AM
i agree alrightguy2

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:40 AM
It depends on who is giving the flowers. Im kinda leery of flower givers as usually they "expect" something for them....

It could be a nice gesture or ?

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:46 AM
I think I am sweet in a relationship. I'm trying to find a way to put this. I used to get my ex flowers regularly. But then it wasn't as big of a deal. It didn't show thought, I'm guessing it showed routine. Even though the thought was there, she was used to it, and she didn't perceive it as being sweet. Now maybe this was just her, I don't know. But I can understand how it would get like that. If I got a backrub every time I saw her, I would have expected it. And adding a footrub would have made it more special. But then if that happened all the time too, maybe something else would have made it special. We're creatures of habbit. And we get used to things. Just my opinion. I don't mean to insult anyone else's.

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:46 AM
well, yes could be either
life is hard
it is hard dating!!
i guess nothing is easy.
i do not want to "force" myself to like him because he sent me flowers, well not just flowers but roses and because he appears to have money
geezzz what girl would not want a romantic guy with money??
i do not know--- there is nothing not to like about him
so why is it confusing?

longhairbiker's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:47 AM

Few deserve thie more than you, Joyce.
Best wishes for a nice time.
I agree wholeheartedly nurjoyce. You have fun but not too much fun.

lilith401's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:50 AM
Dating is awful. I only meant to express how wonderful it was that he had that old fashioned, okay to be excited and romantic thing. The right attitude. Maybe the problem is not "doing what's expected" it's not getting complacent.
I recently had a guy buy me roses on the first date. Now, we had met before briefly, but this was the first actual date. I was very touched and we had a great time. Now, there was no chemistry, but he did everything "right".
Try not to read into it, I supose. Maybe he is just assertive. Maybe he is just crazy about you. Why is that so hard to believe?

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:50 AM
how do you do the quote thing?

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:53 AM
Sometimes chemistry takes a while to build. But IMO that's rare. You usually either feel it for them or you don't. I've had great girls that I really wanted to date, and then after being friends with them, they were just like a sister or something. Chemistry isn't something that can be forced. Personally, I feel people are attracted to confidence and being secure in themselves. Maybe this guy wasn't. Maybe he was. I don't know. He may deserve a 2nd date. It's really up to you. But dating someone because they are sweet, romantic, and have money even though you don't feel anything doesn't make sense to me. it's too much like settling, and you look good enough that you shouldn't have to. happy

daniel48706's photo
Thu 12/13/07 09:54 AM

how do you do the quote thing?

click on the word quote at the bottom of the response yuwant to quote

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:08 AM

Dating is awful. I only meant to express how wonderful it was that he had that old fashioned, okay to be excited and romantic thing. The right attitude. Maybe the problem is not "doing what's expected" it's not getting complacent.
I recently had a guy buy me roses on the first date. Now, we had met before briefly, but this was the first actual date. I was very touched and we had a great time. Now, there was no chemistry, but he did everything "right".
Try not to read into it, I supose. Maybe he is just assertive. Maybe he is just crazy about you. Why is that so hard to believe?

This is just my opinion, and I mean no disrespect to you. But I don't understand how you can say dating is awful. I mean, yeah, you're nervous, and most of the time it doesn't go like you would like. But I think it's all how you approach it. You're meeting someone, maybe you'll make a friend, maybe you'll find your true love, maybe you'll hate each other and end it early. I'm not saying it's always fun. But I treat my dates with respect. To me, flowers are a sign of affection. Before a first date, I can't do that. That's like you saying you think you'll sleep with someone on a first date. Exagerated a bit, but I hope you get the point. You can have great chemistry with someone on the phone or computer. But until you meet them, how do you know. Flowers before even meeting would seem pushy to me. It would be like if the girl knew I liked NASCAR and showed up with a shirt, or die cast car or something. It would be very sweet, but it would seem a bit strange to me. That being said, my ex and I had a first date at the hard rock cafe. I bought her a T shirt that night because I had a great time with her. The 3rd date, she got flowers, and 4th she got roses.

nurjoyce's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:14 AM
more than gifts that show romance
it is not even about the gifts for me
well, that is obvious--but it is about chemistry
for me...that initial wow
should i just not expect that until later?

no photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:20 AM
I've felt that initial wow once in my life. With my ex we talked on the phone for 4 hours the first time. It was amazing. THe first date was amazing. I think relationships that build from friendships, or have that initial chemistry are the best. Thoughtfulness early on in a relationship to me means asking how her day went if you know she had an important meeting at work, or being on time for your date. Until more is established, nothing more is required.

lilith401's photo
Thu 12/13/07 10:29 AM
See, I think the point is here, we all have different opinions. Men and women think differently. We are each expressing our own opinion from a different perspective. What we are losing sight of here is that you go with your gut. If it seems right, do it. I would meet with someone more than once to see if there was chemistry. I'd even kiss them to see if there was. I migt even shave my legs in case there was! You just never know. But be sure to be honest with yourself and with him. A great friend is hard to find and he might be that, regardless of how the dating goes.