Topic: Is Religion homophobic?
msharmony's photo
Sat 03/02/19 07:06 PM

I used to be homophobic, until I became religious that is. Anyhow, worship is a powerful experience. Context is everything when one is hearing other perspectives and you have to think for yourself.

I agree. I don't think I have ever been phobic of sexual lifestyles. I do believe I have never considered certain sexual behaviors to be healthy or according to what the body is designed for or how a family unit is NATURALLY created.

I also believe that before it could have been even written in a religious text, people must have also ALREADY believed the same thing.

Yes. I believe also that people must think for themselves, which for me, often comes alot from feelings and beliefs I don't remember ever NOT having(kind of like people don't remember NOT having feelings for a certain sex or another).

I know that bigotry exists and people find ways to latch onto 'good intentions' to abuse and harm others. But I still do not discard the 'good intentions' due to how people choose to use them. For me, its as simple as life as a creation was designed with certain structure, like a vehicle. A vehicle can be used many ways, if you cut the top off and take off the doors, maybe you could transform it into a greenhouse, but its DESIGN was to be used for transportation. SImilar with the human body, I feel like we have the free will to use it however we wish, but that there was a purpose for which it was DESIGNED to be used. People abuse that design in many ways, diets, mutations, sexual behaviors ... and I see wrong in all these things. But I also feel, that no one lives who does NO wrong, so these wrongs do not in any way become a reason I hate or fear anyone. if anything, its a way for me to know how HUMAN they are, as HUMAN as me. But I do believe HUMANS, spiritually, are to strive towards purpose. And if they are Christian, they should strive to follow Christ, in forgiveness and humility, and adherence to the purpose of the Father.

As mentioned before, I dont hate anyone for not being perfect or making bad choices, especially when they dont necessarily impact upon others. But I still reserve the HUMAN tendency of my BRAIN forming conclusions and opinions as to right and wrong behaviors. without the assumption made that I am hating or fearing anyone in doing so.

Narlycarnk's photo
Sun 03/03/19 06:38 AM
Very well written. I do not see why some people have an axe to grind about religion anyway.

msharmony's photo
Sun 03/03/19 10:06 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 03/03/19 10:07 AM

Very well written. I do not see why some people have an axe to grind about religion anyway.

I think many jump on a trend. I think others have had great pains in their life that they associate with or blame on religion. I think others are reluctant to the ideas of anything that imposes on their idea of having 'absolute freedom' without any kind of eternal consequence attached. I think others are only able to accept things without tangible forms of proof or validation from the scientific or academic community. The idea of a God, I believe, also conflicts with the brand of narcissism that believes we are completely in control of the world and everything in it, our own Gods, if you will. And then, of course, humans have that childlike aversion to anyone telling them what they 'have to' or 'should' do.

But those are just some reasons off the top of my head ... lol.

no photo
Sun 03/03/19 11:11 AM

Very well written. I do not see why some people have an axe to grind about religion anyway.

Do you see why religious people have an axe to grind about about non religious people ? It is not about religion but about the attempt by any person to imposition their beliefs on another person.Akin to people who want to believe the earth is flat or spherical.Or how about all the axe grinding between the various religions,can you explain that ?

Narlycarnk's photo
Sun 03/03/19 12:05 PM

Very well written. I do not see why some people have an axe to grind about religion anyway.

Do you see why religious people have an axe to grind about about non religious people ? It is not about religion but about the attempt by any person to imposition their beliefs on another person.Akin to people who want to believe the earth is flat or spherical.Or how about all the axe grinding between the various religions,can you explain that ?

That’s a good point. Sorry about the axe grinding against you all nonreligious (and religious) friends. And imposition of beliefs certainly is presumptuous. From my system of knowledge, God has truth to share through all people, regardless of whether they are religious or nonreligious.

no photo
Sun 03/03/19 07:26 PM
I like how Hinduism has many Goddesses as well as gods. And how they have a lingam and a yoni. I see many symbols that clearly show creation, through the union of male and female, but they're always denied. I saw one in stained glass on a church window. I asked the priest/vicar (I don't recall which) about it, he simply denied it, which ironically, I find quite peverse

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:51 AM
Religion in itself could be everything that represents evil, the enemy, someone's worst nightmare. Religion and God are two separate entities and realities. Religion typically is based upon a set of rules, codes, ethics, morals based upon human idealism. Religion is the condition of the one who created it.

So, based upon who created a specific religion, that religion could be homophobic if the creator is homophobic.

If we took out religion and just added God, we would understand why God created human beings. To procreate, to find a wife/husband and create a family unit. Two Lesbians cannot create a baby together, just like two homosexual males cannot create a baby together. Therefore, we know from understanding the plan of God that people are not born to find the same sex attractive. People are born to procreate.

But just because God designed us to procreate does not mean God is homophobic. The creation of a child between a husband and wife, was meant to build a bond between the man and woman. But naturally, two women together or two men together cannot create a child.

What has happened though, people who understand God and His plan, have taken it upon themselves to claim God is homophobic. That is not the case at all. God has designed a specific purpose, and only a man and woman (two people of opposite sex) can meet and fulfill this purpose. Anything else, is not what God purposed or planned.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 07/11/19 08:58 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Thu 07/11/19 08:59 AM

Religion in itself could be everything that represents evil, the enemy, someone's worst nightmare. Religion and God are two separate entities and realities. Religion typically is based upon a set of rules, codes, ethics, morals based upon human idealism. Religion is the condition of the one who created it.

So, based upon who created a specific religion, that religion could be homophobic if the creator is homophobic.

If we took out religion and just added God, we would understand why God created human beings. To procreate, to find a wife/husband and create a family unit. Two Lesbians cannot create a baby together, just like two homosexual males cannot create a baby together. Therefore, we know from understanding the plan of God that people are not born to find the same sex attractive. People are born to procreate.

But just because God designed us to procreate does not mean God is homophobic. The creation of a child between a husband and wife, was meant to build a bond between the man and woman. But naturally, two women together or two men together cannot create a child.

What has happened though, people who understand God and His plan, have taken it upon themselves to claim God is homophobic. That is not the case at all. God has designed a specific purpose, and only a man and woman (two people of opposite sex) can meet and fulfill this purpose. Anything else, is not what God purposed or planned.

Yes, but did you know there are gay/ homosexual animals?
I don't think *they* got that memo about sex is only for procreating/ God's purpose and plan....LOL

Final Dreamz's photo
Thu 07/11/19 09:53 AM
The Bible wants to point out that there's only one God... and anybody else's point of view is false... Why we keep arguing this amongst ourselves would just in typical Jehovah create someone Gay if they weren't made to love that other person they're seeking? I've heard a story where a woman began seeing a phycologist and in a past life rather recent she was a German Air Bomber in WW2... She was a he and he had 3 or so kids... to better the odds... he also was against the war but the man she is dating now shot down his plane and he died... so she gravitates away from this fellow because it's not the first time she was a man and this guy she is now dating has killed her in a past life... Many Lives Many Masters...

So what's the ultimate answer to your question of query to the relative subject? Not God... What does your soul consider "gay"? Is religion a mass fed media based to believe only in what the masses consider good graces or each and every one of us believing something different?

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 07/11/19 10:15 AM

The Bible wants to point out that there's only one God... and anybody else's point of view is false... Why we keep arguing this amongst ourselves would just in typical Jehovah create someone Gay if they weren't made to love that other person they're seeking? I've heard a story where a woman began seeing a phycologist and in a past life rather recent she was a German Air Bomber in WW2... She was a he and he had 3 or so kids... to better the odds... he also was against the war but the man she is dating now shot down his plane and he died... so she gravitates away from this fellow because it's not the first time she was a man and this guy she is now dating has killed her in a past life... Many Lives Many Masters...

So what's the ultimate answer to your question of query to the relative subject? Not God... What does your soul consider "gay"? Is religion a mass fed media based to believe only in what the masses consider good graces or each and every one of us believing something different?

Here's the thing..
*IF* God created us all...knew us in the womb (as pro-life people like to claim based on a verse that had to do with the future of Jeremiah)....then he *knew* we were gay.

Because no one chooses to be gay any more than one *chooses* to be straight.

And, if God knew we were that way from the could he punish someone for that?

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 10:55 AM

Yes, but did you know there are gay/ homosexual animals?
I don't think *they* got that memo about sex is only for procreating/ God's purpose and plan....LOL

I am indeed aware what science claims. What I laugh at about these specific animals, is that they at times are able to be male or female. Not bi-gender, but survival mechanism. If there are low numbers of either the males or females, most of these animals have the ability to be one or the other in order to reproduce.

But for the typical person reading such articles, they do not get past the headlines claiming homosexual animals. They "Are Not" homosexual, they are able to preserve their species.

Most are amphibians that go through several stages before getting to adulthood. And even as they go through this process of becoming an egg, tadpole, a couple other stages before a frog, they can determine their own sex by the population of what surrounds them. If there are more males, they can become female. And then in adulthood, they can be both to reproduce.

In my opinion, this is God throwing out the proverbial bone. Some people will see this and make a judgement and base it their entire lives. Others like myself, will research it until I know what there is all to know before making a judgement call.

But yes, I am well aware what science claims. Have you ever paid much attention to those within science? Most of them are gay. It's why we have the "born this way," when "natural selection" on its own kills anything non specific. And not being either male or female is non specific. So that cracks me up even more to see how science does not even follow its own rules when it applies to personal view and choice!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 11:08 AM

Here's the thing..
*IF* God created us all...knew us in the womb (as pro-life people like to claim based on a verse that had to do with the future of Jeremiah)....then he *knew* we were gay.

Because no one chooses to be gay any more than one *chooses* to be straight.

And, if God knew we were that way from the could he punish someone for that?

My brother and I have the same father, but different mothers. He is 2 years older than I am. My parents went to church, my Father like his Father was a minister, and not a single moment have I ever thought to myself, wow, that Dude looks hot!!

My brother's mothers however, was an avid drug user, and paid for her habit by prostituting. Sadly, she died of aids in here late 30's. But, when men would come over and they would get high and party, my brother said several times if his Mom was passed out. These men raped him. It messed with his mind. Today, he has a partner but admits it's definitely due to a mental issue from being abused.

I have read in several scenarios where a father raped his daughter, or the son was molested by an Uncle, they ended up staying with the "same sex." To me, that is clearly not "born that way."

I also had another case study where the parents decided eating meat was bad for us. They had young boys around 8 and 10 who played on my Pop Warner football teams. I told them, vegan is great for adults, but young boys are growing and developing and need proteins that only meat can provide. Long story short, those parents overloaded those boys with estrogen from just being a vegan. It literally feminized them. The parents are so ashamed of what they did and how their boys turned out, the Father killed himself over it.

So clearly, bad circumstances play a major role in how a child grows up and chooses who to love!!

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 07/11/19 11:31 AM

Here's the thing..
*IF* God created us all...knew us in the womb (as pro-life people like to claim based on a verse that had to do with the future of Jeremiah)....then he *knew* we were gay.

Because no one chooses to be gay any more than one *chooses* to be straight.

And, if God knew we were that way from the could he punish someone for that?

My brother and I have the same father, but different mothers. He is 2 years older than I am. My parents went to church, my Father like his Father was a minister, and not a single moment have I ever thought to myself, wow, that Dude looks hot!!

My brother's mothers however, was an avid drug user, and paid for her habit by prostituting. Sadly, she died of aids in here late 30's. But, when men would come over and they would get high and party, my brother said several times if his Mom was passed out. These men raped him. It messed with his mind. Today, he has a partner but admits it's definitely due to a mental issue from being abused.

I have read in several scenarios where a father raped his daughter, or the son was molested by an Uncle, they ended up staying with the "same sex." To me, that is clearly not "born that way."

I also had another case study where the parents decided eating meat was bad for us. They had young boys around 8 and 10 who played on my Pop Warner football teams. I told them, vegan is great for adults, but young boys are growing and developing and need proteins that only meat can provide. Long story short, those parents overloaded those boys with estrogen from just being a vegan. It literally feminized them. The parents are so ashamed of what they did and how their boys turned out, the Father killed himself over it.

So clearly, bad circumstances play a major role in how a child grows up and chooses who to love!!

So then...what about the countless number of people who grew up in "bad circumstances" who are straight?

I am not going to argue with you, nor do i agree with your ascertation that all people in science are mostly gay..
"Have you ever paid much attention to those within science? Most of them are gay."

People used to be afraid for slaves to educate themselves, or for women to be educated...
Because once they knew the truth...not what their master or father told them...then it would be harder to get them to "toe the line"/ keep thim under your control..
Perhaps if there *are* a goodly percentage of gay people in science/ is because they have learned things that others have not?

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Thu 07/11/19 11:32 AM

Iam indeed aware what science claims. What I laugh at about these specific animals, is that they at times are able to be male or female. Not bi-gender, but survival mechanism. If there are low numbers of either the males or females, most of these animals have the ability to be one or the other in order to reproduce.

But for the typical person reading such articles, they do not get past the headlines claiming homosexual animals. They "Are Not" homosexual, they are able to preserve their species.

Most are amphibians that go through several stages before getting to adulthood. And even as they go through this process of becoming an egg, tadpole, a couple other stages before a frog, they can determine their own sex by the population of what surrounds them. If there are more males, they can become female. And then in adulthood, they can be both to reproduce.

In my opinion, this is God throwing out the proverbial bone. Some people will see this and make a judgement and base it their entire lives. Others like myself, will research it until I know what there is all to know before making a judgement call.

But yes, I am well aware what science claims. Have you ever paid much attention to those within science? Most of them are gay. It's why we have the "born this way," when "natural selection" on its own kills anything non specific. And not being either male or female is non specific. So that cracks me up even more to see how science does not even follow its own rules when it applies to personal view and choice!!

The article did not talk about amphibians..(which i am well aware of)....

"In the case of American bison, polecats or elephants, both males and females have been observed courting and mating with others the same sex. In the case of giraffes, 9 out of 10 couplings occur between males. Bonobos form matriarchal societies, where 60% of sexual relations occur between females. In lions, 8% of mating observed are among males, and in the case of dogs, numerous research studies affirm the existence of patterns of homosexual behaviour.

As for birds, all species that form parental relationships do so, to a greater or lesser extent, with members of the same sex. As many as a quarter of black swans are homosexual. Penguins have even struck up same-sex relationships in zoos in different parts of the world. Studies have shown that up to 85% of lesbian pairs are found in populations of western seagulls. And they’re not the only ones. Pigeons, vultures, ibis, lizards, sheep, macaques, hyenas, flies, dragonflies and countless other animal species are challenging the notion that homosexuality is “unnatural”.

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:05 PM

So then...what about the countless number of people who grew up in "bad circumstances" who are straight?

I am not going to argue with you, nor do i agree with your ascertation that all people in science are mostly gay..
"Have you ever paid much attention to those within science? Most of them are gay."

People used to be afraid for slaves to educate themselves, or for women to be educated...
Because once they knew the truth...not what their master or father told them...then it would be harder to get them to "toe the line"/ keep thim under your control..
Perhaps if there *are* a goodly percentage of gay people in science/ is because they have learned things that others have not?

Or perhaps it's due to a known fact, that many of them suffer from Psychological Disorders. Did you know that 8 out of 10 Engineers suffer from some form of Autism? And the percentages are just as equal within science. People who cannot relate to the "real world" but make excellent "lab rats."

Here are people that we know literally suffering from some form of mental illness and then they pretend to have the answers? Look up the term "X-MEN," pertaining to those within science:

But it fascinates me, that a person, intelligent in one area, generally mathematics, can't relate to normal people or deal with regular day to day life are telling us how to live? Now, that is what you call "insanity!!"

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:10 PM

The article did not talk about amphibians..(which i am well aware of)....

"In the case of American bison, polecats or elephants, both males and females have been observed courting and mating with others the same sex. In the case of giraffes, 9 out of 10 couplings occur between males. Bonobos form matriarchal societies, where 60% of sexual relations occur between females. In lions, 8% of mating observed are among males, and in the case of dogs, numerous research studies affirm the existence of patterns of homosexual behaviour.

As for birds, all species that form parental relationships do so, to a greater or lesser extent, with members of the same sex. As many as a quarter of black swans are homosexual. Penguins have even struck up same-sex relationships in zoos in different parts of the world. Studies have shown that up to 85% of lesbian pairs are found in populations of western seagulls. And they’re not the only ones. Pigeons, vultures, ibis, lizards, sheep, macaques, hyenas, flies, dragonflies and countless other animal species are challenging the notion that homosexuality is “unnatural”.

Your article claims the site is down, which is why I mentioned amphibians.

I have a great friend, zoologist from Colorado. He helped a certain species of rattlesnake survive, then he and myself worked for years with the Tibetan Mastiff and they are now resurgent. Now he is working with a Brazilian Fish that is one of the oldest species alive and trying to restore them.

He is as atheist as it gets. But he will be the first one to tell you claiming mammals are homosexual is the biggest load of crap and typically has an underlining hidden meaning to it. Like the one making the claim enjoys blowing men and afraid to come out of the closet!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:38 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 07/11/19 12:41 PM

Your article claims the site is down, which is why I mentioned amphibians.

I have a great friend, zoologist from Colorado. He helped a certain species of rattlesnake survive, then he and myself worked for years with the Tibetan Mastiff and they are now resurgent. Now he is working with a Brazilian Fish that is one of the oldest species alive and trying to restore them.

He is as atheist as it gets. But he will be the first one to tell you claiming mammals are homosexual is the biggest load of crap and typically has an underlining hidden meaning to it. Like the one making the claim enjoys blowing men and afraid to come out of the closet!!

I will further this thought. He demonstrated to me something. First of all, and he obviously loves his work to great lengths and detail... but he showed me while we were selecting specific temperaments, build, color for his ideal Tibetan Mastiff...

...that the male dog (btw, the Tibetan Mastiff is the oldest species of Dog that was the first ever to be domesticated from the wolf itself some 50,000 years ago) (and on Vet dog charts, the Tibetan Mastiff is listed as only being 5% yes, they are as much of the wolf as it can get)...

...the male dog has tons of barbs on his penis that when it penetrates the female causes the barbs to swell and the term "stuck" is applied. But, the male's ****/rectum won't allow the male penis to penetrate it. There is a defense mechanism in the males penis that only allows it to penetrate the female but not not the butt of either the male or female.

Of course he believes in Evolution. He claims this is due to 2 specifications.
(1) Natural Selection, because Natural Selection is about reproducing, not about being homosexual.

(2) Inherited Genetics, because genetics are passed down with each litter and there are no homosexual genetics.

And he applies that to human beings as well.

Natural selection is designed for the Species to SURVIVE, not to be attracted to the same sex.

Inherited Genetics come from parents who are not GAY, therefore, their offspring/children are also NOT GAY!!

And since GAY SEX cannot produce babies, babies are not born homosexual!!

That is from an ATHEIST ZOOLOGIST!!

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:46 PM
Edited by iam_resurrected on Thu 07/11/19 12:50 PM
And when you see a male dog humping another male dog, that is an act of DOMINATION, not homosexuality. That is how dogs dominate one another. It's like me saying to another man I am gonna kick your face in punk...and that man walks away because he has been DOMINATED.

This is the same with all mammals. A male Humping another male is DOMINANCE, not a homosexual act!!

In the animal kingdom, that is called embarrassing you in front of the pack!! That very act is to bring shame upon the one being Dominated.

I should have him give me some of his Theories that are now considered Gospel in the world of Zoology!!

He is 86 years old, Charles Radcliffe is his name...

iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:54 PM
His work just on snakes:

Charles W. Radcliffe's research while affiliated with San Diego Zoo and other places


Publications (37)
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Use of the vomeronasal system during predatory episodes by bull snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus)
Sep 2013Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeKent Scudder
Four bull snakes (Pituophis melanoleucus) exhibited a higher rate of tongue flicking after constricting mice than after seeing and/or smelling mice for an equivalent length of time. Accordingly, it was concluded that the act of constriction potentiates chemosensory investigation mediated by the vomeronasal system. A comparably high rate of tongue flicking was also observed after the snakes swallowed a mouse. Since constriction and swallowing both involve grasping prey with the mouth but differ greatly in body postures, it is sug–gested that oral contact with prey (which stimulates the vomeronasal chemoreceptors) is the causative factor in the activation of chemosensory investigation.
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Distance traveled by mice after envenomation by a rattlesnake (C. viridis)
Aug 2013Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
Karen EstepThomas PooleCharles W. Radcliffe[...]David Chiszar
Adult mice (Mus musculus, C3H) envenomated by adult prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) traveled an average of 185.6 cm in an open field prior to becoming immobilized (78 sec). The range of distances traveled by the 20 envenomated mice in this study was 0-676.5 cm. These distances give an indication of the extent of the trailing task that confronts a prairie rattlesnake under natural conditions. Hence, laboratory studies of trailing behavior in rattle-snakes should use trails of at least 180-200 cm if results are to have ecological validity. Of course, data from additional strains of rodents envenomated by additional species of rattlesnakes should be accumulated in order to supplement the information provided here.
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Cover-seeking behavior and ecdysis in red-spitting cobras (Naja pallida)
Aug 2013Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
David ChiszarHobart M. SmithCharles W. RadcliffeJohn L. Behler
During a study of cover-seeking behavior in red-spitting cobras (Naja pallida, N = 11), all but one of the snakes shed. We conducted a post hoc analysis that examined changes in cover-seeking prior to and after shedding, with the result that significant increases in cover-seeking were seen as early as 8 days prior to ecdysis. This corresponds to the time at which the earliest morphological signs of impending ecdysis make their appearance but is well before the time when visual and lingual sensory disruptions should be maximal. Accordingly, we suggest that cover-seeking is not elicited by the sensory disruptions of ecdysis, but that it anticipates them.
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Bushmaster (Lachesis muta) predatory behavior at Dallas Zoo and San Diego Zoo
Apr 2013Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
David ChiszarJames B. MurphyCharles W. RadcliffeHobart M. Smith
Bushmasters (Lachesis muta) that were observed during feeding episodes occasionally released rodents after the predatory strike. For one such episode, we report the presence of a sustained, high rate of tongue-flicking that lasted 136 min. In this paper, we also present photographs showing skin folds that cover the snake’s pits and eyes when a rodent prey was being held following the predatory strike. We suggest that L. muta may occasionally exhibit strike-induced chemosensory searching and trail-following when large (but ingestible) prey are encountered.
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Immobilization of mice following envenomation by cobras (Naja mossambica pallida)
Feb 2013Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
Charles W. RadcliffeThomas PooleFrederic Feiler[...]David Chiszar
Mice (Mus musculus, average weight = 20.8 g), envenomated by red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida), were immobilized significantly sooner if the cobra delivered multiple strikes (3) than if it delivered only a single strike. Many viperid snakes (e.g., rattlesnakes) strike only once per predatory episode, whereas elapids (e.g., cobras) typically strike two to three times. The present study indicates that the number of strikes delivered by cobras is correlated positively with the severity of envenomation and inversely with the probability of losing potential rodent prey. Poststrike behavior of red spitting cobras is discussed, and is compared with that of rattlesnakes.
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Prey recognition learning by red spitting cobras, Naja mossambica pallida
Feb 2013Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
Kathryn StimacCharles W. RadcliffeDavid Chiszar
Eleven ingestively inexperienced red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida; 4 weeks old) failed to respond to food items (neonatal mice, Mus musculus, and live lizards, Sceloporus undulatus). Live prey were inside clean plastic boxes that were placed into snake cages for 5 min. Rate of tongue flicking and number of biting attacks were recorded. The cobras were then offered neonatal mice (but not lizards), and gradually, these prey were accepted. By the end of the 5th week, all snakes had eaten at least one mouse. From this time until the snakes were 10 months old, mice were offered once each week, and most snakes ate each week. Prey recognition tests were conducted again (at 10 months), and the snakes responded to mice but not to lizards (Anolis carolinenesis). It is concluded that increased response to mice between the 1-month and 10-month tests was not based on increased predatory motivation and/or acclimation to the laboratory, because these factors should also produce increased response to lizards. Accordingly, it seems probable that experience with mice resulted in the acquisition of stimulus control by mouse-derived cues over snake predatory behavior (i.e., prey recognition learning).
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Duration of strike-induced chemosensory searching in cottonmouths ( Agkistrodon piscivorus) and test of the hypothesis that striking prey creates a specific search image.
Feb 2011Canadian Journal of Zoology
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeRoy Overstreet[...]Thomas Byers
Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) emitted significantly more tongue flicks after striking rodent prey than after seeing, smelling, and (or) detecting thermal cues from rodent prey. This strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS) persisted for about 70 min. Prey-derived molecules acquired during the strike would not be expected to remain available to the vomeronasal organs for more than 10 min. Hence, the duration of SICS suggests (i) that a central nervous system (CNS) representation of prey is formed as a consequence of the strike and (ii) that this representation or search image has memorylike properties and remains available to guide searching behavior for a longer time than would be expected on the basis of poststrike residuation of chemically induced afference in the vomeronasal system. In experiment II, cottonmouths struck either rodent or fish prey (which were removed immediately after the strike) and 10 min later the snakes were allowed to ingest either a fish or a mouse. When the prey offered for ingestion was the same type as the prey struck, snakes grasped their prey quickly, whereas, in all other conditions, only a few snakes responded quickly and others did so after much longer latencies. It is proposed that CNS representations of fish and mice have some nonoverlapping features and that a disposition to grasp the type of prey that was initially struck endures until these prey-specific features have degraded (presumably through the ordinary process of forgetting).
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Strike Induced Chemosensory Searching in Cobras: (Naja naja kaouthia, N. mossambica pallida)
Apr 2010Ethology
David ChiszarKathryn StimacThomas Poole[...]Hobart M. Smith
Predatory behavior was studied in 11 juvenile red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida) and in subadult monocled cobras (N. n. kaouthia). Both taxa usually struck and released mice (Mus musculus) that were greater than 15 g, whereas neonatal mice were usually held following the strike. Large mice lived for 300–600 s after envenomation and were able to wander away from the site of attack. Snakes located the carcasses through searching behaviors which seemed to utilize chemical and visual cues arising from prey. Both taxa exhibited larger increases in rate of tongue flicking after striking (and releasing) mice than after seeing, smelling, and/or detecting thermal cues arising from mice. Strike-induced chemosensory searching (SICS) in these elapids was similar to behaviors previously described in many viperid species which have specialized on rodent prey. Although adult cobras may abandon the strike-release-trail strategy in favor of holding rodent prey after the strike, the behavior of the present juveniles and subadults was consistent with speculation that SICS is analogous in the Viperidae and the Elapidae.
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Behavioural consequences of husbandry manipulations: indicators of arousal, quiescence and environmental awareness
Dec 1994
David ChiszarW. Thomas TomlinsonHobart M. Smith[...]Charles W. Radcliffe
Research to be described in this chapter was initiated by Conant (1971) when he called attention to the fact that cage-cleaning had arousing effects on numerous species of vertebrates at Philadelphia Zoo. His 1971 article focused exclusively on amphibians and reptiles, but his earliest experience along these lines was with mammals, as related in the following personal communication (1990) reproduced here by permission.
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Zoo and Laboratory Experiments on the Behavior of Snakes: Assessments of Competence in Captive-Raised Animals
Mar 1993Integrative and Comparative Biology
SYNOPSIS. Specific experiments on rattlesnake predatory behavior are described. Specimens of taxa bred in zoos are shown to behave qualitatively like wild-caught congeners, suggesting that the captive-bred animals have the skill necessary to hunt in natural habitats. Frequently, wildcaught conspecifics are unavailable for comparison with captive-raised individuals. Although this comparison is desirable, we must develop research strategies that can proceed without it. The qualitative analytical approach advocated here does this by relying heavily upon the natural history literature and on research with congeneric organisms to provide expectations (predictions) about the performance of captive-raised individuals. Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are discussed. We provide illustrations of its application to several predatory and antipredatory phenomena, and we list a variety of additional potential applications.
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Caudal Luring in the Southern Death Adder, Acanthophis antarcticus
Aug 1990Journal of Herpetology
David ChiszarDonal BoyerRobert Lee[...]Charles W. Radcliffe
In six experiments on captive death adders (Acanthophis antarcticus), caudal movements increased in frequency when prey were nearby, and lizards (Hydrosaurus pustolosus) were attracted to the moving tail. We conclude that caudal movements of A. antarcticus serve a luring function, although they may have other functions as well. Two types of predatory caudal movements occur in death adders, those that are stimulated by prey and those that are occasionally made by snakes when no prey have been detected. The latter are conceptualized as "probes" designed to attract prey that might be out of the snake's view but still able to see the lure.
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Field observations on feeding behavior in an Aruba Island Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus unicolor): strike-induced chemosensory searching and trail following
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Jun 1990Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
Matt GoodeCharles W. RadcliffeKaren EstepR. Andrew Odum
Observed a free-ranging Aruba Island rattlesnake after striking rodent prey and after no-strike presentations. Strike-induced chemosensory searching and trail following were seen after strikes. When a chemical trail was not present following a strike, the S searched extensively near its refuge but never emerged from it. Results suggest that the S was committed to cover, being willing to leave it only when a payoff was reasonably assured by the presence of a prey trail. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Chemical cues used by prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) to follow trails of rodent prey
Feb 1990Journal of Chemical Ecology
David ChiszarTed MelcerRobert Lee[...]David Duvall
Each of 10 prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis) was exposed to three types of trails after striking rodent prey (Mus musculus). One trail was made with mouse urine, another was made with tap water, and the third consisted of materials from mouse integument. The snakes exhibited trailing behavior only when integumentary trails were available. It was concluded that prairie rattlesnakes do not utilize urinary cues; instead they attend to materials associated with rodent skin and fur.
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The Predatory Strike of the Jumping Viper (Porthidium nummifer)
Dec 1989Copeia
David ChiszarCharles W. Radcliffe
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Cover‐seeking behavior in red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida): Effects of tactile cues and darkness
Dec 1986Zoo Biology
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeThomas BoyerJohn L. Behler
Eleven red spitting cobras, Naja mossambica pallida, used clear Plexiglas hiding boxes as frequently as they used dark ones in a successive discrimination paradigm (experiment 1), which indicated that thigmotaxic cues can satisfy the cover-seeking needs of the snakes. In simultaneous discrimination tests, however, dark places were always preferred by the snakes (experiments II, III). Therefore, although thigmotaxic cues are sufficient, these plus darkness constitute a more favorable alternative for N m pallida. The husbandry advantages associated with clear hiding boxes, together with their sufficiency for the snakes, argue strongly for their use in many captive environments.
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Trailing behavior in banded rock rattlesnakes (Crotalus lepidus klauberi) and prairie rattlesnakes (C. viridis viridis).
Nov 1986Journal of Comparative Psychology
David ChiszarCharles RadcliffeFrederic Feiler
Two rattlesnake taxa were compared in a task requiring 12 banded rock rattlesnakes to follow rodent trails. All Ss were wild-caught adults and had been in captivity feeding exclusively on rodents for 2 yrs prior to the present study. Banded rock rattlesnakes are primarily lizard eaters in nature but readily accept rodent prey in captivity. Prairie rattlesnakes are rodent specialists. Snakes of both taxa strike from ambush and typically hold lizards following envenomation, whereas rodents are released and allowed to wander freely while venom takes effect. Rodent carcasses are then located through chemoreception. Results show that the taxa exhibited some similar responses in the rodent trailing task, but C. l. klauberi had scores significantly inferior to those of C. v. viridis on several dependent variables (percent of tongue flicks and time on trail). It is suggested that greater dependence of C. v. viridis on rodents has brought about more effective trailing behavior than is seen in C. l. klauberi. Although it is possible that genetic differences are responsible for these behavioral differences, an alternative argument on the basis of differential early ontogeny cannot be eliminated. (23 ref)
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Trailing behavior in banded rock rattlesnakes (Crotalus lepidus klauberi) and prairie rattlesnakes (C. viridis viridis)
Nov 1986Journal of Comparative Psychology
David ChiszarCharles RadcliffeFrederic Feiler
Two rattlesnake taxa were compared in a task requiring 12 banded rock rattlesnakes to follow rodent trails. All Ss were wild-caught adults and had been in captivity feeding exclusively on rodents for 2 yrs prior to the present study. Banded rock rattlesnakes are primarily lizard eaters in nature but readily accept rodent prey in captivity. Prairie rattlesnakes are rodent specialists. Snakes of both taxa strike from ambush and typically hold lizards following envenomation, whereas rodents are released and allowed to wander freely while venom takes effect. Rodent carcasses are then located through chemoreception. Results show that the taxa exhibited some similar responses in the rodent trailing task, but C. l. klauberi had scores significantly inferior to those of C. v. viridis on several dependent variables (percent of tongue flicks and time on trail). It is suggested that greater dependence of C. v. viridis on rodents has brought about more effective trailing behavior than is seen in C. l. klauberi. Although it is possible that genetic differences are responsible for these behavioral differences, an alternative argument on the basis of differential early ontogeny cannot be eliminated. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Prey Capture Behavior in Nine Species of Venomous Snakes
Sep 1986The Psychological record
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeThomas ByersRebecca Stoops
Prey capture was studied in nine species of venomous snakes. Rodent-specializing rattlesnakes (Crotalus adamanteus, C. enyo, C. ruber, and C. viridis) usually delivered a single envenomating strike when mice wandered into range. The rodent was typically released immediately after the strike and was allowed to wander freely while venom took effect. Lizard-eating rattlesnakes (C. lepidus and C. pricei) also attacked mice, but these snakes delivered multiple strikes during predatory episodes. Cobras (Naja mossambica pallida) delivered multiple strikes and they tended to hold rodents in their jaws after each strike, releasing the.prey only when it exhibited retaliatory biting. These interspecific differences were interpreted as reflecting systematic variation in predatory tactics exhibited by these species in their respective natural environments.
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Observations on Pedal Luring and Pedal Movements in Leptodactylid Frogs
Aug 1986Journal of Herpetology
Charles W. RadcliffeDavid ChiszarKaren Estep[...]Hobart M. Smith
Responses interpreted as luring were seen in six specimens of Ceratophrys ornata. Both hind feet were often involved simultaneously and were held in a vertical position so that the toes were visible over the frog's rear when viewed frontally. The frogs were offered various prey items in sight but out of reach, and predatory responses were recorded for a ten-minute period. Putative luring responses were more frequently emitted to anuran and lizard prey than to cricket or rodent prey, and responses of Ceratophrys differed from those of other leptodactylid predators. Odontophrynus and Caudiverbera did not exhibit luring responses, but their pedal movements suggested that displacement behaviors suitable for elaboration into the display of Ceratophrys might be widespread.
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Trailing Behavior in Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus)
May 1986Journal of Herpetology
David ChiszarCharles RadcliffeRhonda Boyd[...]Frederic Feiler
Upon releasing prey such as large rodents, cottonmouths exhibit strike-induced chemosensory searching, with a sustained, high rate of tongue flicking. Cottonmouths are able to detect the trail or the prey behind a rock (approx 150cm away) even when no strike has occurred.-P.J.Jarvis
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Stimulus control of predatory behaviour in red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida) and prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis)
May 1986Animal Behaviour
Charles W. RadcliffeKaren EstepThomas BoyerDavid Chiszar
Two experiments examined the responses of red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida) to stimulus properties of rodent prey. In experiment 1 cobras exhibited elevated rates of tongue flicking (RTF) and trail-following behaviour after striking mice and after 15-s presentations of visual-chemical-thermal cues arising from mice held just out of striking range. Disturbance with a clean snake hook did not produce similar effects. In experiment 2 these cobras were compared with prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis). All snakes were exposed to five stimulus conditions in their home cages: (1) 3 s of disturbance (D) with a clean snake hook; (2) 15 s of D; (3) 3 s inspection of a live mouse held out of striking range (NS); (4) 15 s of NS; and (5) a presentation of a live mouse inside striking range (S). The snakes always struck in the latter condition, usually within 3 s. Rattlesnakes exhibited elevated RTF only after S, whereas cobras did so after 15 s of both NS and S. The performance of rattlesnakes was consistent with the assumption that these animals are ambushers; that of cobras was consistent with the assumption that these animals are active hunters which will chase and catch visually detected prey.
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Effects of Prey Size on Poststrike Behavior of Juvenile Red Spitting Cobras (Naja mossambica pallida)
Dec 1983Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
Charles W. RadcliffeKathryn StimacHobart M. SmithDavid Chiszar
Juvenile red spitting cobras (Naja mossambica pallida) held small neonatal mice (Mus musculus, 1.8-2.0 g) after striking but released larger mice (5.5-8.0 g). These results agree with data on viperids and suggest that N. m. pallida and perhaps other elapids will be found to exhibit strike-induced chemosensory searching and prey trailing behavior when relatively large rodents are attacked.
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Strike-Induced Chemosensory Searching by Rattlesnakes: The Role of Envenomation-Related Chemical Cues in the Post-Strike Environment
Dec 1982
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeKent M. ScudderDavid Duvall
Rattlesnakes and many other viperids typically strike and release adult rodent prey (Gans, 1966; O’Connell et al., 1982; Radcliffe et al., 1980), allowing the envenomated rodent to wander up to 600 cm before succumbing to the venom (Estep et al., 1981). The snakes then follow the chemical trail left by the envenomated prey. Although this predatory strategy risks losing the prey, it avoids tissue damage that could result from rodent teeth and claws if the snake attempted to hold the struggling prey after the strike. Even some of the deadliest elapids exhibit this strategy when they prey upon rodents (Chiszar et al., under review; Radcliffe et al., 1982; Shine & Covacevich, 1982), indicating that rodents are formidable prey and that the strike-release-trail system probably appeared very early in the evolution of venomous snakes (see Marx & Rabb, 1965, for a discussion of viperid evolution).
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Trailing Behavior in Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis)
Aug 1982Journal of Herpetology
Lisa GolanCharles RadcliffeTracy Miller[...]David Chiszar
Six rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) were observed in four experimental conditions designed to assess ability to follow odoriferous mouse trails. If snakes had not struck mice just prior to being exposed to the trails, then no trailing behavior was observed, whereas trails were followed with precision if the snakes struck mice prior to the tests. Striking led to pronounced elevations in rate of tongue flicking, and the magnitude of this effect did not depend upon presence vs absence of mouse trails in the post-strike environment. However, when a trail was present, the high rate of tongue flicking facilitated locating the trail and following it to the mouse carcass positioned at its end. Once a trail was located, the snake confined its head to within 2 cm of the odoriferous cues, and 75% of the tongue flicks were directed to the trail.
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Strike-induced chemosensory searching in Old World vipers and New World pit vipers
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May 1982Learning & Behavior
David ChiszarClaes AndrénGöran Nilson[...]Charles W. Radcliffe
It is known that striking rodent prey induces a sustained, high rate of tongue flicking in rattlesnakes. The present study shows this phenomenon (called strike-induced chemosensory searching, SICS) to occur in species of rattlesnakes not previously investigated and in two species ofAgkistrodon. SICS occurs in Old World vipers (Eristocophis, Vipera, Bitis), including species which normally hold their prey after striking. A hypothesis is offered which (1) accounts for the occurrence of SICS in these latter species and (2) suggests that SICS in some viperids may have arisen through paedomorphic evolution. More generally, it is concluded that SICS is probably a homologous trait in vipers and pit vipers and that the trait may have first appeared in elapid ancestors of the viperidae.
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Analysis of the behavioral sequence emitted by rattlesnakes during feeding episodes II. Duration of strike-induced chemosensory searching in rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis, C. enyo)
Mar 1982Behavioral and Neural Biology
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeBarbara O'ConnellHobart M. Smith
Eight rattlesnakes (four Crotalus viridis and four C. enyo) were each observed in four experimental conditions: (1) snakes saw, smelled, and detected thermal cues arising from live mice for 3 sec but were not given an opportunity to deliver a predatory strike (the mice were then removed); (2) same as Condition 1, but a strike was permitted at the end of 3 sec (the mice were then removed); (3) same as Condition 2, but the envenomated, dead mice were left in the snakes' cages so that ingestion occurred; and (4) same as Condition 3, except that a second mouse was introduced (as in Condition 2) after the first was consumed. The dependent variable was the rate of tongue flicking (RTF) which was recorded for 315 min, beginning 5 min prior to each condition. A high RTF followed each predatory strike, but not the no-strike mouse presentation of Condition 1. In Condition 2, snakes continued searching for the envenomated mice for 150 min poststrike. Ingestion terminated the high RTF in Condition 3, but a second strike reinitiated high RTF in Condition 4. In the latter condition, snakes continued chemosensory searching for 105 min after the second strike. In Conditions 2 and 4, snakes remained attentive even after they quit chemosensory searching because a 3-sec, no-strike presentation of a live mouse (presented at least 120 min after RTF had returned to baseline) resulted in a reinitiation of tongue flicking. This did not happen after Conditions 1 and 3. Implications of these data for mechanisms mediating strike-induced chemosensory searching are discussed.
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Effects of Chemical and Visual Stimuli upon Chemosensory Searching by Garter Snakes and Rattlesnakes
Oct 1981Journal of Herpetology
David ChiszarShannon V. TaylorCharles W. Radcliffe[...]Barbara O'Connell
Many studies indicate that chemical cues activate garter snake feeding behavior whereas visual and/or thermal stimuli do so for rattlesnakes. However, no experiments have factorially combined chemical and visual cues for either of these taxa. The present work explored possible interactive effects of these stimuli on rate of tongue flicking (RTF) in garter snakes (Thamnophis radix haydeni) and rattlesnakes (Crotalus e. enyo, C. v. viridis, and Sistrurus catenatus tergeminus). In Experiments 1 and 2 snakes were exposed to four conditions representing an orthogonal combination of presence vs. absence of visual and chemical stimuli arising from prey. RTF was recorded for 5 min under each condition. Garter snakes exhibited a significant elevation in RTF in the presence of chemical cues whether or not visual cues were present. There was also an effect of visual cues but no interaction between visual and chemical cues. Rattlesnakes did not respond to chemical cues; these snakes showed only an effect of visual cues. In Experiment 3, rattlesnakes were again observed as above, with the exception that test sessions were of 10 min duration. Behavior during the first 5 min was identical to that seen in Experiment 2, but during min 6-10 the snakes responded more in the condition containing visual plus chemical cues than in any other condition. Visual stimuli alerted rattlesnakes to the presence of potential prey and gave rise to elevated RTF which subsequently allowed these predators to utilize chemical cues that happened to be available. Hence, garter snakes and rattlesnakes use both chemical and visual information but differ in the sequence in which these stimuli are used.
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Strike-Induced Chemosensory Searching in Rattlesnakes (Crotalus Viridis) as a Function of Disturbance Prior to Presentation of Rodent Prey
Dec 1980The Psychological record
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeBarbara O'ConnellHobart M. Smith
Reports that 6 prairie rattlesnakes ( C. viridis) exhibited higher rates of tongue flickering after striking and envenomating a mouse than after seeing, smelling, or detecting the warmth of a mouse. Thus, chemosensory searching subserved by the vomeronasal system was activated consequent to the delivery of a successful predatory strike. This effect was not observed when Ss were disturbed just prior to being exposed to mice. The same kinds of disturbance did not interfere with strike-induced chemosensory searching in specimens of Crotalus (C.) enyo, which are characteristically less likely than C. viridis to exhibit ritualized defensive patterns (RDPs) consequent to disturbance. Thus, for C. enyo the predatory reaction chain appears to be immune or closed to at least some disturbing influences and runs to completion once initiated by a strike. For C. viridis, on the other hand, the chain is vulnerable to interference, probably because cues which elicit RDPs receive attentional priority. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Strike-Induced Chemosensory Searching in Rattlesnakes (Crotalus enyo) as a Function of Disturbance Prior to Presentation of Prey
Nov 1980Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeBarbara O'ConnellHobart M. Smith
Rattlesnakes (Crotalus enyo) exhibited higher rates of tongue flicking after striking and envenomating a mouse than after seeing, smelling, or detecting the warmth of a mouse. Thus, chemosensory searching subserved by the vomeronasal system is activated consequent to the delivery of a successful predatory strike. Furthermore, this effect was observed even when the rattlesnakes were disturbed (by handling or transportation to a new environment) just prior to being exposed to mice. Hence, activation of chemosensory searching by a predatory strike appears to be an unconditional or obligate response in C. enyo; at the very least we conclude that the response is unaltered by defensive reactions induced by handling. This, in turn, suggests that predatory behavior in C. enyo is a closed response chain such that release of the first element (striking) strongly predisposes the snake to engage in the next element (chemosensory searching) which brings the snake into contact with its dead prey so that cues arising from it can release swallowing. Once the chain is activated it goes to completion, and the only "choice point" is at the first step (i.e., the snake may "decide" whether or not to strike a mouse, but once a strike has been made the snake appears to be obligated to execute the rest of the chain).
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Effects of prey size on poststrike behavior in rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus, C. enyo, and C. viridis)
Nov 1980Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
Charles W. RadcliffeDavid ChiszarBarbara O'Connell
Rattlesnakes of three taxa (Crotalus durissus, C. enyo, and C. viridis) struck and released large rodent prey but held smaller rodents in their jaws after striking. The specimens of C. enyo were clearest in this regard; almost all large prey were released, and all small prey were held. This finding is consistent with the fact that large rodents are more dangerous to rattlesnakes than are small rodents. Accordingly, it appears that rattlesnakes have evolved differential predatory strategies for dealing with prey of varying size. Speculation is offered about the manner in which these respective strategies are activated or selected during predatory episodes.
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A Descriptive Analysis of Predatory Behavior in the Yellow Lipped Sea Krait (Laticauda colubrina)
Oct 1980Journal of Herpetology
Charles W. RadcliffeDavid A. Chiszar
This sea krait remains inactive following a strike on an eel, presumably to remain near the envenomed eel's burrow.-P.J.Jarvis
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Simultaneous and successive discriminations between envenomated and nonenvenomated mice by rattlesnakes (Crotalus durissus and C. viridis)
Aug 1980Behavioral and Neural Biology
David ChiszarDavid DuvallKent ScudderCharles W. Radcliffe
Rattlesnakes of two species (Crotalus durissus and C. viridis) discriminated between envenomated and nonenvenomated mice when the two kinds of mice were presented in simultaneous discrimination tests. The snakes spent more time investigating the former mouse, and they selected it more frequently than the latter. The present study showed that the ability of these rattlesnakes to make this discrimination did not change when the two stimulus items were presented successively (1 week apart). Accordingly, the discrimination is not based on a contrast effect requiring direct comparison of the two stimulus mice. It is proposed that rattlesnakes possess an internal representation of an envenomated mouse which guides searching and choice behavior.
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Rate of Tongue Flicking by Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) during Prolonged Exposure to Various Food Odors, and Strike-Induced Chemosensory Searching by the Cantil (Agkistrodon bilineatus)
Dec 1978Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
David ChiszarLorna SimonsenCharles RadcliffeHobart M. Smith
Experiment I showed that cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) explored a clean novel environment with a higher tongue flick rate than can be attributed to the effects of handling which attend transportation to the novel environment. Furthermore, exploration of the novel environment was accentuated if it contained odors derived from fish mucus but not if it contained mouse odors. Experiment II showed that high rates of tongue flicking are emitted by cantils (Agkistrodon bilineatus) after striking rodent prey. We conclude that fish odors are capable of directly activating chemosensory searching in Agkistrodon but that mouse odors only do so when they are perceived in the course of striking. Fish odors may be more salient to these snakes than mouse odors. 1979.
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Preference for envenomated rodent prey by rattlesnakes
Dec 1977Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
David DuvallDavid ChiszarJeanne TrupianoCharles W. Radcliffe
Adult specimens of several rattlesnake species which struck and envenomated a mouse or that did not have an opportunity to strike were allowed to choose between an envenomated mouse and a mouse manually killed by the experimenter. Only rattlesnakes that struck a mouse made a choice, and the envenomated mouse was selected most frequently. Odor cues emanating from the envenomated mouse and/or remembrance of taste or odor cues briefly experienced during the strike probably mediated eventual selection of the envenomated mouse, and may represent important components of the stimulus configuration releasing swallowing once dead prey are located. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Analysis of the behavioral sequence emitted by rattlesnakes during feeding episodes. I. Striking and chemosensory searching
Oct 1977Behavioral Biology
David ChiszarCharles W. RadcliffeKent M. Scudder
Rattlesnakes exhibited an elevated rate of tongue flicking after striking a mouse. This chemosensory searching process probably aids the snake in locating its dead or dying prey when movement cues are no longer produced. Seeing, smelling, and detecting thermal cues arising from a live mouse were not sufficient to produce the increase in the tongue-flick rate; the mouse must be struck. After striking a mouse, rattlesnakes also showed some degree of inhibition against striking a second mouse for as long as 20 min. Hence, “switching on” the chemosensory searching process involves “switching off” (at least partially) the striking system.
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Absence of prey-chemical preferences in newborn rattlesnakes (Crotalus cerastes, C. enyo, and C. viridis)
Sep 1977Behavioral Biology
David ChiszarCharles W. Radcliffe
Cotton swabs soaked in water or in extracts of surface substances from two prey organisms (lizard, mouse) and five nonprey organisms (cricket, garter snake, fish, salamander, worm) were presented for 60 sec to 17 ingestively naive neonatal rattlesnakes (six Crotalus cerastes, five C. enyo, and six C. viridis). No rattlesnake struck any cotton swab. Mean tongue flick rate was not significantly greater when prey odors were presented than when control swabs or nonprey odors were presented. Additional tests were conducted with small skin patches from two prey and two nonprey organisms (lizard, mouse, cricket, fish). Six C. cerastes did not strike any of these items, and the mean rates of tongue flicking emitted to the four skin patches did not differ significantly.
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Rate of tongue flicking by rattlesnakes during successive stages of feeding on rodent prey
Apr 1976Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society
David ChiszarCharles W. Radcliffe
Two specimens of each of 3 species of rattlesnakes ( Crotalus enyo enyo, C. durissus culminatus, and Crotalus vegrandis) exhibited no tongue flicking prior to striking live mice during a regular feeding session. All Ss flicked their tongues at high rates (more than 20 flicks/min) between striking and commencement of swallowing. Also, frequent tongue flicking (10 to 15 flicks/min) was seen for about 15 min after swallowing. Data indicate that well-acclimated, captive rattlesnakes do not rely on the Jacobson's organ to detect prey or to guide predatory attack, but that they do use this sensory system to locate prey after striking. Since an envenomated rodent may wander several meters prior to dying, Jacobson's organ may be very important in finding such prey. It is also of interest that renewed tongue flicking occurs after swallowing. A hypothesis is offered concerning the role of the latter behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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iam_resurrected's photo
Thu 07/11/19 12:57 PM
Anyways, he is considered top dog scientist/zoologist and he claims animal homosexuality is a load of crap!!